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The Crown prince of the demon clan had accepted the name Wang Fuhan but refuse to be the adopted son of the Jade Emperor, though princess Huaxiang didn't have much of a choice since she was born with no evil aura. Just this morning a Phoenix visited princess Huaxiang . Not any ordinary phoenix but the Phoenix that serve Empress Yehua through thick and thin. After the visit, she had her fortune read. She was going to be empress and whenever or wherever she led, it was bound to be successful. In other word, she was future empress of the Nine heavens.

It was big news. The view of the demon clan changed over night, the palace was reconstructed to a bigger size as well. While the 4 sea and 8 land were celebrating the birth of the new empress, I snuck out with my boys to play.

We went back onto earth, by the water where I first took Zhecheng and Zheyuan to play.

"Wow!!! Look look. The water is still so pretty." Zheyuan said.

"See this makes me miss my sister."

I forgot about her. I should go and find her. She is the only daughter of Zhelan, so she'd be my daughter as well.

"We've been gone for 10 days now, she should be 12 by now."

"Eh?? 12 years. No no mom. She's only 2."

They didn't understand. I had summon Queen Soyi to meet me at that spot a day before.

"Goddess, you've summon me."

"How is the little pearl doing?" I question her.

"He's well, he final woken up."

"That's good." I nood my head.

"The reason I called for you was because I wanted to know how your son is doing. I also wanted to find a friend for my sons. They're good now but as the grow, their view on the world will change."

Queen Soyi tilt hr head to look at Zheyuan and Zhecheng before speaking.

"My son is abit their age, maybe a little younger."

"I have a request." I told her. " there's someone I must go find, can you stay with them? It won't be long."

She agreed. I rush out to find Xiaoxin, my daughter. It didn't take long before I found her. She was living in the palace still with the posses Liyu.

"Mother, eat, if you don't they'll come back for you. If they do, you won't have any energy."

I watch as Liyu shook her head no and push the food back to Xiaoxin.

"No, I'm very energized, you're still young, you have to stay alive."

I saw Xiaoxins tear fall.

"Mother, Goddess Changxi will come save us."

"Of course." Liyu said as she gasp for air. "Should I tell you the story again?"

Xiaoxin place a smiled onto her lips though they were trembling.

"About 7 years ago, when I nearly killed Goddess Changxi, she didn't attack me, instead, she ran away, afraid she'd hurt me. Though she didn't say anything, I knew from the look in her eyes." Liyu cough harshly. "Do you still have that letter I gave you?" Liyu asked Xiaoxin

"I do"

"Good, if one day she comes, give this letter to her, she'll know what to do."

Before Xiaoxin was going to pull the letter out, two witches burst in.

"Let's go." One of the witches said.

"NO! Don't take my mother, she's to weak, take me instead." Xiaoxin said.

But they only push her away, someone as small as you, cannot take your mother's place. Besides, a goddess can't produce the power we need.

"Why do you keep calling me a goddess. Im not, please just let me go in my mother's stead."

"Xiaoxin! Close your mouth." Liyu demanded.

"Let's go." Liyu stood up with the rest of her energy. As she turn away, I saw Liyu's eye turn a solid black just like my dream.

The door closed leaving Xiaoxin by herself as she sobs.

"Goddess Changxi, if you can hear my prayer, please come save me. I'm so scared."

Unlike all the other times, I didn't get a burst of energy, I couldn't hear her prayers.

"Child, are you really Xiaoxin?" I talked to her.

She sat up. I could tell she was scared as she scoot back into her chair.

"I am Xiaoxin, who's there."

"You've grown so much." I said as I showed myself to her. She was a little perplex along with fright mixed into it.

"Are you..." she stopped and looked away. "Are you a witch?"

I felt so sorry for her and I felt like I did her wrong. She was far to innocent at the time, and I left her.

"It was all my fault." I said. " I should've took you with me."

She stood up from her chair with her eyes widen.

"Are you goddess Changxi?"

"Come here." I said as I spread my arms open. She came running to me as she hugs me.

"I thought I'd never see you again."

"I'm so sorry."

Quickly Xiaoxin took a step back. From her sleeve she pulls out a letter.

"Is this the letter?"

"How did you know?"

"I... I was standing her before the witches came." I quickly went back to topic. "Let me read this."

It was a letter from Liyu, it was her last breath and her will. She knew she was going to die so she wrote the letter pleading me to take care of Xiaoxin in her stead. She even wrote about all the horrible things she did to me and ask if I could over look those incident and take Xiaoxin with me.

Even if she didn't ask, I was going to take Xiaoxin either way.

"Let's go." I said as I took her hand.

"What about my mother?"

"We have to go now, I'll explain it on the way."

"No we have to bring my mother along." Xiaoxin begin to raise her voice with every single no. It had alerted the witches. I didn't have time to calm her so I cast a sleeping spell on her and carried her out.

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