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For the past few months I couldn't take my eyes off of my children's. Though they have already grown so big, they were just babies to me.

"Mother, it's okay. Where we are going is only in the next town. It's only a days travel." Zheyuan tried to comfort me.

"Mother, you've been really sensitive these past few month. Is everything alright?" Zhecheng asked.

"It's nothing. It's just I sense a lot of danger ahead. I'm just worried." But honestly, it was time. I had to go back.

I was in the middle of chopping veggie, making a sort of porridge and stir fry, packing them for their trip tomorrow morning.

"Remember, don't wonder off to far from your destination, listen to your sister well and into of that don't ever draw your sword for any reason, only if your life is at risk."

"I know, I know. Mother, you've told us many times."

"Then you should know the consequences of you disobey."

They all shook their head. But what they didn't know was that this meal is the last meal I can give them.

"Here." I said. I took a out a couple of necklaces and gave each of them one. "I don't know what has gotten to me but wear these, that way I'd know wether you all are safe or not."

I watch as they all put it on.

"Xiaoxin, I place yours on a silver necklace because you're a women. A women looks better in silver than gold." I said.

"Mother, what are these?" Zhecheng asked.

"They're stars. I picked them from the sky and place them in a glass bead for you all."

"A star?" Zhecheng spoke.

"I hand made these myself. Look, I have one too." I showed them as I pull the bead forward. My star shine brightly and soon theirs did too.
"When I miss one of you, your star will glow."

"Mother, they're so pretty. It was as if they're really stars." Zheyuan said as he held the bead in his hands.

"Now sleep. You have a long journey ahead of you tomorrow." I told them.

"Yes mother." They all said in union.

The night grew long as I one by one enter their room, looking at them as they slept peacefully.

"My child, how I wish you knew how heartbroken i am to leave the three of you behind. If the heaven do allow me, I will certainly come back for you three but if circumstance do not allow so, I will always watch you three from above." I slowly stroke Zhecheng hair back as tears endlessly fell from my eyes.

I couldn't sleep that night as i look back at all the memories of them as a child up to this very moment.Before i knew it, the sun had already peak into the sky. The sky was a dark orange as that faded into a blue. it was already time for them to get up and look for their breakfast so i quickly whip something together and soon enough one by one, they woke up to look for their breakfast.

"Mother, you're always awake first, don't you ever want to sleep in?"

"I do, but I just cant." I respond.

After they all ate and freshen up, they all head out. in the distance they all walked, having fun while i was outside waving them bye for i couldn't tell them directly. I walk back into the house where i got ready. I knew from the moment i ran away, i had to go back to help with the war. I didn't have an option.

After i change into my armor, i went outside where Wanglong and a couple of soldiers stood.

"Are you ready?" Wanglong asked

"I would usually say i am but this time, i don't think i'm ready."

I took a deep sigh as i turn in the direction my children walk towards then i turn back.

"Lets go." I said. in a flash, a bolt of lightning came and took us away.


"Hey Zhecheng, did you grab the lunch off the table?"

"I thought you did."Zhecheng respond to Xiaoxin.

"Oh come on!!" Xiaoxin threw her hands into the air.

Suddenly there was a flash in the sky. They all jump in surprise.

"It's not going to rain is it?"Zheyuan spoke as he looks up into the sky.

"Maybe this trip should be saved for later this week." Zhecheng said as he held his hands out to feel the rain.

"Maybe we should." Xiaoxin said.

(In the 9heavens)

"Changxi, you've ran away for acouple of weeks now, do you have anything to say?" The Jade Emperor said in rage.

"I don't." I reply. My parents were present and unlike other times, they nearly killed me.

"That's why I'm back. I came to receive my punishment." I continued.

"What were you doing on earth anyways?"  The emperor asked.

"Me? I went to go watch the love of humans. How to mourn and long for a lost love. I sketched it on paper and each night, I look at them and try to understand."

"And why would you do that?"

"I'm the future empress, shouldn't I have a little compassion?"

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