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I was throwing a couple of fist into the air, grunting as I was showing some basic moves.

"You look like your still in shape." Yuwang called to me.

"It has been thousands of year since i fought a battle." I thought for a second before i spoke. "Would you like to practice with me?" I offered Yuwang.

I swung my sword as he blocks my attack. The swords clang against one another as he quickly attack back. The sound of metal banged against one another, as swings were exchanged. After awhile, i begin to slow down as his attack came at me stronger than the one before.Finally, it took one strong blow from Yuwang to send me flying back as the sword went flying out of my hand.

I slam against the pillar and fell on the ground. I heard steps flying towards me, exhausted, i didn't try to look at the person running. I knew it was Yuwang.

"Changxi, are you okay?"

I let out a sigh. He came to my side and look at me. I saw the look on his face, and i couldn't help but laugh.

"Whats so funny?" Yuwang asked.

"I haven't had such and exhausting fight in a long long time."

I look up to the sky and thought about all of the old memories i haven't look at in a while.

"How are you and your lady doing?" I asked.

" My lady?" His head tilt in confusion before recalling. He then let out a sigh and laid down next to me.

"My lady. Shes doing wonderful, thought she doesn't open up to people easily, shes doing wonderful. I think about now, she should be getting sleepy."

"I saw her last time but i didn't see her face. Its a pity, she looked beautiful."

"She is. I remember the first time i meet her."

"You're lucky. I think I've lived for too long, i cant seem to remember a thing."

"Do you remember the first time you meet me?" He ask me. I look over to him and I can see in his eyes he wants me to remember.

"Of course I do. It was when I first danced for you. My father spoke to much that day." I continued speak as I stare back into the sky.

"Will you ever have space in your heart?" He ask bluntly.

I turn to look at him as i let a sigh out. 

"Yuwang. You shouldn't try to love me because I probably won't have that space."

"Why? Is there something wrong with me? Or do you already have another lover?" He ask as he quickly but quietly sit up.

"You're right." I respond to him as i remain laying down. "I do have a lover. I had a painful love, one that I don't think I can forget." I let out a deep sigh as my eyes watered. "We are Gods, we are destined by the rock of three incarnations, that how we will come to be." I said as i look over to Yuwang. "But any other relationship are all ill fated." 

"Perhaps... you..." he's eyes were going to pop out if he open them any wider.

"For the thousand of years I was gone, I underwent many heavenly trials, experiencing the hardship of the mortal world, falling in love countless times just to wake back up as a goddess, forgetting it all."

"Changxi, did you really fall in love with a mortal." Yuwang said as a little saddness could be heard lingering in his words.

"I did. His name is Zhelan, the abandon prince of the nation, we fell in love, he gave me everything, but when his nation called him back, he returned. But he never forgot me."

Yuwang was speechless. Unsure of what to say, Yuwang turned away.

"I watch him die. Though I couldn't be with him forever, I think our love was the best."

"You really fell in love."

"Of course. I wouldn't stay if it wasn't love." I replied to him as I begin to spacing out.

Then something block my view and I felt something soft land on my lips. It was when i made Yuwang changed position that i realize i was being kissed. There was so much force in the kiss, in a moment, one of his hand support me up into a sitting position. My eyes were wide open in shock but it felt good. I couldn't remember the last time a man had touch me.

It was like I was bewitched, my body moved on it's own. My arms wrap around him and he pulled me closer. Our lips locked in perfectly with one another as we couldn't stop this feeling.

What am I doing? I'm a highly respected Goddess, I shouldn't do this here.

I slowly pulled back as I made eye contact with him. His eyes reflected the  little light that flicker in the area. I knew those eyes, it was the same look Zhelan gave me when he confessed his love for me. Dose he like me that much? I begin to wonder. My heart begin to race as it ache to his look. I stood up and dust myself off of the dirt.

I took a step forward and cleared my throat.

"Yuwang. After this war I will be officially wed to you. I don't know what you did but I...." I felt my heart shake. "I have to keep practicing."

I left. He remained on the ground, sitting on the ground where we had our first kiss and a smile crept onto his face. He was happy.
"Are you sure this is the place?" Xiaoxin asked as she heaved, trying to catch her breath.

"I think so. Look." Zhecheng said as he pointed towards the palace gate.

"South." Zhecheng read the sign on top of the giant door. "This should be the southern gates of the palace, and here," he said as he point to the tree that shield them from the scorching sun. "Is the tallest tree there is in the distance."

"Yeah. But where's the pond?" Zheyuan ask. "He said that from this tree is a pond and on the other side..." Zheyuan came to an halt in his speech. Slowly Zheyuan and Zhecheng grab their sword while Xiaoxin pull the sting to her bow and sent an arrow in the direction of the noise.

In the distance, right next to where the arrow landed there was a loud gasp. The brothers quickly ran that direction as they had their sword out.

"Who's there?"they called out, within seconds, the both of them held their sword against a lady's neck.

"Who are you?" Zheyuan said.

"Please. Don't kill me." Her voice was shaking as he covered her head. She was dress in light cloth with rips and holes all over. Her hair was up in a mess as there was a thick layer of dirt covering her. "Don't kill me." She said again in a quieter voice.

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