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I realize the meaning behind it all. The reason why i wasn't drowning, why my clothe was wet but i wasn't. My heart twist and turn, as i collapse to the ground.

"Let me at least watch them grow. Just until they turn 18."

You've been gone for thousands of years. I-

"Then another 18 year wont hurt." I said with authorities in my voice.

The guy dress in green had his eyes wide open. He was in disbelief, he couldn't utter a word.

Lady Li..

" Changxi's the name."

a simple smile was showed across his face

Changxi shen sheng(神上), you're finally back.

"Wanglong(四海龍王) What are you doing here?"

I've come to take you back home. You are to be  married to the the crown prince of the 9 heavens.

" I know"

You know?

I look the dragon king in the eyes.

" Why do you think i ran away."

The dragon king was quite.

" Leave me, i want to be alone."

Tears fell from my eyes endlessly, i realize that the life i live was but only a couple of weeks of this long dull life i was going to live. the love i had to fight for, the pain of child birth in which i had not been able to hold and adore was all in vain. It was something that i could not have.Everything was just a dream, a dream i was never going to have again.

My eyes flutter open. I was back to my dull life. Next to me was my mother and afew of her maids. I just wanted to close my eyes and return.

"Changxi, you're awake! Quick! Call the doctor!" My mother demanded.
"You've been gone for thousands of years. Where have you been?" Mother as as she gently took my hand in hers. I look her in the eye and slowly retrieve my hand from her.
"I'm tired, leave me."

My mothers wouldn't leave but eventually left when i wouldn't respond to her.

I lock myself in my room. I couldn't cry, I brung this upon myself, I knew that if I was to get into a relationship outside of fate, it was an ill relationship. But what was I to do now? My sky had no star, there was no God for me to pry to, no freedom, no where I wanted to be. This house I live in is no longer my home, this family gave me a different kind of happiness, different from the one Zhelan gave. Even though he could only go so far he gave me everything I wish and didn't wish for. He gave me his life. I snap my finger and a blue screen appear before me. It was Zhelan watching over my boys. I wanted to cry but no tears would come, I could only watch

Zhelan had stayed up all night watching the children while the maids stood guard.

I know i'm dead in the human world, but i cant help but say a proper goodbye.

Then i thought about it. A day in heaven is a year on earth. i had lock myself in my room, no one will know. I'll be back before the candle dies.

I made my way into the palace that night, i had used an invisible spell so no one could see me. I headed towards Zhelan's chamber. The children were sound asleep as was Zhelan, i watch them, i long to be with them again but i know it would only be trouble.

The candles were flickering, and the night was quite, i found myself getting sleepy. Then my sense pick up a small movement, at first i thought it was just Zhelan shifting in bed since it was a habit of his, but then there was a creek to the movement. I focus my eyesight since my eyes could barely open, at the entrance of the room, a maid came creeping in.

"What is she doing?" I thought to myself. The invisibility spell was still active so i didn't dear utter a word. I got a closer look at her and she was drown in sweat, she look scared as her face lost all its color. Little by little she crept in closer as she reach into her large sleeve pulling out small porcelain bottle.

"I just have to drop a drop of poison in their milk." The maid whisper under her breath. 

"Posion?" I repeated after her in a low voice.

"Who's there?" The maid spoke in a loud startled voice which awoken the Zhelan.

"Who's there?" Zhelan spoke in a harsh voice. The maid turn to run but came to a stop at the door. She did a full 180 turn before pulling out a dagger. Her hands shook still she aimed for the Zhelan. When Zhelan realize he was being assassinated He reach for his sword but he wasn't fast enough. I used my magic to stop the dagger from entering his body, a last second shield. I ran over to the maid and with a swing of my hand, the maid went flying back as the dagger went clattering on the ground.

I turn to look at Zhelan, to see is he was okay but i didn't realize he was standing right behind me. I nearly bump into him, startled i had to look up to him to meet his eye. It took me a second to realize he was also looking at me.

"Yu'er" He called me in a broken voice.

It was then that i saw my reflection in his eye. and it was then that i cast another invincibility spell and disappear before him.

"Yu'er ....." he calmly called to me as his eyes quickly scan the room for me.

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