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"We've been wrongly accused!!" Several palace maid, eunuch, and soldiers were crying out of pain as they were tied down to the chair.

"Tell me, who order the act!" The King commanded.

All of the maid and soldiers insisted they were innocent and that they knew nothing about it. I watch them cry next to the king, although no one knew i was there. Caught up in my own thought of who could have done such thing, the king storm away, leaving behind orders.

"Keep interrogating them until they confess"

Zhelan headed straight towards the boys. Zhelan brush pass the ministers, ignore all the ruckus of the palace and even his crown princess. The closer Zhelan got to the boys chamber, the louder their cries could be heard, my heart nearly leap out of my chest as their cry grew louder and louder so i ran ahead.

Both cloth in gold, cried. The maid set to watch them could not stop their cry. It was only until I reach the boys side they stop, as soon as maid sigh in relief  Zhelan came through the door. The maid smiled.

"Your Highness, just until now the two prince would not stop crying. They must have known you were coming and not want to stress you." The maid said happily.

Zhelan and I smiled, with a simple nod, the maid left.

Now the room was quite. There was Zhelan, the boys and myself. I was quietly patting one of the boys when the kings hand was place where mines was.

"I'm afraid the reason they stop crying was that their mother was here. "

Though i was sure i was  invisible I felt as if he knew I was in the room.

"Are you here right now?" he asked.

I laugh a bit. For a second I thought he gone crazy for he has an habit of talking to himself.

"I know you're here. I saw Hei'ers blanket moving. You were the reason they stop crying."

I froze. I turn to look at him.

"Come back to me."

My heart throb. As I continue to stare at him, his eyes widen. He took a big breath as he ran towards me.

"I knew you weren't dead!" 

He hugged me tighter then ever. My heart tore abit, it made me realize that i wasn't as bright as i thought i was. My eyes begin to water as i hugged him back.

"Yu'er" there was so much sadness in his voice. I couldn't respond. I was afraid that if i did respond, i would end up crying.

"I knew you were going to come back to me." 

"What am I suppose to do?" I ask him

He look at me. I tried to hold back my tears but one by one the tears fell.

"It's okay to cry." He comfort me but i knew we both needed comfort and answers. He led me to the chair by the window before he said anything. After a few long moments, he finally asked me;

"How are you here? I know I pulled your body from the water."

"Water? I drowned?"

"Yes, Lady Yu was jealous that you gave birth to two sons for me and had push you into the water." 

"I don't remember any of that. The last thing i could remember was that i had given birth to our sons and i passed out. " i replied.

"That was a couple of months ago, how can that be possible. It was only less than a week ago since I pulled your body out. How can you not know?"

I look him in the eyes, I had no answer to give him.

"It's okay, its best not to remember such incident." He quickly dismiss the conversation. He got up.

"Don't you have more question to ask me?" I blunt out.

"I have so many question going through my head right now, but I'll wait until you're ready to open up to me. Do you have any question?"

"I have many, but I'm just worried that once you know the truth about me, you'll not see me the same." I said in a worried voice. My heart was racing. What if he really end up not likening me? Has he only love me for my beauty? No way, we've been through thick and thin.

"Don't think too much." He told me. "No matter what you are, wither your a witch or a monster, you're the only one for me."

I smile at him sweetly, knowing that no matter what, he'll still love me.

"Heiqi and Baijiu. "

I smiled.
"Such beautiful names. They're names balance each other out."

"That's their nickname. I was still pondering on an official name for them. What do you think?"

"Names. That's the job of the king." i smiled as i got up to hug him.

"Okay.." he said, then thought for a second. 

"I'll tell you once I came up with some names."

"Zhelan....actually..." I said catching the kings attention. "I'm...."

"It was you last night right?" He asked. I stared at him before nodding my head.

 I want to hide the fact that i was a goddess yet i wanted to tell him. He deserve to know but he doesn't believe these God and Goddess stuff.

"That's all I need to know." He then turn around to the boys who were now asleep.


He stop in his steps toward the boys.

"No matter how much I think about it, I think you should know." I was a bit nervous.

"You never call me by my name unless you did something very wrong" he spoke as he was still looking at the boys.

That was it, I had done something so wrong and that was meeting him. It was my fault that he was now going to suffer the consequences he should not have.

" I will constantly be going back and forth. I'll be gone for months and be back only for a few hours at a time."

"Where are you going?" He ask. I could tell his heart nearly pop out of his body. I look him in the eye hoping he'd understand.

"Have you heard that a year on earth is only a mere day in heaven."

"Yu'er, you know I don't believe in those stuff."

"Can you try?"

"Yu're, I'm not understanding."

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