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Xiaoxin woke up in a bed of grass. Her head was still a little hazed but she remember one thing for sure and that was Goddess Changxi left her mother with those witches.

"How could you?" Xiaoxin question me. I didn't know how to tell it to her but I had to some how.

"Xiaoxin you can be mad all you want but I have to tell you this. That thing you called mother is not your mother." I hesitate. "Your mother... she left for a better place a long time ago."

"She what?"

I took a deep breath. I walk to where she was and sat down.

"Have you ever heard about heaven?"

Xiaoxin shook her head no.

"Heaven is a place where good people go after they die. There, they live for a very loge time, looking over the people they love."

"Then will i go to heaven and see mom too?"

"Yes, i will take you there." I replied with a smile.

"Did your mother tell you who I was?" I asked her. She look forward as she thought but quickly shook her head no.

"All my mother told me was that you're Changxi, owner of the moon and creator of the stars."

"So your mother didn't tell you that I was once- you know what, its okay, things were a little complicated."

I patted her head in a comforting way.

"I was married to your father at one point, I gave him two son, your two brothers. A lot of things happen and I had to leave your father. I had your mother marry your father because your parents were meant to be together."

"My brothers? I have brothers! " She question me.

I shook my head yes.

"They're with me.  Do you want to meet them?" 

She looks into her palms and shook her head no. She was disgusted at the fact that she was covered in dirt and let out a sigh.

"I don't have any place to call home anymore." A tear drop from her eye.

"You do, with me. You'll live with me, you'll be the bigger sister to your brothers."

"But, what if they don't want to be my brothers because i'm dirty. And I don't even know their names."

"Mother!!! Can we come over to you now?" Zhecheng called out.

Xiaoxin whip her head around to find Zhecheng and Zheyuan running our way. Her eyes widen.

"Hi!!!!" Zheyuan scream to Xiaoxin.

Xiaoxin waved her hand to Zheyuan and she look at me for further instruction.

It didn't take long or much effort for Xiaoxin to take everything in nor warm up to them.


"Here, I made a bath for you. You can take a bath by yourself right?" I asked Xiaoxin.

She nodded but I can see she was unsure.

"I usually take a bath with my mother." She said in a low voice.

"Do you want me to take the bath with you then?"

She shook her head no.

"Okay then. I'll go get you some clothe. There's a maid here, If you need anything, she can help you."


I turn to leave. Just as I reach for the door knob she stopped me.

"Goddess, how should I address you?"

"Mmmm, how about mother. It's only right since you're Zhelan's only daughter."

She nods her head and proceed to the bath.

I left her alone.

It wasn't long before one on the many guards came to get me.

"Lady Changxi, Prince Yuwang came to see you."

"I'll be right there."

I let out a sigh. As I walk to see him, he was holding a lady in his hand.

"Your highness." I call to him as I bow in respect.

"What bring your highness here today?" I ask.

"I came to tell you the reason I broke the engagement." He answered.

"There's no need. Now that we are not to wed, there is no reason to hear." I said a gentle and as nicely as possible.

"This lady was the one."

I look up at that lady but she had a white vile covering half of her face.
There must have been something on my face but Yuwang smiled as explained.

"You must wonder about the cloth. She dose not wish to reveal herself."

"That's good, but you must bare the troubles. Either good or bad."

"I know."

"Xiaojie! Xiaojie! Xiaoxin had nearly drowned." A maid came rushing in. I was shock and nearly ran out of the room.

"Your highness.." I said as I turn to him.

"Go." With that one word, I quickly bowed and rush to Xiaoxin.

Xiaoxin was wrap in a towel as she sat in the ground of the bathroom.

"What happen?" I ask Xiaoxin.

"Nothing really. I was getting in when I slip."

I smiled at the small mistake.

"Are you hurt?" I ask but she quickly shook her head no.

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