Chapter Two ~ I still blame you

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(A/N: Pic is Nicole's swords)


"I blame you for this" I told Zoro for the thousandth time because thanks to him we were tied to a post in a marine base "I know you've told me so every day for the past three weeks" Zoro said "I know i have because this is your fault" I told him, Zoro sighed and I sighed before we fell silent.

"Coby look!" I heard and tried to look over from behind Zoro and since I was tied I couldn't get a good look but it was clear someone was on the stone wall "I'm telling you he's not"the other voice was cut off probably cause they saw Zoro.

"If we untie those ropes he could just walk away" the first voice said, they probably haven't noticed me yet cause i'm behind Zoro "Don't be such an idiot Luffy! There's no telling what will happen if we let a bandit like him loose he might kill us both!" the second voice yelled, I'm guessing Coby.

"Don't worry, I'm strong, I can protect us" The first voice said, I'm guessing Luffy, "Hey you two, you're an eye sore, get lost" Zoro told them, I nudged him with my leg "That wasn't very nice didn't you hear that they want to brake us free?" I asked "That's not gonna be of much use without our swords" Zoro pointed out "Oh yeah" I agreed.

"Luffy trust me there's no way you'll survive with someone like him on your crew!" Coby yelled, Then from the noises i heard I could tell someone came over and Coby wanted Luffy to stop "What do you want?" Zoro asked "I though you might be getting hungry now, so i made you a couple of rice balls" the person said, not a familiar voice but probably someone from the village.

"Gotta death wish kid? Just scram" Zoro said and I hit him with my leg again "Rude!" I scolded him and tried to look over at the kid "Don't listen to him, we would love to taste of your rice balls" I smiled, "Really? You're so kind pirate lady!"the kid said "Don't listen to her, we're not hungry kid now stop irritating me and get out of here!" Zoro yelled at the kid "But" Zoro cut off the kid "Do not make me kick your ass little girl!" he yelled.

"Zoro!" I scolded as the gates opened "Now now no one likes a bully" it was that jerk Helmeppo captain Morgan's son, he thinks he's such a big shot just cause his daddy runs this place, "Roronoa Zoro and the mysterious Nicole, you seem to be handling this well, don't you agree?" Helmeppo asked.

"Lookie some tasty rice balls"Helmeppo said taking one of them from the girl "That's not for you" the girl said as Helmeppo bit into the rice ball he took "BLAH!!!"he yelled spitting it out "Too sweet , their packed with sugar you're supposed to use salt you idiot salt!"he scolded the girl.

"But I-I thought they would taste better sweet"the girl said but Helmeppo being the jerk he was threw the rice balls on the ground and stomped on them, the little girl tried to stop him but he didn't, the girl was crying from the sound of it but I couldn't get a good view, again tied behind Zoro to post.

"But i worked so hard to make those"the little girl cried "Too bad you probably didn't read the notice that was posted" Helmeppo said taking a flier out of his coat pocket "Those who assist criminals in anyway will be executed signed marine captain Morgan" he read.

'How horrible' I thought, Helmeppo chuckled "It seems even little brats fear my daddy" he said, "You toss this kid out" Helmeppo said pointing at one of the marines with him, I don't know exactly what happened there's only so much one can tell from noises and from this position but i think the marine was hesitant so Helmeppo grabbed his collar.

"I said throw her over the wall solder, if you won't follow orders i'll tell my father" Helmeppo said, "Yes sir i'll do it" the marine said, from what i could tell the marine threw the girl over the wall and either Luffy or Coby caught her, i'd guess Luffy, Coby didn't strike me as the type.

"Damn you" Zoro muttered "Jerk" I muttered as Helmeppo laughed "You are just dead set on staying alive aren't you?" he asked Zoro "That's right I'm gonna make it through the month without any problems" Zoro said "Right good luck with that" Helmeppo laughed before he came over to my side.

"And you my mysterious Nicole, you're just as stubborn as he is aren't you?" Helmeppo asked "Damn right I am, and who are you calling yours?" I asked smirking at him, he smirked grabbing my jaw "Oh you will be mine by the end of this month, you're gonna be the lovely bride of the son of captain Morgan and not some dirty pirate" he smirked.

I kicked him in the nuts making him let go of me "Like I said last time in your dreams" I told him as the marines took him away, "You okay?" Zoro asked glancing at me over his shoulder "Yeah that creep won't get to me" I told him and then grinned "I love being a pirate"

"So I hear you're bad guys" one of the guys from earlier, I'm guessing Luffy said "Are you still here?" Zoro asked "You're stuck out here for all the world to see, are you really all that strong?" Luffy asked, I guess he was talking to just Zoro "Mind your own business" Zoro told him.

I heard Luffy sigh as he walked over "If i were you i'd probably starve to death in three days" he said, "I've got more spirit then you could ever have, which is how I'm gonna survive this ordeal, this I swear" Zoro said, I could practically hear the smirk on his face "Me too!" I agreed.

"Hah, what a weirdo" Luffy laughed as he was leaving "Hold up" Zoro said making him stop, from the sound of it, "Could you pick that up for me?" Zoro asked referring to the stomped rice balls on the ground.

"You're gonna eat this?" Luffy asked picking up the rice from the ground "Cause it's mostly a ball of mud" he said "Shut up and give it to me now!" Zoro yelled, Luffy then fed the mud ball to Zoro and he ate every last bite"You're disgusting Zoro" I muttered scrunching up my nose.

"So you don't want any?" Luffy asked "Ew, no thanks" I told him "It was good, thanks for the meal" Zoro said, i rolled my eyes and looked away "I still blame you"i told him when Luffy left, Zoro just grunted ending the conversation.

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