Chapter Eighty Seven ~ I have no title for this one

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At first the train was slow going towing the Franky family and their boat which was carried by two king bulls "Hey monster granny so is this the fastest Rocketman can go? It's not very fast at all!"Luffy yelled over "Just hold your horses things will change once we hit the railway!"Kokoro yelled back and sure enough once they connected with the rail the Rocketman really took off.

Nicole yelped tripping onto Zoro and bringing him down with her "Would you get off?"Zoro asked once the train stabilized "No this is comfy"Nicole said cuddling him "Please take your flirting elsewhere"Nami sweatdropped "You're just jealous cause you and Sanji are still playing chicken"Nicole said getting off Zoro regardless and helping him up but she didn't go further then that.


"I thought i was a goner"Luffy and Chimney said "You almost were, i said if you don't come inside you're gonna get blown away"Kokoro said "That speed was crazy"Luffy said "Told ya" Kokoro said "Hold on a second there are a few more people in here then there should be"Zoro said Nicole on his lap to save on space, not that either were complaining "Yeah who do you mean?"the two extra guys from Galley La that had jumped on board asked.

"He means you!"Pauley yelled at them "I mean you too!"Zoro yelled at them "So anyway why are you here?"Nicole asked "I decided to come along with ya i tried but no matter what i said or did i couldn't stop you and the enemy you'd go through all of this to rescue your friend from is the exact same one that tried to kill Iceburg i gotta word or two of my own i wanna say to those bastards"Pauley said.

"Whew that really hit the spot man i was starving right so even though we got into a few fights back in town with both the Franky family and the Galley La shipwrights the enemy we're all going after here is one and the same now the strongest one the toughest out of all of them is definitely that pigeon guy, he's mine, i'm gonna beat the crap out of him"Luffy said.

"Luffy's right this is a battle to get back what those four goons from the world government took from us, so we either reach them in time or all of this will have been for nothing"Zoro said "Granny look it's aqua laguna"Chimney said "Oh it's here already?"Kokoro asked "Let me take a look"Nami said opening the window and getting a look.

"Hey shouldn't you be in the engine room right now you gotta find some way to dodge that gigantic wave"Nami said "Uh uh Rocketman can't be controlled remember we can't adjust the speed, use the brakes or change our course my job ended as soon as i got us up on the railway the trains lined up on the tracks running at full speed and there's nothing anybody can do to stop it"Kokoro said.

"Hey if we don't do something fast this trains gonna"Nami paused as Luffy held out his hand "Everybody on this train has the exact same goal, there's no point in fighting separately"he said "Yeah"the guy said "He's right"Pauley said and they joined hands "From this point forward we fight as one, there are two more of my crew on that other train once we caught up to them our fighting force will be even stronger, listen up we're not gonna let that big wave beat us we will achieve our goal, let's go!"Luffy said.


Just then the transponder snail Nami had started ringing "Hey guys it's from Sanji"she said "Nami, Nami can you hear me?!"Sanji asked "Yeah what's going on Sanji?"Nami asked "I've got some bad news things, have gotten complicated"Sanji said "What do you mean?"Nami asked, the crew could hear some noises from the background "Hey wait a sec what was that noise? Is someone there with you or something?"Nami asked.

"It's nothing just some dumbass"Sanji said clearly irritated from the tone of his voice "Say what? Sanji what's that noise?! Sounds like a bunch of screaming are you okay over there? What do you mean by dumbass?"Nami asked "Sorry dumb asses actually"Sanji said "Yeah yeah just get to the point"Nicole said.

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