"You see anything Usopp?"Luffy asked as Usopp was in the crows nest keeping a lookout for Jaya "Nothing just the sky and the sea"Usopp said "I thought the Jaya island wasn't too far from where we were"Zoro said "It shouldn't be and with the weather so clear we should have spotted the cost line over an hour ago"Nami said "I'm gonna like Jaya if it's as warm as it is now"Luffy said laying in his favorite spot on the ships figure head.
"I'm finally getting to work on my tan, spring weathers the best, it looks like the seagulls are enjoying it too"Chopper said when suddenly the seagulls started falling down "They've been shot!"Chopper yelled "I don't think they could of been shot Chopper i didn't hear any gun fire"Usopp said.
Nicole started to grow a feeling and she didn't like it at all, a hunch, they would someone very dangerous on Jaya, "I found a bullet and judging from the trajectory it came from that way!" Chopper said pointing towards Jaya "Are you saying they were shot from an island we can't even see yet?"Nami asked walking over, Nicole frowned a bit as that feeling started to grow even more, Zoro noticed "You sense it too?"he asked "Yeah"she nodded.
"Check it out! This town looks great!"Luffy grinned as they finally started to see Jaya "Is it just me or does this place look like a resort?"Usopp asked "It sure does"Chopper said "Hurry up and dock"Luffy said "It does look promising maybe we can even stay here for a while"Nami said "Either i'm starting to hallucinate or the harbor over there is full of pirate ships"Usopp said "Don't be silly Usopp since when can pirates dock their ships in a harbor without being run out of town"Nami said.
"That mark"Nicole muttered spotting one flag in particular, she knew the crossed out skull with a wide grin mark very well, her father had warned her many times to stay under the radar from these pirates boss, Joker.
The Strawhats docked their ship, Luffy and Zoro were the first ones to get off "Now this is my kind of town"Luffy said "We'll have no problem fitting in here"Zoro said as the two were walking off "There's no way do you think those two could last an hour without getting into any trouble?"Nami asked "Well by the looks of this place i'd say fifteen minutes is a generous assumption"Usopp said.
"You really think so? I better save them, come on Nicole i'm gonna need you to keep me safe"Nami said jumping off, Nicole sweatdropped a bit "Fine"she grumbled following the navigator as the two caught up to Luffy and Zoro.
"I've got my tough face on so if anybody messes with me"Luffy was cut off as Nami pinched his ear "No fighting promise me"Nami said "Yeah yeah whatever i promise"Luffy said "Good this is serious business you two"Nami said "Fine"Luffy said "Great"Zoro said, Nicole sweatdropped 'They're not listening at all are they?' she thought "Gee thanks for the support"Nami said.
"Look if one of you causes trouble here we'll have to get out of this town and if that happens then we won't know how to get sky island right?"Nami asked "Yeah"Luffy sighed when someone fell infront of them.
Zoro and Luffy got the guy back on his horse except the horse collapsed too "We should put them out of their misery"Zoro said "Thanks again pal you know i don't have enough money for a reward these days but care for an apple?"the guy asked "Do you take us for idiots? We'd never trust food from someone like you"Zoro said but Luffy grabbed one and bit into one just as an explosion went off.
"What the? What happened?"someone asked "Some guys took an apple from that freak on the horse and when they bit into them they exploded"another said "Oh no Luffy spit it out, spit out the apple you just ate!"Nami said shaking the rubber boy around "But i already swallowed it"Luffy said "What the hell you do that for?!"Zoro asked "No worries the boy isn't hurt"the guy said.

Book One: Treasure of the Heart (Zoro X OC)
FanfictionNicole Mihawk is the daughter of the greatest swords man in the world, one year after leaving home she runs into Roronoa Zoro and learns of his vow to be the best and joins him on his journey and eventually joining the Strawhat Pirates. DISCLAIMER...