The group of Luffy, Zoro, Nicole, Usopp and Nami ran towards the casino Rain Dinners, which Vivi said to be Crocodile's base, they were being chased by marines and Baroque Works agents a like as they bust in through the doors "Hey Crocodile! Show yourself!"Luffy yelled but the patrons in the casino ignored him and continued with their gambling.
"Listen! I crossed and ocean and a desert so i could kick your ass!"Luffy yelled but again he was ignored "Crocodile!"Luffy yelled before Nami and Usopp bonked him on the head "That's not gonna make him come out here you loud mouth dolt!"Nami yelled at him "Don't forget we're dealing with this countries hero you wanna turn all these customers against us?"Usopp asked.
"Okay fine so what do we do?"Luffy asked "Whoa hold on without Vivi we don't even know what Crocodile looks like"Usopp said "Well my dad gave me a general description of the other warlords, according to him Crocodile has black slicked back hair, a scar over his nose and a hook for a hand"Nicole said "Did he tell you anything else about Crocodile?"Luffy asked "Not really" Nicole said.
"Okay so we do have a general description but still where is Vivi?"Nami asked and then she Usopp and Luffy yelled "Vivi! Crocodile! Come out!" Nicole and Zoro just sighed at them "Hey you know what i think they might not come just because we call"Luffy said turning to the others "I've got you this time Strawhat!"Smoker said running over and the chase started once more as the group ran away from the marine captain.
"Oh great what's that reject of an ashtray doing in a town like Rainbase?"Usopp asked "If you ask me he's developed a special affection for Luffy here"Zoro said with a smirk, Nicole snickered a bit "Oh that's so funny and gross at the same time"she said and as they continued running a path cleared to the VIP lounge, the staff welcomed them to it.
"Did he say the VIP lounge?"Usopp asked "Hold on do you think it could be a trap maybe?"Nami asked "No maybe about it this definitely a trap"Nicole said "Hey don't these lounge things usually have free drinks for their guest?"Zoro asked "It's not like we have a choice run for it!"Luffy yelled, the doors opened for them as the group ran in chased by Smoker.
"What is a VIP anyway?!"Luffy asked "Very Important Person"Nicole said "Hey the hall splits!" Luffy said "There's a sign it says VIP's go left"Usopp said "And pirates go right"Nami said "Which way do we go?"Luffy asked "Decide quick!"Zoro said "VIP's choose VIP's that's gotta be the way to go"Usopp said "That's crazy talk, we're pirates and pirates are supposed to go this way, come on!"Luffy said running to the right.
"Well you gotta point there"Usopp said as the others followed only to end up in a dead end and the floor below them opened "This is certainly unexpected!"Smoker said falling down with the Strawhats as Nami just screamed while falling down "Can't believe we fell for this old trick"Zoro muttered also falling "To be honest i think both of the paths could have been trapped"Nicole said following him down "It's an out brake of my old i end up swimming while falling down a pit disease"Usopp said "I hate trap doors!"Luffy said.
"Pretty clever trap wasn't it?"Luffy asked as him, Usopp, Nami, Nicole, Zoro and Smoker were locked behind a jail cell of sorts, having fallen there through the trap door "Oh yeah no way to see that one coming"Usopp said almost sarcastically "What are you talking about?! I told you it was a trap in the first place what a couple of idiots you are!"Nami yelled "You?! You were all maybe and perhaps, I was the one who was SURE this was a trap!"Nicole yelled at her "The details don't matter!"Nami yelled back.
"Something's wrong here, i feel weak all of the sudden"Luffy said "Really? What's the matter you hungry or something?"Usopp asked, Smoker got up "Luffy!"Zoro tried to warn him as Smoker struck the rubber boy with the tip of the baton or whatever he caries around "Luffy?"Nami asked as Usopp screamed, Smoker put the baton or whatever's tip on Luffy.

Book One: Treasure of the Heart (Zoro X OC)
FanfictionNicole Mihawk is the daughter of the greatest swords man in the world, one year after leaving home she runs into Roronoa Zoro and learns of his vow to be the best and joins him on his journey and eventually joining the Strawhat Pirates. DISCLAIMER...