Those weak of mind collapsed around them "That strawhat you wear it suits a fearless man like yourself quit well, yes, i've wanted to meet you Monkey D. Luffy"Rayleigh said, after that Rayleigh turned to Kamie climbing up the latter "I'm going to remove your collar now are you ready young lady?"Rayleigh asked.
"Whoa now hold on are you crazy? You can it'll explode"Pappagu said "Yeah it's true we've seen it happen before, stop you'll hurt her!"Chopper said "Bad idea, very bad idea!"Brook said "Stop him please"Chopper said turning to Luffy.
"Hey wait a second isn't Franky off somewhere looking for the key as we speak? Why don't we just wait for him to bring it back?"Usopp suggested "Yeah he's right Luffy please don't let him do it"Pappagu pleaded.
"It'll be alright just don't flinch"Rayleigh assured Kamie "I have no idea what kind of power that guy used earlier but one thing i know for sure is he's no ordinary man"Zoro said "So that makes it okay to risk Kamie's life? Damn it where's Franky with that key? What's he doing?"Sanji asked.
"I'm telling you just wait! This is a big mistake!"Pappagu said "It's fine Pappagu"Nicole said, they watched as Rayleigh set off the timer but just as it went off Rayleigh did something, even Nicole had a hard time catching exactly what he did, and boom, the collar went off but once the smoke cleared they saw Kamie was totally fine, not a scratch on her.
"Don't scare me like that, i thought i was too late, after all the trouble to find the key and you don't even need the damned thing"Franky said walking over with the key ring, Pappagu ran over to Kamie and hugged her.
"What the hell? How'd you do that? These weren't easy to find you know"Franky said referring to the keys "Oh nicely done, better luck next time then, here carry her, Kamie you're safe now nothing to worry about"Rayleigh said.
"How did you? Thank you"Kamie said, Rayleigh just shook his head "What's going on here? Look man i appreciate the help but seriously who are you?"Franky asked "He's Silvers Rayleigh also known as the Dark King, am i right?"Nicole called.
Rayleigh chuckled a bit turning to her "Your eyes are even sharper then your fathers miss Mihawk but i'm just the humble coating engineer Ray now, don't go calling me that other name" he said walking up the steps over to Hatchan.
"Looks like you'll live Hatchi, what did i tell you about walking around this archipelago you gotta be more careful"Rayleigh said kneeling beside Hatchan "I know i'm sorry"the fishman said "Thank you for everything i appreciate you saving my friend here"Rayleigh said turning to Luffy.
"So what was that about you wanting to meet me?"Luffy asked "Let's save that for later, first we need to get out of here"Rayleigh said "Luffy they've got us surrounded"Nicole said before they heard some guy over a speaker.
"Alright you criminals release the Rosswalt family, an admiral will be arriving shortly, i recommend you surrender immediately and don't blame us for whatever happens you rookies!" the guy said "Well we're just innocent bystanders, why's the navy treating us like accomplishes?" Law asked.
"On the upside i got to see Strawhat Luffy do something crazy so no complaints there still i rather avoid fighting an admiral"Kid said "Sure but if you're expecting me to help i've used my power enough for today, it's all up to you now it'll be hard for me to stay if the navy discovers who i am"Rayleigh said.
"I don't need a senior citizen to fight for me, the longer we wait the worse it'll get, i'm out of here, if you babies can't take care of a few marines then sit here while i show how a real man takes care of things"Kid said walking off but Law and Luffy were quick to follow seeing what he said as a challenge.

Book One: Treasure of the Heart (Zoro X OC)
FanfictionNicole Mihawk is the daughter of the greatest swords man in the world, one year after leaving home she runs into Roronoa Zoro and learns of his vow to be the best and joins him on his journey and eventually joining the Strawhat Pirates. DISCLAIMER...