"Hey wait i think i know that guy with the swords"one guy said "Yeah, that girl too, their Strawhat Luffy's henchmen pirate hunter Zoro and she wolf Nicole"another said, Sanji chuckled "Henchmen huh?"he said "At least he recognized me you're not even a henchman you're pirate A"Zoro said, Nicole just sighed as the two got into a fight.
"There's more over there!"one guy yelled spotting Sogeking and Chopper "More might be behind the train blow it up!"another said "Hey stop Nami's still inside there!"Sanji said with clear panic but the marines blew it up regardless "Damn it if they harmed a hair on her head" Sanji was cut off "She's fine"Nicole said, the cook sighed a bit in relief before getting into a fight with Zoro as the swordsman teased the cook.
"Whoa ceasefire!"one guy yelled "What's wrong?"another guy said "Just look"another said pointing over to Kokoro and Chimney who pretended they had been kidnapped by the Strawhats, then Nami appeared making a cloud with her clima tact "Oh this does not look good" Nicole muttered before Zoro covered her as they were all struck by lightning.
"Damn it Nami what the hell?! Watch where you aim that thing!"Zoro yelled at her as he got up, before turning to Nicole and helping her up "You okay?"he asked "Yeah"Nicole nodded "I haven't felt a shock like that since the first time i met you Nami~swan!"Sanji said with heart eyes.
"So anyway what about our captain Nicole?"Zoro asked turning to her "He's running around over there"Nicole said pointing over to a building where some commotion came from right as she did "Alright then"Sanji said "Let's get moving" Zoro said and the Strawhats started running in that direction.
"I think we should take a right"Zoro said "In that case we better turn left"Sanji said "Guys it's straight ahead!"Nicole said stopping them from fighting "If our idiot captain hadn't rushed ahead on his own we wouldn't be having this problem"Zoro said.
"Well we're the ones following that idiot around so what does that make us?"Sanji asked "Then again thanks to Luffy the marine forces have scattered all over the island all we have to do now is head straight for the courthouse"Nami said.
"Oh no my chronic illness is back"Sogeking said "Then stay here and die on your own"Nami said "I'm cured"Sogeking said "That's better"Nami said, Nicole came to a stop stopping the whole group "Hey is something wrong?"Nami asked "We've got company"Nicole said as some guys riding on dogs confronted them.
They ignored their villain monologue or at least i will and not repeat it here as the Strawhats were surrounded "Good to know Luffy let some scraps to fight this would be no fun otherwise" Nicole smirked getting ready to fight "Yeah"Zoro smirked but just then the Franky family king bulls came crashing in "Grab on here!"Pauley called tossing them ropes.
The Strawhats each caught one except Sogeking the rope going around his neck, Pauley pulled them on board the king bull "Thanks could have let us have some fun first though"Sanji said taking a seat "You idiot don't forget the reason you came here, save your energy for the real fight"Pauley said "You're right we'd be here all day with that many guys"Sanji said.
However the guys continued to chase them "Hey when you see them i want you to pass on a message, you're all fired"Pauley said "You got it"Zoro smirked, Pauley and the other Galley La people went to take care of their pursuers.
The Strawhats and Franky family were making their way through the ground without much trouble beating up any marines that climbed on board, Chopper was chatting with the king bull they were riding on.
"So then when Sodom and his brother Gomorrah were about to die in the belly of a sea king the Franky family showed up, they were rescued and told these faithful words that he still remembers "Look we're already full so we're not gonna eat you" and from that day on the two brothers swore their loyalty to their savior Franky"Chopper said translating the king bull.

Book One: Treasure of the Heart (Zoro X OC)
FanfictionNicole Mihawk is the daughter of the greatest swords man in the world, one year after leaving home she runs into Roronoa Zoro and learns of his vow to be the best and joins him on his journey and eventually joining the Strawhat Pirates. DISCLAIMER...