As Nami was listening in on Luffy chatting with Coby she spotted Nicole coming into the pool her hair pinned up and wearing a one piece swim suit that showed off her toned yet slim figure and had an open back "Whoa you are sexy!"she found herself saying, Nicole looked over and just smiled "Why thank you"she said before jumping into the pool.
Zoro came to the back too just as Nicole resurfaced "Hey Nicole! You forgot sunscreen, you know how easily you burn up!"Zoro called to her, Nicole furrowed her brow confused, she did burn easy but why was he announcing it like that, then it clicked and she smirked "Oh yeah well if you're not busy maybe you'd like to help"she said walking over to him.
Zoro blushed "Y-yeah"he stuttered a bit, damn it this was his idea but she went and flipped the table to tease him instead, anyway after that and a bit more teasing the others joined in at the pool too and before they knew it the whole town was partying with them.
The sun was setting but the party wasn't dying down one bit, in the midst of all the commotion Nicole happened to sense something and glanced over, Robin noticed and gave her a reassuring look, Nicole nodded and went back to her drinking contest with Zoro.
"I don't get it the Franky family really wrecked up the place"Zoro said reading over the days newspaper which was a report all about Enies Lobby "Maybe your grandpa? Like he pulled some strings and told the government they were just innocent bystanders?"Sanji asked Luffy.
"I don't think so, either way the news are blaming literally everything that happened on us, they don't mention CP-9 either, i don't blame them though the government has a habit of covering up everything inconvenient to them whether by literally covering it up or blaming it on others like us in this case"Nicole said as Zoro handed the paper to her.
"I guarantee our bounties are gonna go through the roof after this one"Zoro smirked "Oh my gosh does that mean i'll finally get a bounty?"Chopper asked "Maybe you'll probably get something but mine's gonna be the big one this time"Sanji said "What are you excited about this is terrible news!"Nami yelled at him.
"Franky's building us a ship and we don't even have to pay for it?!"Luffy asked after Sanji told him what happened earlier when Franky came by "Technically we've already paid for it"Nicole muttered but went ignored as Luffy cheered anyway Nami beat up Luffy after learning that he spent it all in the party they had yesterday, the Strawhats went into town after that, Nicole went shopping with Nami and Robin.
"Hey! Nami! Robin! Nicole!"Luffy called sailing over on a yagara, the two black haired women came to a stop "Think you can help, this girl is looking for her yagara with a blue fin"Luffy said showing them the photo "I'll see what i can do"Robin said and used her powers to look around the city, while Nicole focused her Haki to find any creature that might be stuck somewhere all alone or something.
"So find him?"Luffy asked "I'm afraid not i tried sorry"Robin said "I can't find anything either, it be easier if i knew what his voice sounded like"Nicole said "That's okay thanks for looking, come on Abi let's go"Luffy said getting back on the yagara and continueing the search as the ladies went inside the shop following Nami.
"What's going here?"Nicole asked coming upon Zoro with a bunch of kids "Nicole!"Zoro yelped surprised by her "This is uhm it's not"he was trailed off blushing as she quirked a brow in question, Zoro smirked getting an idea "I'm getting some practice in, yeah, to be a good dad some day"he said.

Book One: Treasure of the Heart (Zoro X OC)
FanfictionNicole Mihawk is the daughter of the greatest swords man in the world, one year after leaving home she runs into Roronoa Zoro and learns of his vow to be the best and joins him on his journey and eventually joining the Strawhat Pirates. DISCLAIMER...