Once the admiral was out of sight Nicole started falling down towards the ground but Zoro caught her just in time "Nicole!"Luffy and Sanji yelled running over as Zoro shifted Nicole carrying her bridal style "Did you beat him? Where's he go?"Luffy asked "He just left, probably going to go report back to head quarters"Nicole said with a sigh before she sniffed.
Nicole covered her eyes with her hand as she let out a sob "I-i couldn't beat him"she cried "Hey it's okay that guy was an admiral"Sanji said trying to comfort her "I had him!"Nicole yelled slamming her fist onto Zoro who coughed a bit but managed to keep his hold on her "I had him and my stupid sword broke!"she yelled.
Luffy laughed "You had me all worried but you're just mad your sword broke!"he laughed, Nicole sniffed rubbing her eyes from tears as she giggled a bit "Sorry"she said with a small smile, Luffy continued to laugh "Let's get you to Chopper"Zoro said carrying her back to the Merry, Luffy and Sanji followed "Hey tell me about the fight, i wanna hear all the details"Luffy said a big grin on his face "Alright it went down like this"Nicole said and proceeded to tell him everything.
"There all done"Chopper grinned as he finished patching up Nicole "Thanks doctor Chopper" she smiled at him "Calling me doctor won't make me happy or anything you stupid jerk" Chopper said dancing around "How about i go make some food huh? You must be exhausted after that fight"Sanji said with a smile "Food would be great thanks Sanji"Nicole smiled back at him, the cook ran off to prepare something.
"Miss Hawkeye"Robin said walking over "Thank you"she said "No prob"Nicole smiled and Robin smiled back "Too bad about your sword though"Zoro said "Yeah, i almost feel naked without one"Nicole said "Here"Zoro said handing her Kitetsu the third "Thanks"Nicole smiled taking it without asking why "Just until you get a new one"he said "Yeah yeah"she said.
"Speaking of swords you're going to need money to buy one"Nami said getting a smirk on her face "No way"Nicole said bluntly "Come on i'll give you a discount"Nami said "No way"Nicole repeated.
The Going Merry and her crew were sailing once more, the kids were goofing around like usual, Sanji offered Nami some special food like he always did, Zoro and Nicole were napping leaning against the railing until they were woken up by Sanji, Robin was reading something with a cup of coffee next to her, all in all it was like any other day onboard the Merry.
"What the heck is that?"Zoro muttered spotting something in the distance as he munched on some food "It's a frog doing the front crawl"Nicole said like it was an everyday thing munching on food next to him, Zoro paused shocked "Luffy come quick there's a frog doing the front crawl"he said.
"What?"Luffy asked "See for yourself it's headed to your side"Zoro said "Really?"Luffy asked "I wonder if it's the same frog we heard about"Chopper said "Come on Luffy are you really gonna take anything that goofy admiral told you seriously?"Usopp asked before turning around and getting a look himself "Holy crap there's a frog doing the front crawl!"he yelled.
"Go on after him!"Luffy said and the crew got moving chasing after the frog, after a while the ship ran into something near an island with a lighthouse "I guess we ran ashore or something" Usopp said, then a bell like alarm started ringing "What is that sound?"Nami asked "What the heck what's going on?"Usopp asked.
The crew heard a whistle and a chugging "Wait that sounds like a"Nami trailed off, their ship had ended up in the middle of train tracks in the middle of the ocean "Full reverse right now! Turn 180 degrees!"Nami yelled, the crew got to work and they narrowly avoided being run over by a train, the frog they had chased wasn't so lucky.

Book One: Treasure of the Heart (Zoro X OC)
FanfictionNicole Mihawk is the daughter of the greatest swords man in the world, one year after leaving home she runs into Roronoa Zoro and learns of his vow to be the best and joins him on his journey and eventually joining the Strawhat Pirates. DISCLAIMER...