Nami cheered "Good god thank you! I can't believe after all this suffering we endured to find sky island that it turned out to be the city of gold! This must be your way to reward me of good behaviour right god?"she asked "Shut up ten minutes ago you were scared this god would kill you remember?"Zoro asked "Well call me shallow but i don't care how scared i get as long as somebody has gold waiting for me"Nami said.
"So do you fear or praise this god? I'm confused"Robin said "Alright i'm done keeping up with your mood swings"Zoro said "So in the end all that matters is money?"Nicole asked "Well sure and my life"Nami said, Nicole sweatdropped at her.
The group made it back to the Going Merry as the sun was setting "Chopper! Where are you Chopper?! If you can hear me answer! Are you there?!"Nami called "Look her mast is gone and her wing is ripped in half, what's he done to her since we left?"Zoro asked "Wonder what happened there?"Nicole wondered outloud.
"Obviously the Going Merry was attacked Chopper couldn't have done that to her, Chopper! I'm sorry we took so long! You can come out now! You'll be safe! I promise! At least give us a sign you're not dead!"Nami called over "So i guess that means he's dead"Robin said "I'll miss the little fuzzball"Nicole said "Would it kill you to think positive?!"Nami yelled at them.
"Hey Chopper! Come out cause Nami's scared! And i'm tired!"Zoro called over to the reindeer, the little guy popped out with a timid "Hi"they could barely hear "Everything was ship shape while you were gone"Chopper said snot and tears running down his face, Nami sighed in relief "You don't have to lie to us Chopper be strong tell us everything that happened!"she called over, Chopper just whimpered a bit.
"Check it out we found it, there's the altar with the Going Merry sitting right on top!"Luffy said after him, Sanji and Usopp came crashing down from a cloud road whatever thing, the group looked over as Luffy and Sanji waved over to them "Nami~swan! I missed you so much! Sorry to keep you waiting but i beat the ordeal of love to get here"Sanji said.
"I thought it was spheres not love"Luffy said "If that was love i don't wanna ever find it again anyway who cares we're alive!"Usopp said and cheered "Sounds like they're happy to be here, safe and sound"Nami sighed, Luffy, Sanji and Usopp picked up the group on the crow before they went over to the Merry the Strawhats were whole again.
"Where's the mast?"Usopp asked Chopper "Uh look i tried but it didn't matter how hard i fought he still kept burning everything, i promise i did everything i could"the reindeer said "Yeah, well are you gonna be okay or what?"Usopp asked, Chopper nodded, Usopp sighed "You must have been scared to fight that guy by yourself it's a good thing he set the mast on fire instead of you right? We can figure out details on the ship later"he said with a grin.
"I promise to become a more dependable man starting right now!"Chopper said standing on the railing the fire of determination around him "Chopper stop yelling at the altar and tell me something how'd you get rid of that priest?"Luffy asked "I used the whistle the sky knight gave us and he showed up to rescue me"Chopper said.
"Oh, where is he? I don't see him"Luffy said, Chopper took him to the cabin where Gan Fall was resting along with his bird Pierre "He's willing to sacrifice this much for us even though he gave us that whistle for free"Luffy said "If it wasn't for the sky knight you guys probably wouldn't have a ship and i for sure be dead"Chopper said.
"I got a bunch of questions for him but i guess i'll wait till he wakes up"Sanji said and turned to the bird "We owe you a thanks as well"he said, they plus Nami who was also there left the cabin to let Gan Fall rest "We should hop over to land and make camp on shore for the night"Sanji suggested.
"Huh? Why there?"Luffy asked "Because if we stay here and someone attacks us the first thing to take a beating would be our ship would you use your head Luffy?"Usopp asked "Not to mention its easier to fight on land then on an altar on a cloud"Sanji said Luffy started cheering "Camping!"he said "This isn't a party we're in enemy territory! Now calm down!"Usopp said.
"Not a party got it, hey Usopp, is a barbecue a party?"Luffy asked, the Strawhat used the crow to go on land and set up a huge bon fire to grill the sky shark meat with, Luffy was munching on a cooked one already "This thing is tasty"Luffy said "You'd eat dirt if we told you it was food"Nami said "You haven't even tried it what do you know?"Luffy asked.
"Quiet down now it's time to hear everyone field reports"Usopp said a blackboard just there for some reason right behind him "We ran into this priest named Satori who uses spheres with different kinds of threats inside each one explosions dragons the usual but what really hung us out dry in the fight was this guy kept predicting our moves using a power called mantra or something"Sanji said.
"The priest that attacked me was named Shura and he used a spear that sets fire to everything he seemed like he could predict my moves just like that Satori guy and i tried and tried to attack him but he dodged me every single time and the bird he was riding on burnt down the mast and the sky knight was defeated"Chopper said.
"Sounds like you all had a rough time, well what we found was that this island we're on is actually the missing part of Jaya, you see the city of gold didn't sink into the ocean it was shot into the sky like us"Nami said "Excellent work, now based on your reports we've learned that the priest can predict our movements using a power they call mantra"Usopp said.
"And the bird blows flames and the spear burns you but most importantly we've learned this, the city of gold is not a thousand leagues under the sea as we had thought but it's hidden somewhere on this very island!"Usopp said.
"No way!"Luffy said getting all excited "That was the first thing i told you!"Nami yelled at him "So what's this mantra business all about?"Zoro asked "Maybe it's some kind of sixth sense you only get up here"Sanji said "Yeah no something's bugging me about it but i guess i'll have to wait to see it for myself"Nicole said.
"This is it an adventure with gold at the end i can't wait"Luffy said "Glad to see someone on my side i'm ready"Nami said "Luffy no did you forget about what the scary gorilla guy said about execution?"Usopp asked "God will be really mad"Chopper said.
Robin giggled a bit "Sounds like fun"she said "Well we wouldn't be very good pirates if we turned our backs on gold so let's not" Sanji said "It won't be easy you know everybody up here hates us which means i'm in"Zoro said leaning back using his arms as pillows "I say bring it on"Nicole smirked leaning back on him.
"Come on aren't you even a little frightened of the wrath of god? I mean i wanna live don't you?"Usopp asked tears running down from his eyes, Luffy just laughed "Gold and it's all waiting for us!"he said.

Book One: Treasure of the Heart (Zoro X OC)
FanfictionNicole Mihawk is the daughter of the greatest swords man in the world, one year after leaving home she runs into Roronoa Zoro and learns of his vow to be the best and joins him on his journey and eventually joining the Strawhat Pirates. DISCLAIMER...