Zoro and i were in the crow's nest keeping an eye out for islands but what we spotted first was some weirdo clown standing on the water "Hello sure is chilly today!"the clown called "Yeah it is chilly today"Luffy said "Definitely chilling, in fact i'd say it was freezing"Usopp said "Really?"the clown asked, Zoro, Luffy, Usopp and the clown stiffened up for whatever reason, i sweatdropped at this display of monkey see monkey do.
The a ship came out of the water, i yelped a bit as the ships shaking made me lose my balance, Zoro caught me before i went flying out of the crow's nest and held me close until the shaking stopped "What the hell is that? Is that a ship?"he asked, i looked at the giant ship? Submarine? whatever thing in front of us.
The whatever thing had mechanical stuff that started to move around as it transformed into a ship a pretty big one at that and they were flying a pirate flag "Oh crap it's a pirate ship!"Usopp said "It's huge"Luffy said "Great just when we needed to hurry"Zoro muttered, the i heard a laugh from the other ship "What's the matter? Don't tell me the underwater tin pirates surprised you?"the voice laughed and crew from the other ship started boarding ours and held us at gun point.
Though the crow's nest was already so small, i was smushed against Zoro as the other pirates surrounded us "What's going on?!"i heard Sanji yell and saw he had come out from the cabin, he then lit his cigarette and repeated the question more calmly, i could still hear him, let's face it the Merry is a small ship "Well we're under attack and it's still snowing"Luffy said "Well yeah, the guns pointing at my face kinda gave that one away, what next?"Sanji asked.
"You all consider yourself a band of pirates, that's amusing, i only count five of ya"the apparent captain of these pirates said biting into the sword he previously had a piece of meat on "Sort of strange that your group would have so few members"the fatty said eating the whole sword, i sweatdropped, that, that is just weird.
"Alright i'll keep this simple see my men and here wish to travel to Drum Kingdom, you wouldn't happen to have an Eternal Pose or a log pose would ya?"the fatty asked "No can't help sorry but i've never heard of this Drum Kingdom"Sanji said "Well now that we have that settled would you guys just leave already? We're in a hurry we don't have time to deal with all this"Luffy said.
"You'll never enjoy life if you're always in a rush but if you have neither pose what can be done, i suppose i'll have to settle for your treasure and this ship"the fatty said "Huh?"Luffy asked "First things first i'm feeling a bit hungry"the fatty said before taking a bite off the Merry and eating it, okay that's a Devil Fruit power if i've ever seen one, or he's just a fatty who'll eat literally anything "Hey our ship isn't your lunch!"Luffy yelled at the fatty.
"Be quiet! Wapol doesn't like to be disturbed while he's eating"one of the enemy pirate crew said "Shut up!"Luffy said punching the two closest to him "Damn pirate we're under attack shoot him!"another of the crew yelled and bullets started flying "Now things are getting interesting, duck Nicole"Zoro said taking off his cloak as i ducked down while he sliced up those around us before going down the mast and slicing up guys below.
I jumped down and drew my swords getting in on the action too, Luffy sent the fatty flying and the other pirates left going after the fatty, "Well that was weird"i remarked "Yeah, crazy, those guys are really upset what were they calling that old garbage can? Wapol?"Usopp asked "Who cares about what his name was, don't worry about it the guys obviously a moron, best just forget about him"Sanji said.
Nami woke up in the middle of the night from all the snoring, she saw Usopp, Luffy, Vivi and Karoo who was being used as a pillow by Nicole and Zoro who were cuddling together, she giggled a bit, of course she had seen the looks those two gave each other and from their bickering it was obvious, they might not consider themselves one but to anyone else it was obvious, they practically were a couple, Nami went back to sleep.
I was with Zoro looking around at the beautiful landscape of the winter island we had come across, let's hope there's a doctor here, we came to a stop after a while of sailing as infront was a stream of melted snow, we couldn't go any further "This may provide a good spot to disembark" Vivi said "Kay guys, doctor search who wants in? Guess we gotta find people here first"Zoro said.
"I'm in!"Luffy said "Me too"Sanji said "Bye go have fun"Usopp said, then a bunch of people appeared on either side of the river guns in hand "That's far enough pirates!"one of them called, i looked at all the people, there didn't actually seem to be that many of them "People well that was easy"Luffy said "Yeah nice but they don't seem too friendly"Usopp said "What did you expect? We are pirates after all"i said.
"I'll only say this once, your kind is not welcomed here leave immediately"the apparent boss of these guys said walking forward "We only came here to find a doctor"Luffy said "We have someone who's sick"Vivi said "You'll have to do better then that! We won't fall for that old trick!" one of the men yelled "This is our island we won't let any filthy pirates land here!"another yelled "Raise anchor and leave now! Or we will blow you and your ship out of the water!"another yelled.
"That's great, we barely said hello and they already hate us"Sanji said "Get out of here!"one of the men yelled firing a warning shot at Sanji's feet, Sanji of course got mad, Vivi tried to stop him and got shot.

Book One: Treasure of the Heart (Zoro X OC)
FanfictionNicole Mihawk is the daughter of the greatest swords man in the world, one year after leaving home she runs into Roronoa Zoro and learns of his vow to be the best and joins him on his journey and eventually joining the Strawhat Pirates. DISCLAIMER...