Zoro and i climbed down and grabbed Luffy in the commotion and dragged him with us as we ran away from the fight, but stopped as there was an explosion "Did that just come out of his nose?"Zoro wondered grossed out "Ew"i muttered "Hey what are you doing?!"Zoro asked i looked and saw it was curly hair grabbing his ankle "Swordsman i have a most unreasonable request but i need someone with strength such as yours"curly hair said.
"Yeah right you gotta be kidding would you let go of me!"Zoro said trying to pull his leg out "Both of those villains possess Devil Fruit powers and there's nothing i can do to stop them, that's what i'm begging you now please protect princess Vivi of Alabasta in my place!"curly hair said "Surely you will be rewarded if you can deliver princess Vivi safely to our noble kingdom of Alabasta, i'm just a humble servant but i'm begging you to do this! Please protect the princess, i beg you!" curly hair said before coughing up blood.
"Forget it! I'm not helping you until a few minutes ago you were still trying to kill me! What do you think i am a fool?!"Zoro yelled at him "So about this reward, i'll take it alright, how does a billion berries sound?"Nami asked appearing sitting on the roof "What did you say?"curly hair asked "I thought you were asleep"Zoro said "Give me some credit"Nami said jumping down "Who in their right mind in a town that welcomes pirates like Whiskey Peak, it's an obvious trap" Nami said.
"Ugh whatever"Zoro sighed "So why don't you go ahead and promise us that one billion beri reward huh captain? Because if we don't agree to help your precious princess then she's probably gonna die"Nami said with a smirk "I'm just a simple solder i cannot promise such an immense reward"curly hair said "Surely you're not suggesting your princess' life is worth less the that, right?"Nami asked, i sweatdropped a bit watching her "Doesn't really fight fair does she?"Zoro asked "Nope, but you gotta do what you gotta do"i said shrugging a bit.
"I can't promise anything but if you're willing to deliver the princess to Alabasta then you'd best negotiate the terms of the reward directly with her"curly hair said "Which means i have to save her first huh?"Nami asked "Please understand her life is in danger"curly hair said "Oh alright i'll go ahead and save your darling princess for now"Nami said delighting curly hair.
"Well Zoro go get her!"Nami said, i sweatdropped a bit "Screw that no!If you wanna make money then fine but you don't have to involve me in it!"Zoro yelled at her "Don't be stupid and stubborn, the money i make is certainly mine but the contracts that i make benefit all of us, why cannot see that?"Nami asked, i bonked Zoro on the head "Why'd you hit me?!"he yelled turning to me "Just go do it already"i told him with a slight glare, Zoro grumbled a bit "Fine!"he yelled stomping off.
"Whoa, very nice Nicole, how did you do that?"Nami asked "Zoro is stubborn but i know how to push his buttons"i said with a small smirk "I'm so ashamed if i had been stronger i could of protected princess Vivi like she deserves, if anything were to happen to her, the kingdom of Alabasta, it would be done for, she must escape she has to"curly hair said his eyes tearing up.
"You've got nothing to worry about curly hair, Zoro's still far from my level but he's closer then most, as for you, should of, could of, would of, are pointless to worry about, learn from them and grow stronger for the future"i said looking over my shoulder at him, then i also noticed it, Luffy was gone! But i wasn't too worried, he certainly could handle himself.
There was quite the ruckus going on so me and Nami went to check it out, i sweatdropped a bit seeing Luffy and Zoro fighting each other, the air seemed to swirl around them as they went for the final attack when Nami stepped in punching both of them "Stop!"she yelled at them "You two what are you doing here? You're lucky you managed to keep the girl safe, you almost lost us all a billion berries"Nami said walking over to the two boys, i followed

Book One: Treasure of the Heart (Zoro X OC)
FanfictionNicole Mihawk is the daughter of the greatest swords man in the world, one year after leaving home she runs into Roronoa Zoro and learns of his vow to be the best and joins him on his journey and eventually joining the Strawhat Pirates. DISCLAIMER...