"Let's go calamari!"Zoro said running past me at octopus "I'll kick your ass in five seconds flat!"he said "We don't have more then three"Sanji said running at square face, i ran after going past Zoro and dodging another ink attack and going for a counter but octopus dodged so i only sliced some of his hair, he growled "My hair!"he whined for a bit.
"But it's okay, it's only hair it'll grow back, now you, whoever you are, you can't beat me i have six hands that will memorize you with their wiggly beauty"octopus said wiggling his arms around, i just sweatdropped, of course i get the idiot to fight, "Shut up!"Zoro said going past me for the attack, the octopus tried catching his strike but failed miserably "That hurt!"he cried "I don't have time for this crap!"Zoro said.
I noticed he was breathing very heavily, way more then he already should, "You've already overexerted yourself haven't you? This is exactly why i didn't want you to fight! Just go take a nap and leave this to me"i told him "No way!"Zoro panted "Why the hell not?! Are you saying i couldn't do it? You seem to forget what was revealed a few hours ago!"i said attacking the octopus again but he dodged and got stuck on the pillar, but i continued the attack slicing the pillars top and bottom with my two swords.
"Wha!"he yelled in surprise falling down with the pillar "I didn't forget, i know how strong you are but this is my fight!"Zoro argued standing next to me "And how is that exactly?! Because you challenged him first? I'll give you that but regardless of that i'm not letting you fight! End of story!"i argued back "You two argue like an old married couple, it's quite hilarious!"octopus laughed getting out of the rubble "IT'S NOT LIKE THAT!!!"Zoro and i yelled at him "I've been meaning to ask, what is your name girl?"he asked ignoring us "It's Nicole"i said.
Zoro swayed a bit just at that moment "Tsk, go take a nap or something you're in no condition to even be here"i told him "No way, i can still fight"Zoro panted straightening up "Hmph i'm not falling for that, the injured animal trick, it's time for you to see my true skills, be right back"octopus said crawling up the other pillar and into a room, he came back with six swords, one in each hand.
I ignored whatever he was saying though as Zoro started to fall over "Zoro!"i called catching him, just then Sanji came flying by probably hit because he was distracted "Well that's them taken care of boss, what do you want us to do with Zoro and this girl?"square face asked "I don't care about Zoro, just toss him into the ocean as for this girl, let's see"Arlong said and thought about it for a minute as i laid Zoro down as gently as possible "I know maybe she'll fetch a pretty price on the human market"he laughed.
Nicole grabbed Zoro's sword and stood over him her eyes shadowed"I don't care what you do to me but if you lay a single hand on Zoro i'll chop it off"she said lifting her face, her eyes set in a glare far colder and murderous then her fathers, even Arlong felt shivers "But know that i will not go down without a fight!Come i'll take all three of you on!!!"she yelled before putting the third sword in her mouth "Yeah! Way to go big sis!"Johnny cheered "Now she's really serious!"Yosaku grinned.
"Give my sword back Nicole"Zoro managed to say "Shut up and take a nap or something while you're laying there"I told him before turning to octopus "Now way of the six blades was it?"i asked "Yeah and there's no way your three swords can defeat me, i have twice as many!"octopus said "You're a fool if you think the number of blades matters, i could defeat you with a butter knife all the same as three swords but i don't happen to have one on hand"i told him with a smirk.
Zoro chuckled a bit "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree"he muttered "I told you to shut up"i said kicking him a bit further away as octopus came in with an attack, i easily dodged it though almost dancing between the blades and slicing up the octopus at the same time, i stepped out of the line of attack and soon enough blood started gushing from the fishman "How dare you cut me like that?! Now i'm really mad i'll kill you bastard!"he yelled.
I faced him again "Come at me then"i smirked "You! Have a taste of my octopus pot stance!"he yelled charging me with another attack "New years!"but i blocked it, he smirked though "Open!"he said forcing my block open then head butting me, i bit down on Zoro's sword as i went flying, shit that hurt a lot more then i thought it would "How's that?!"octopus said running over.
"Big sis!"i heard Yosaku and Johnny call "Nicole!"i heard Zoro call "You'll never touch the ground alive!"octopus standing where i would fall and started twisting his swords around creating a tornado, i watched for the opening and twisted myself repelling all the swords and cutting the fishman's hands forcing him to drop his swords "Damn it! First you dodge my tentical sword overload, then you slice and dice my hands up like some cheep sushi chef, how dare you make a spectacle of my master swordsman ship! You'll pay for that you bitch! I'll tear you limb from limb!"he yelled.
I scoffed "If you call that master swordsman ship then i'm a blonde, you're little tricks are laughable at best"i said, octopus growled "Ooh you've done it now! Now i'm mad! Take this way of six swords, octopus pot stance, time to die!"he yelled charging at me my back turned to him "New years!"octopus said getting closer, i twisted around creating a small twister that sliced that octopus up and his swords into bits.
I was blown away, to think, if his daughter is this strong, i still have a long way to go, all the more reason to not give up, i wonder what's the weight behind her swords? If she has any, Nicole walked over to me giving my sword back "So what you think? Not bad huh?"she asked a smirk on her face, i chuckled a bit sitting up smiling a bit "Yeah, not bad at all"i said "Only cause i had a great teacher"she smiled at me, i blushed a bit, she giggled at me.
"Now then time to save Luffy"Nicole said turning her attention to the water "Watch out!"Zoro said tackling her out of the way as square face was standing behind her ready to punch her lights out but before he could Sanji came in kicking the fishman back, Zoro got off Nicole "You!"square face said "Not very nice of you to attack a lady while her back is turned"Sanji said "Not bad, i didn't know there was anyone in the East Blue who could stand back up after one of my punches"square face said.
"Oh sure there's a whole bunch and a certain restaurant i know of wanna go?"Sanji asked "I don't think so"square face said "Zoro don't!"Nicole said commanding him like a dog as Zoro was facing the water "You're dead if you go in the water like that you know"Sanji said "Shut up, he won't last much longer, you think you ladies might wanna stop chatting?"Zoro asked.
"Yeah, time's up if i can get you to shut up for a moment maybe you would have noticed that i was about to do this!"Sanji said diving into the water "Sanji!"Nicole said trying to catch him by the leg but he was already in the water by then "That idiot!"she growled "Why not go after him then?"Zoro asked "And leave you here? As if!"she scoffed.
Underwater Sanji saw that Genzo and Nojiko had stretched Luffy's neck out of the water but the rubber boy still wasn't waking up, just then square face attacked Sanji from behind, meanwhile back at the surface Arlong was laughing "This is more like it, someone else do something entertaining!"he said and laughed again.

Book One: Treasure of the Heart (Zoro X OC)
FanfictionNicole Mihawk is the daughter of the greatest swords man in the world, one year after leaving home she runs into Roronoa Zoro and learns of his vow to be the best and joins him on his journey and eventually joining the Strawhat Pirates. DISCLAIMER...