Kamie, Pappagu and Shakky waved off the Strawhats and Rayleigh as they went their separate ways for the next three days, well hopefully, Nicole hoped this dread was just a passing thing it wasn't anything to worry about, that this power she sensed belonged to someone with the power to match an admiral, yeah they had absolutely nothing to worry about, probably.
"The best place is to hide is in the amusement park"Luffy said "You're so full of it"Nami said "You just wanna screw around and have fun"Usopp said before a familiar face blocked their path, Nicole was most surprised, she should of heard them approach but nothing, who or whatever this guy was didn't have any semblance of a soul.
"Who is this guy?"Luffy asked "Well he looks like Bartholomew Kuma one of the seven warlords but i'm not hearing his soul's voice, i'm not hearing any soul at all"Nicole said "And that means?" Nami trailed off "Whatever this thing is it's mechanical"Nicole said.
The Kuma clone revealed a tube in his hand and began charging a beam in it "Luffy dodge!" Nicole called and he did "What the heck was that?"Luffy asked "That was"Chopper trailed off "A beam!"him and Luffy said, Nicole sweatdropped.
"Why was thing thing modeled after Kuma?"Robin wondered "Who knows who cares, it's our enemy now"Zoro said "Hey i remember him now he's the guy that showed up at Thriller Bark i never fought, so this thing just looks like him?"Luffy asked.
"That's right, things got pretty dicey when he stared shooting shock waves with his paw, we made barely made it out alive, this thing could be even worse"Usopp said "Whoever or whatever this thing is it's probably here to capture us"Chopper said turning to his heavy point.
"Then we better stop yapping and start fighting"Franky said launching his coup de vaunt at the Kuma clone knocking it back, Luffy went right into second gear "Alright we know he's strong so let's go all out from the start"he said and the others got ready to fight too, Nicole gave Zoro a glance of concern as she drew her swords, he gave her a quick smile for reassurance drawing his swords.
The Strawhats attacked the Kuma clone but they were having a hard time just getting close enough because of the deadly beams Kuma clone was shooting at them, as another volley died down Nicole sprinted out dodging the beams and managing to cut into the mechanic thing exposing the complex machinery keeping it running but it still stood back up.
The monster trio rushed in unleashing all they had on the Kuma clone blowing it back, they panted, watching and waiting to see if the Kuma clone got back up, Nicole doubted she had cut deep enough to do any real damage, she hoped the boys had finished it off.
"Yes way to go they took him down"Nami said "Those four are just too awesome"Chopper said "We should still be careful"Robin said "Is he down for good?"Luffy asked "Doubtful"Nicole said "Well he's plenty strong as is and what's worse the real one might be after us as well"Sanji said.
The Kuma clone was back up and attacking the Strawhats again, Zoro and Sanji tried fighting it back their attacks barely affected the Kuma clone which started charging a mouth laser at Zoro who couldn't move due to still being injured from Thriller Bark, Nicole rushed in and tackled him out of the way just as the laser fired.
"Nice work Nicole!"Luffy said running over "Hey Zoro what's the matter with you? How are you already hurt so bad we just started"he said, Nicole bit her lip to stop herself from blurting out anything "Look just forget about him for now Luffy, we're all screwed if we can't beat this thing" Sanji said "Yeah, right"Luffy said.

Book One: Treasure of the Heart (Zoro X OC)
FanfictionNicole Mihawk is the daughter of the greatest swords man in the world, one year after leaving home she runs into Roronoa Zoro and learns of his vow to be the best and joins him on his journey and eventually joining the Strawhat Pirates. DISCLAIMER...