The Strawhats continued running and just as Smoker had promised he let them go, "Hey please tell me you guys aren't planning to run all the way to Alubarna?!"Usopp asked as the group continued running "We've got Eyelash just where the hell is that stupid camel anyway?"Nami asked "Close i hope doesn't this town have stables let's get some horses"Luffy said "Do you even know how to ride a horse?"Nicole asked "No but it can't be that hard, right?"Luffy asked, Nicole just sighed.
"Not to worry look ahead"Sanji said as Chopper waved to them "Hey guys hop on!"he called riding on a giant crab thing "A crab!!!!"Usopp yelled freaked out "Chopper!"Nami said "That's a Moving Crab"Vivi said "Yummy"Luffy said drooling a bit "Wow i can't believe my eyes i bet its delicious!"Luffy said as the crab came to a stop infront of the group.
"All aboard"Chopper said "Wow we get to ride it?!"Luffy asked excitedly and used his rubber powers to sling himself on the crab's eye "Pleased to meet ya"he said "Is it just me or does it's face look kinda shady?"Nami asked climbing on the crab "It's definitely not just you"Nicole said following "Who cares at least we have a ride"Sanji said following her.
"Say hello he's Eyelashes friend"Chopper said as Zoro, Vivi and Usopp rode a claw up to the back of the crab "Eyelash has lots of friends in this area because it's his home town he was born and raised here"Chopper said "That explains a lot"Nicole muttered with a sweatdrop "I can't believe you found one Moving Crabs are almost always submerged in the sand so it's impossible to spot one"Vivi said.
"Judging by his size i'd say this guy is pretty fast"Zoro said "Okay time to move out, hang on everyone here we go!"Chopper said and the crab took off in a hasty pace, when a golden hook came flying at them and grabbed Vivi, who screamed as she was being dragged back by Crocodile "Chopper stop the crab!"Zoro called.
"It's him!"Luffy said stretching himself over to Vivi and switching places with her, Zoro caught the princess "Hey Luffy!"he called after the rubber boy "That damned idiot"Sanji said "Luffy no!" Vivi said "You guys go on ahead don't worry about me!"Luffy called to his crew before crashing to the desert "Make sure you get Vivi home save and sound you have to promise me!"Luffy called to his crew.
They were all conflicted to leave their captain behind but it was captains orders "Hey Chopper let's go just keep going to Alubarna"Zoro said "Right okay let's go crab!"Chopper said with tears in his eyes "Whoa wait hold on, wait Zoro that's cold stop the crab, you're not actually gonna leave him behind are you? While Luffy's gone then you better protect me damn it"Usopp said but he went ignored.
"We gotta go back!"Vivi yelled "It's alright Vivi he'll be fine you have to trust me on this okay? I certainly feel bad for the other guy Luffy shows no mercy to his pray and there's not a single person he's gone after that walks away"Nami said "Crocodile will fail, Luffy will win, it's that simple"Zoro said "We gotta believe in him"Nicole said "The moment that the rebel army started running this lands final hour was set, once the royal army and the rebel army this country the kingdom of Alabasta will be gone forever, if you truly are the one and only hope to preventing that tragedy you must survive no matter what, so from this moment forward what happens to Luffy or any of us isn't the least bit important"Zoro said to Vivi.
"But"Vivi said "Vivi this is a fight that you alone started, you're the one who bravely left this land years ago and made a stance against a corrupted evil organisation, however don't make the mistake of thinking you're alone anymore"Sanji said leaving Vivi to herself.
"Luffy! Listen we'll be waiting for you! We'll be in Alubarna!"Vivi yelled her voice echoing through the desert "Yeah!"Luffy yelled back and as the crew went further away the first round of Luffy vs Crocodile began.

Book One: Treasure of the Heart (Zoro X OC)
FanfictionNicole Mihawk is the daughter of the greatest swords man in the world, one year after leaving home she runs into Roronoa Zoro and learns of his vow to be the best and joins him on his journey and eventually joining the Strawhat Pirates. DISCLAIMER...