Nami and Usopp were still freaking out as i was just standing there calmly, this wasn't the first giant i had seen "Well what is the answer?"the giant asked "Could you repeat the question?"i asked "I asked if you had any alcohol i drank mine"the giant said "Not any of the drinking kind sorry to say"i said "Yeah but if that's fine you're welcome to it all"Nami said before the giant screamed in our faces.
Usopp and Nami freaked falling down, it was just a dinosaur biting the giants butt, he quickly decapitated the creature though "I'm Broggy, Elbaf's strongest warrior invincible"the giant said introducing himself and then laughed "Well nice to meet you Broggy, i'm Nicole, the two are my friends Nami and Usopp"i introduced us "Nice to meet you as well young lady, now that i have dinner you three are invited as guest"Broggy said before Usopp and Nami passed out.
"Don't mind them, they've never seen let alone met a giant before, we'd be happy to accept your invitation"i said "Ah i see, i guess seeing a giant can be shocking for humans"Broggy said and then laughed "You don't seem too scared though"he said "You're not the first giant i've met"i said "Ah yes that makes sense, well then hop on, i'll take you and your friends to my home" Broggy said with a smile extending his hand "Thank you"i smiled grabbing Usopp and Nami and dragging them as i climbed to Broggy's shoulder.
"So then what did you say your name was?"Broggy asked as he walked us to his home "It's Nicole"I said before Usopp pulled me over "What do you think you're doing?! You do realize this is a giant?!"he whispered to me "I do realize that, i'm just getting to know him but if you want to judge be my guest i don't care"i whispered back "Might i say young lady you have very unusual eyes, i don't think i've ever seen yellow eyes, except on animals"Broggy said.
"Yeah but i personally think it's my best feature, i have my fathers eyes you see"i told him "Oh i see"Broggy said, we chatted a bit more before arriving at Broggy's home "Here we are"Broggy said lowering himself so i could climb down "Again thank you for the ride"i said after climbing down"It was no trouble at all"Broggy laughed, i put Nami and Usopp inside the cave or whatever this thing was and chatted some more with Broggy as he prepared the dinosaur meat.
I heard Usopp yelp a bit and Broggy looked back hearing it too "Must have imagined it"he said shrugging it off "So anyway that's the basically it"i said and noticed Usopp and Nami run off from the corner of my eye, how rude, "Sounds very complicated indeed, i don't know much about human relationships but i wish you the best of luck either way"Broggy said "I guess that's something at least"i muttered, Broggy then noticed Usopp and Nami had ran off.
"It seems your friends ran off, i should get them back it's dangerous out there for you humans, you just wait here"Broggy said before walking off "Okay"i sighed a bit and started to think more about Zoro and me, he's still not crumbling even after i've tried everything, well i do still have some tricks up my sleeve so it's not like i'm going to give up, although maybe Zoro hasn't crumbled because he's not interested in me, nah after all the time we've been together? I mean, i guess it could be possible, i shook my head, i didn't want to think about that but now it was all i could think about.
Thankfully Broggy came back with Usopp and Nami before i could spiral too far into these thoughts, Broggy laughed serving some of the meat "Go on eat hearty my friends it taste delicious!"he said, i took a piece and ate it "Wow you're right! You're quite the cook"I said with a smile and dug into the meat, Broggy laughed eating a piece of meat as well "Broggy sir, do you mind if i ask you a question?"Nami asked him "What's on your mind young lady"Broggy said "How long will it take for the log to reset on this island?"Nami asked.
Broggy got a huge grin on his face "One full year"he said, Nami and Usopp went down again "Don't tell me you're gonna fall asleep again"Broggy said and then laughed, they didn't and instead got up and started eating like they were accepting their doom, i shrugged it off and continued to eat as well, this stuff really was delicious.
The middle volcano went off, Broggy got mad look on his face and stood up "Please forgive me, there is something i must attend to"he said "What you're leaving?"Nami asked "No choice that's the signal my opponent and i use to mark the beginning of our fight "A fight?"Nami asked "With who? Where? And more importantly why?"Usopp asked "Why? I don't remember"Broggy said and laughed, Broggy then went off and clashed with another giant their attacks ringing through the jungle.
It was clear this fight was about more then whatever started it, it was now about honor and pride and all that stuff, which i actually understood, if i had no pride in myself as a woman i wouldn't be nearly as strong as i am, probably.
As the giants Dorry and Broggy fought, Baroque Works agents Mr.5 and his partner miss Valentine met with other Baroque Works agents Mr. 3 and his partner miss Golden Week.

Book One: Treasure of the Heart (Zoro X OC)
FanfictionNicole Mihawk is the daughter of the greatest swords man in the world, one year after leaving home she runs into Roronoa Zoro and learns of his vow to be the best and joins him on his journey and eventually joining the Strawhat Pirates. DISCLAIMER...