"One tooth is the size of our boat, that's it we're dead"Nami said "There's no monster this is all one big stupid dream we're all having together for some reason!"Usopp said freaking out "A dream right!"Chopper said, the coward trio sighed in relief "It was just a dream"they said "You know, our boys just got eaten so did that ship we were trying to salvage"Robin said "Do you think their being digested already?"Nicole asked "Who knows? Turtles are slow perhaps its still chewing"Robin said.
"You two are way too morbid! How can you be so calm?!"Usopp asked freaking out again "Yup most definitely eaten i can see the air hoses dangling from it's jaw"Robin said "They will be missed"Nicole said "Stop!"Usopp said but it was strained.
"A sea monster! A sea monster! What are we gonna do?!"Chopper asked running around freaked out "This is all your fault! You're the one who said it would be safe at the bottom of the Grand Line i don't know what qualifies as safe in your book but in mine it's not man eating turtles!" Usopp yelled at Nami.
"You're right"Nami said and looked at the dangling air hoses "Sorry!"she called over in a flat not at all apologetic tone, Nicole sweatdropped at her "That's as good as it's gonna get i guess"Usopp said crying, suddenly the hoses tightened and started pulling on the Going Merry "If we don't cut the air hoses that beast will drag us to the bottom of the ocean"Robin said "I got it"Nicole said drawing her sword but before she could cut them the turtle started swimming taking the ships with it.
Nicole caught her balance "What are you doing cut the hoses already!!!"Nami yelled at her "Yeah yeah"Nicole said back but again as she went to cut the lines the sky around them became instantaneously dark "What is that it's like everything got dark"Usopp said "Everything did get dark"Nicole corrected him putting her sword back cause at this rate she was never gonna get around to cutting the lines.
"It's scary"Chopper said "There's no way why is it so dark it's not that late"Nami said "We're under an enormous cloud genius"Nicole said earning a growl and a pointed glare from the navigator "It's time to leave guys, now! Luffy Zoro Sanji!!!"Usopp yelled, Robin noticed the hoses had gone slack, just then Luffy came flying out of the water "Tell me what happened where are the others?!"Nami asked going over and slapping the rubber boy.
Nicole saw the others climbing up and went over offering her hand to Zoro with a smile, Zoro smiled back grabbing it as she easily pulled him on board while Sanji jumped on board "Zoro Sanji"Usopp said greeting them "That's it we gotta get out of here"Zoro said "Yeah that guy's crazy"Sanji said.
"I'm so glad you're okay let's get out of here as fast as we can"Usopp said crying "No it wasn't that turtle it was a monkey"Zoro said letting go of Nicole's hand as she stepped back "Yeah a genuine sea monkey" Sanji said "Can't say i'm surprised he and Luffy got along as well as they did"Zoro said "Well they're both monkeys"Sanji said "But when he caught a glimpse of all the stuff we got from the ship he went on a rampage"Zoro said.
"I've never seen a primate act like that before"Sanji said "Yeah that's Masira the king of all salver's but never mind him how did you escape from the giant sea turtle?"Usopp asked "Why do you keep talking about a turtle?"Zoro asked "Cause of that"Nicole said pointing to the giant turtle "Huh? That's weird now he's just floating there like a statue with his mouth gaping open, oh i get it of course that's how you guys escaped"Usopp said.
"We were in that things mouth?!"Zoro and Sanji asked "Nothing gets past you guys does it? That's the turtle that ate the ship you were inside!"Usopp yelled at them, Luffy woke up as the others got to work on getting the Going Merry out of there "Hey when did night happen?"Luffy asked "Attention all hands we're getting out of here now!"Zoro yelled.
Just then the monkey came jumping out of the sea and landing on the rail of their ship "Not so fast hand over the treasure you stole or i'll tear your ship apart and find all of it anyway"he said "Is he right you guys found some treasure?"Nami asked getting all excited about the aspect of having more money "We sure did tons of it"Luffy said with a grin.
"Hey captain behind you"one of the monkey's crew said "Hmm? What's behind me?"the monkey asked turning over to see the silhouette of three creatures as big as a mountain, the others noticed them too as went into shock "SEA MONSTERS!!!"Luffy and the monkey yelled and the Strawhats got the Going Merry out of there so fast it was like the ship had a motor on it.
They got outside the dark area and panted in exhaustion "That couldn't have been real"Zoro said "Yeah, no way, even i haven't seen anything like those things before"Nicole said "Those things were taller then the sky"Usopp said "The Grand Line is an endless parade of mysteries and annoyance i mean just look at the nightmare of just making it through today"Sanji said.
"First there was that huge galleon that fell from the clouds on top of us"Zoro said "The log poses needle started pointing to the sky"Nami said "A psycho monkey wearing makeup and blocks our way"Usopp said "And then a giant turtle came and ate our salvage ship"Chopper said "Then darkness fell"Robin said "Because the biggest monsters i've ever seen in my life blocked out the sun"Luffy said "It's just been one crazy thing after the other"Nicole said.
"I must admit even i was intimidated by those things"the monkey said before he was kicked off by Zoro, Sanji and Luffy, the Going Merry continued to sail after that, Usopp and Chopper were chatting about the monster they had just seen as the rest looked over the 'treasure' the monster trio had acquired.
"Come on you guys tell me you found something down there we could actually use"Nami said as Luffy was playing around in a suit of armor "All you brought back is a bunch of scattered junk, there isn't a single clue here about how to get to sky island"Nami said "There wasn't anything there believe me we looked"Zoro said.
"Yep if there was something else down there we would have found it, the ship was in terrible shape all jacked up like maybe it had been attacked or raided or perhaps a mutiny broke out and they all killed each other in a violent struggle for power"Sanji said.
"Look around boys this is exactly why we need more information, intelligence means life and death for this whole crew and if were gonna sail to sky island we're gonna need more info on how to stay alive or whatever happened to that ship could happen to us too, and we can't rely on Nicole's spotty memory"Nami said "Hey!"Nicole protested.
"We didn't brave giant warriors so you could bring back some creepy octopus, rusty swords and a broken dish, this is all junk and you're all idiots!"Nami said stomping on the junk ignoring Nicole's protest, she pouted a bit and grabbed said rusty swords getting a look at them.
"All hands on deck! Set our course to Jaya!"Luffy announced before realizing something "So uh any of you know which direction that might be?"he asked "Starboard"Nami simply said "You heard her Chopper"Luffy said "Right"the reindeer said going to steer the ship "Onward to Jaya!" Luffy said "Now hold up just a minute if we head to this Jaya place won't the log poses needle change is position again?"Usopp asked "Not quite that depends on how long we stay there" Nicole said munching on takoyaki Sanji had made from the octopus as she was inspecting the swords.
"That's right so we need to make sure we only stay in Jaya just to ask for directions"Nami said "Right onward to Jaya!"Luffy announced once more and the crew set to work steering the Going Merry towards Jaya.
"I keep wondering what Jaya's like"Chopper said "I've heard its called the land of meat"Luffy said "You don't know that Luffy you just wish it was true cause we've been eating the same old junk for days"Usopp said before Sanji came and snatched their food off them "If you don't like it don't eat it there's more for Nami, Nicole and Robin anyway"Sanji said and the guys started chasing him.
"Can't even imagine could there really be an island in the sky?"Zoro asked "Sure there is, quite a lot too, though most of them are just clouds i've never even heard of actual land like with dirt and trees and stuff being up there"Nicole said as she finished inspecting the swords "So what's the verdict?"Zoro asked turning to her "Hmm?"Nicole hummed "Those swords"Zoro elaborated "Useless junk"Nicole said.

Book One: Treasure of the Heart (Zoro X OC)
FanfictionNicole Mihawk is the daughter of the greatest swords man in the world, one year after leaving home she runs into Roronoa Zoro and learns of his vow to be the best and joins him on his journey and eventually joining the Strawhat Pirates. DISCLAIMER...