"FROG!"Luffy yelled "EH?!? You said we're heading back?!"the others freaked "Why? We've come so far!"Nami yelled "What about Robin?! What are we gonna do?!"Chopper yelled at Zoro waking him up "Huh? About what?"Zoro asked "What the hell's he thinking?! Hey Strawhat why are we heading back?!"Pauley asked "NO! That frog from before just jumped onto the tracks!" Luffy yelled "It's Yokazuna!"Chimney said and they ran into the frog derailing them off the railway.
(kaeru = frog or to return, this moment brought to you from the subbed version)(Say should i follow the subbed or dubbed? I've been using dubbed and i still probably will, not cause i prefer it or anything i'm fine with either or, just asking, i'll switch to subbed anyway once i run out of dubbed ones)
The frog joined their group and the Rocketman made it's way back onto the tracks and the Strawhats were back on their way towards Enies Lobby and Robin with the Franky family, Sanji and a man calling himself Sniper King joined the others in the Rocketman, pretty much only Luffy and Chopper couldn't tell this masked man was actually Usopp.
"Hey Nami"Sanji said "Yeah what is it?"Nami asked "The rest of you idiots should know this too, before we go rescue Robin there's something you need to know"Sanji said and told them what happened on the train.
"So there you have it those CP-9 guys are controlling Robin by using her childhood fears against her, i'm not making excuses for not being able to save her i just wanted to make it clear that even if we march in and get her back it doesn't necessarily mean she'll be willing to return with us" Sanji said.
"None of that matters! I won't stand for this! Damn Robin!"Luffy yelled before Nami bonked him on the head "It's not her fault!"she said "Of course it is why doesn't she want us to save her?" Luffy asked.
"Because she doesn't want to be responsible for all the awful things that will happen to our crew"Nami said "I don't care about all that, if we don't rescue her she's gonna be killed isn't she? There's no way she wants to die so we're gonna save her"Luffy said.
"Well of course she doesn't wanna die but still!"Nami said "Leave it be, this doesn't change what we have to do, we'll save her either way"Zoro said "Yeah, anyway gather around people"Nicole called "This is a rough sketch of Enies Lobby, which Pauley here was very kind to draw combining what he remembered from maintenance work on the railway and what my father has told me"she said presenting the drawing as everyone gathered around.
"The whole area is suspended over a bottomless hole where this waterfall ring leads to, anyway the island has roughly ten thousand men, this is the main gate and directly behind is the main island gate, then there's the courthouse but frankly it's just a sham it's actual function is the drawbridge house which connects it to the this building" Nicole said pointing them out on the map.
"The Tower of Law and headquarters of CP-9, they'll probably hold Robin there until they can get a ship and if there's a ship already prepared for them, i just hope we can reach it on time, anyway next is the Bridge of Hesitation it'll be our last chance to get Robin back before the Gates of Justice here, from there we can only go to Impel Down or Marine Headquarters"Nicole said.
"Even so even if we all rush the island at the same time the only ones capable of going against those CP-9 guys are you Strawhats, after seeing what you can do i know how strong you are, that's why i think you should stay behind once we get there give us five minutes then charge through the main island in Rocketman"Pauley said.
"The Franky family and Galley La will go in first and brake open the main gate and the main island gate so the train can pass through, i'm sure we'll suffer a lot of casualties but remember once you're in keep going no matter what don't look back, we only got a little over sixty people we're in a serious disadvantage against ten thousand people, our best chance for victory is for you Strawhats to concentrate on CP-9 and leave the rest of the marines to us"the guy said.

Book One: Treasure of the Heart (Zoro X OC)
FanfictionNicole Mihawk is the daughter of the greatest swords man in the world, one year after leaving home she runs into Roronoa Zoro and learns of his vow to be the best and joins him on his journey and eventually joining the Strawhat Pirates. DISCLAIMER...