The Going Merry and her crew was dropped off at an altar in the middle of nowhere by the lobster that had dragged them away "Does anybody know where we are?"Chopper asked "One thing's for certain we're somewhere in the middle of upper yard"Nami said "This seems to be some sort of altar for sacrifices"Robin said "Altar? Wait sacrifices?!"Nami asked, Nicole made no comment looking around at the forest around them, she could sense it was full of creatures.
"Nami what's a sacrifice?"Chopper asked "You know like an offering to the gods"Nami said "Oh is that all? I thought it meant being boiled alive in a big stew or something"Chopper said "Actually that's about right but regardless of the method the thing being offered is generally someone's life"Robin said.
"Are you trying to tell me we're all gonna die here?!"Chopper asked and fell off the railing from freaking out and rolled down the stairs "Chopper!"Nami called "Damn it!"Zoro said going after him, Robin caught the reindeer with her powers at the bottom of the stairs when a couple of sky sharks jumped out, Zoro clashed with one while Nicole took care of the other.
"What happened to him?"Chopper asked watching the cloud sea, there was no sign of Zoro or the sky sharks while Nicole was using the skates she swiped to glide on the surface, Nicole was just as worried even though she could still sense Zoro was alive at least, then the sky sharks jumped out one had Zoro in their mouth while the other came up below Nicole.
Nicole dodged it however and cut down the shark just as Zoro punched the other one knocking it out, she skated over to the stairs just as Zoro started walking up them, Nicole kicked off the skates tossing them away, these were too big for her but she was at least glad to try them out, anyway she scurried up the steps catching up to Zoro, he gave her a quick smile as he caught his breath.
"I can tell you one thing we are not gonna make it across by swimming"Zoro said "What kind of swordsman punches a shark instead of using his blade?"Nami asked "The kind that can't manoeuvre as well underwater"Nicole said "Shut up, i'll get there sooner or later!"Zoro yelled at her taking off his shirt.
Then more sky sharks showed up "There's an entire school of them what are we gonna do?!" Chopper asked freaking out "I'm not sure but if those two first ones are any indication we're not gonna have much luck fighting them off"Zoro said "Yeah besides even if we could there's way too many"Nicole said "We've got to do something, we can't stay here forever"Robin said.
"Pfft leaving us here was that lobsters idea of a joke? It's not very funny"Zoro said ringing out his shirt "Perhaps this is the heavens judgment we've been hearing so much about"Robin said "Except you'd think this god would try something flashier you know?"Zoro said as Nami tossed him a shirt "Eh couldn't say never met the guy"Robin said "Well whatever his deal is we can't just stand around here"Nicole said.
"Yeah, i'm not sure what the solution is, we definitely can't set sail with the hull looking like this" Zoro said looking at the broken down side of the ship "Hey Chopper try to figure out a way to fix the ship"he said turning to the reindeer "Uh me? Oh okay"Chopper said nervously "Why should he fix it? Are you going somewhere?"Nami asked.
"I'm gonna find a way into the forest, we should probably make this our base of operations, you guys can keep a look out i'm sure Luffy and the others are headed this way"Zoro said "No doubt, Sanji would probably cross the whole world just to make sure his Nami swan is safe"Nicole said with a bit of a smirk as she noticed Nami blush, Zoro chuckled a bit.
"Like they say if you get lost you should stay where you are right?"Zoro asked, Nicole snorted a bit "Says the guy who gets lost all the time"she said, Zoro gave her a bit of a glare "Zoro if you wanna go into the forest i guess that's okay with me but you haven't really told us what for?" Chopper asked "There's supposed to be some sort of god on this island i wanna meet him"Zoro said.

Book One: Treasure of the Heart (Zoro X OC)
FanficNicole Mihawk is the daughter of the greatest swords man in the world, one year after leaving home she runs into Roronoa Zoro and learns of his vow to be the best and joins him on his journey and eventually joining the Strawhat Pirates. DISCLAIMER...