We made our way in and over to the spiral staircase cause Zoro wanted make a cool entrance "What's going on Luffy? Need a hand?"he asked drawing one of his swords, "Just say the word captain"i said a hand laying on one of my swords"If you don't need help that's okay too"Usopp said obviously scared, "Oh hey guys, thanks for the offer but i think i can handle this clown"Luffy said, Zoro put his sword back and i put my arm on the railing leaning on it to watch the show.
"Too bad but if you say you don't need any help, who am i to argue? Us awesome fighters are just gonna sit this one out holler if you need u-"Usopp was cut off as Zoro hit him, i snickered a bit "Why'd you do that Zoro?"Usopp asked "Shut up already you weirdo"Zoro said.
Don Krieg was frozen as he stared at Nicole "Those eyes"he muttered but only Ghin next to him heard it and also noticed those eyes that were so similar to his, Don Krieg then grinned no way this girl was as strong with this strawhat kid in charge, he laughed "Those guys are your crew? That's a pretty small group you got there kid"he said "We'll that's not all, i've got two more"Luffy said.
"I'm not a part of your crew!"Sanji protested, Don Krieg looked at Zeff and glanced at Nicole and shivered seeing those eyes again "I'll deal with you later, right now i'm going to go feed my men"he said picking up the sack of food "Those of you who don't wish to die can leave the restaurant now and escape that fate, the only things i'm after are the log book and this ship"he said walking out.
"However"Don Krieg said pausing at the door "If you wish to stay and be slaughtered, i have no problem burying every last one of you at sea, know that"he said before leaving, for now, "I'm so sorry it had to come to this Sanji"Ghin said "You have nothing to apologise for sailor, every cook at this restaurant did what they thought was right, that's all there is to say about that"Zeff said.
"But boss why are you taking Sanji's side? He's the cause of all this?!"one of the cooks yelled "Yeah he's gonna put your precious restaurant out of business"another said "You fools!"Zeff yelled "You don't know what you're talking about, none of you have any idea what it's like to be on the brink of starvation to have no food or water on the open ocean, there is no way you can understand what a terrifying prospect that is, it's the most difficult situation a man could ever face"he said.
"W-what are you talking about boss?"a chef asked "The difference between you all and Sanji is that he knows"Zeff said, the chefs murmured among themselves but it was clear to Nicole what the old man was getting at "If all you're gonna do is stand around grumbling then leave this place and never come back"Zeff said, however the chefs weren't going to back down, they were ready to fight for their restaurant.
"What are you doing?! You saw how powerful Don is right?"Ghin asked unable to believe the chefs were ready to fight, Nicole scoffed quite audibly "Oh yes a few guns, i am so scared"she muttered sarcastically, Sanji smirked getting up "Hey Ghin, listen up cause i'm only going to say this once, feeding someone who is hungry is my sacred moral duty, but"he said kicking up a table.
"Now that your crew is fed i have no obligation to you with a clean mind i can beat every last one of them to a bloody pulp if anyone tries to take the restaurant, their dead, i'll kill them without a moments hesitation, got that?"Sanji asked, "See this guys awesome huh?"Luffy asked grinning at his crew "Who cares about how awesome he is! We gotta get out of here right now!"Usopp yelled scared out of his mind.
"Easy there Luffy it is Don Krieg but he's in pretty bad shape"Zoro said, Nicole rolled her eyes per her earlier statement she did see Don Krieg as that threatening, "Hey Ghin you said you didn't know anything about the Grand Line but i thought you've been there, that doesn't make any sense"Luffy said turning to Ghin.
"Nothing makes sense now, what happened to us on the seventh day on that cursed sea, i don't know if it was a dream or a reality, i saw it but i can't bring myself to believe, i know in my heart that it's impossible for that entire 50 ship fleet to be completely eradicated by a single man"Ghin said, Nicole then knew for sure it had been him and now she was going to have to face facts, though she did wonder why he was out at sea in the first place.
"It all happened so fast, as soon as this man appeared he began to systematically sink our ships one after another, if that storm hadn't come upon us when it did then that monster would of destroyed our flag ship as well, i don't know if a single other ship made it out, it all seems like a terrible nightmare burned into my memory, i just want to forget but those eyes, like hers except colder, like a hawks, sharp and murderous, his gaze alone felt like the cold hand of death"Ghin said.
Then Zoro realized it too who it had been, his shock made him ignore the comment about how Nicole's eyes were similar, "Well then, that can only be the one known as Hawkeye, your description of his heartless gaze is proof enough"Zeff said "Hawkeye Mihawk"Zoro muttered, "So you know him Zoro?"Luffy asked looking over "Yeah i do, he's the whole reason i set out to sea"Zoro said, Luffy hummed a bit he had heard Ghin's comment on how Nicole's eyes were similar to this Hawkeye Mihawk, but couldn't tell personally cause she kept looking away.
"Could have that man had some score to settle with you guys?"Sanji asked, "We didn't do anything to him"Ghin said "Perhaps you disturbed him during a nap"Zeff said, Nicole snorted a bit but quickly covered her mouth and looked away as Zoro looked at her "Stupid cook! Why would he destroy an entire fleet for something so trivial?!"Ghin asked 'Because he could' Nicole had to bite her lip from saying it outloud.
"Now now no need to shout, it was just an example, i thought you'd like a little friendly advice on what kind of a place the Grand Line is"Zeff said "And what kind of place is that?"Usopp asked "He probably means that anything can happen there"Zoro said, Nicole again rolled her eyes while yes the place was totally crazy and anything could happen it really wasn't as bad as people say.
"Do we really have to go there Luffy?!"Usopp asked crying a bit, Luffy was shaking but it was from excitement "This is gonna be such a blast!"he grinned "Finally my life's goal will be achieved on the Grand Line"Zoro said more to himself as he leaned against the wall "My rival, he's out there somewhere and i'm gonna find him"he smirked "Are you that stupid?"Sanji asked "It's idiots like you guys that end up dead"Sanji said "That maybe true but i devoted my entire life to become the greatest swordsman, i've made my choice so i'm the only one who gets to call me stupid"Zoro said.

Book One: Treasure of the Heart (Zoro X OC)
FanfictionNicole Mihawk is the daughter of the greatest swords man in the world, one year after leaving home she runs into Roronoa Zoro and learns of his vow to be the best and joins him on his journey and eventually joining the Strawhat Pirates. DISCLAIMER...