Chapter Fifty One ~ Nicole's Fight

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(A/N: as this chapter goes on the strawhats have their own epic battles which we already know from the anime/manga, this is Nicole's fight, i'll do my best to give you an epic fight)

~Short recap~

The strawhats had drawn the Baroque Works agents into the capital city of Alubarna as Vivi stayed behind to stop the rebel army, however just as miss double finger was complaining about an unfair fight of three against two a mysterious figure appeared out of nowhere and punched Nicole through many buildings and disappeared just as quick as they had appeared.

Now the fights between the Strawhat Pirates and Baroque Works begins!


Nicole coughed as she rose from the rubble of the building "Ugh"she groaned before quickly standing up and looking around as she sensed another presence "You won't surprise me a second time whoever you are! Come out!"she yelled keeping her yellow eyes sharp and looking around "Alright alright i suspect hiding from you is pointless anyhow"a voice said as someone appeared from the shadows.

They were wearing a suit the shadows of the buildings around them covering their face "Just who are you?"Nicole asked drawing her sword, the person dropped their cape revealing a face Nicole was very familiar with, her eyes widened in shock "You!"she growled gripping her sword tighter "I thought i killed you! Arashi!"she yelled.

"And you nearly did but"a sadistic grin spread across the scarred man's face a crazed look in his ashy grey eyes "It felt so good i had to come back for more"he said, Nicole felt shivers crawl up her spine "You're an even bigger creep then i remember"she muttered with a sweatdrop, Arashi just let out a chilling laugh pulling out a sword "Hey! Let's have a fight! Like the good old days!" he yelled attacking her.

(A/N: Arashi)

Nicole blocked him "Why are you with Baroque Works?!"she asked pushing him back "I've been on Crocodile's payroll for a while actually, i was hired to keep an eye on his partner Nico Robin, but when that ballerina freak showed your face he knew yo...

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Nicole blocked him "Why are you with Baroque Works?!"she asked pushing him back "I've been on Crocodile's payroll for a while actually, i was hired to keep an eye on his partner Nico Robin, but when that ballerina freak showed your face he knew you'd be the most trouble"Arashi said attacking again, Nicole dodged and struck back but then he dodged and laughed "You're slower! Are you holding back? You better not, you know you can't beat me like that"Arashi said.

"Shut up!"Nicole said striking at him again Arashi blocked and parried her, he smirked pulling out a dagger and stabbing her side, Nicole gritted her teeth and pushed him away "You'll have to do better then that!"she yelled managing to slice Arashi before he disappeared, Nicole kept her guard up looking around and blocking Arashi as he attacked from behind, she made a quick turn grabbing his arm with the dagger in it as he was going to stab her again.

There was huge explosion which made Nicole stumble a bit, Arashi smirked taking that opportunity and tripping her then pinning her down, he smirked "Too easy, you're not even using haki are you?"he asked, Nicole scoffed kicking him off "And why should i? This half of the Grand Line is weak, you're weak"she said.

"If i'm weak then you're weaker you don't even have a second sword right now?"Arashi smirked, Nicole pulled off her coat revealing her dancer outfit, she ripped the skirt to be shorter and kicked off the heels she was wearing, she scoffed "Heh, I've never needed a second sword to be strong"she said taking a stance.

"Trying to seduce me? You know you're not my type"Arashi said attacking her again, Nicole stood completely still only to dodge the last possible minute and stabbing her sword right through Arashi "Oh yeah, that's it"he said elated from the pain "NOW THIS IS GETTING GOOD!!!"Arashi yelled attacking Nicole again.

~skip~ (A/N: i decided to give up on the whole fight scene thing, as you can see from that sample i'm terrible at them trying to write one from my head)

Nicole panted bloody and ragged and covered in dirt and dust, her clothes torn, her hair all messy and a huge gash on the left side of her torso as she started down at Arashi as he coughed blood laying on some rubble the area around them in ruins "Uh such ecstasy i'll be happy to die now"Arashi said a genuine smile on his face as Nicole chopped off his head "Creep"she muttered as the head rolled to the ground, Nicole limped as she walked off, she wanted to see Zoro.


"Zoro"Nicole called walking over to him just as his fight against Mr.1 finished "Nicole"Zoro said looking up to her and seeing her condition he smirked "You look awful"he said "You don't look much better"she said and looked behind him at the unconscious Mr.1 "You won?"she asked "Yeah, i finally reached the next level"he said.

Nicole knelt down and circled her arms around his middle in a hug "What are you doing?"Zoro asked "I just needed to hug you"Nicole said, Zoro patted her head "Who was that? The guy who attacked you?"he asked, she sighed deeply "A creep better off dead, i'll tell you about it later"she said.

There was a beat of silence, except the two could hear the clashing between the rebels and royal solders "Hey"Zoro said, Nicole hummed in response her eyes closed as she leaned on his chest "Do you know, how to cut steal?"he asked "Everything and everyone has a voice, a rhythm, a heartbeat"she said putting her hand over his heart, Zoro blushed a bit but paid attention to what she was saying.

"If you can hear that voice, feel that rhythm, you can cut anything yet nothing at the same time" Nicole said "My master told me something like that a long time ago"Zoro said "It's called Haki" Nicole said "Haki?"he asked "I'll tell you more about it later"she said cuddling into him "I'm tired right now"she said "Yeah"Zoro said leaning back "Me too"he said.

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