Nicole Mihawk is the daughter of the greatest swords man in the world, one year after leaving home she runs into Roronoa Zoro and learns of his vow to be the best and joins him on his journey and eventually joining the Strawhat Pirates.
"I see so this is the city of water huh? Pretty impressive place, lives up to it's name for sure i mean look around clean water, clean streets and fresh fruits"Sanji said "I'll say, the architecture is quite pretty too"Nicole said looking around sitting on the Yagara behind the cook.
"Any luck spotting a store?"Sanji asked "None yet"Nicole said, they came to a stop infront of a store on the water as Sanji was buying produce off the shopkeeper, Nicole asked about swords shops "I know of only one around here, just take a left at that corner and you're there"the shopkeeper said "Thank you"Nicole smiled.
"You heard her Sanji"Nicole said turning to the chef "Right, thanks for everything ma'am"Sanji smiled at the shop keep leading the Yagara to the directions given, they arrived at the front of the shop in no time, Nicole got off "I won't be long, hopefully, stay here"she said "Sure thing" Sanji said getting on shore too stretching his legs.
"Robin?"Sanji wondered spotting her, he went after her but she disappeared, Sanji tried find his way back but got lost "Don't tell me Zoro's brain funk is getting to me too"the chef sighed, meanwhile Nicole got out of the shop two new swords at her hip, the pin secured on the black one.
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"Sanji?"Nicole asked looking around, the Yagara was still here but no sign of Sanji or the food, she hummed a bit and closed her eyes to focus, the city was pretty noisy but she eventually located him "I should probably head back to the Merry though, which way was it again?"she wondered and focused in on Zoro "Come on cutie this way"she smiled getting on the Yagara and steering the way.
"Zoro!"Nicole called as she walked over to the ship "Nicole, where's Sanji?"Zoro asked "I lost him but check it out"Nicole said and held up her new swords "Nice!"Zoro smirked, Nicole hopped on the ship "Hey, someone came by and assessed the ship"Zoro said as she walked over to him "Yeah? What they say?"she asked.
Zoro frowned a bit making Nicole worry "They can't repair it"he said, Nicole frowned too sitting next to him looking at the sheep figure head "I had a feeling, the keel is damaged?"she asked "That's what they said, it could snap at any moment"Zoro said, Nicole leaned on his shoulder "How do you think the others will react?"she asked.