(A/N: I decided not to write Sanji's and Usopp's fight scenes cause they would go down pretty much just like they do in the anime/manga, on that note though how did you like my version of the Hatchi fight? i realize i could have asked that in the previous chapter but i have sometime to ramble here while i'm watching the episode)
"Oh thank goodness"i sighed in relief as Sanji came back up "Is he?"Zoro asked referring to Luffy "Don't worry he's okay"Sanji said "Are you sure?"Zoro asked "Well half of him"Sanji said "Wait half?"Zoro asked, i was confused too "I'll explain later" Sanji said catching his breath "First get your ass up here! I wanna fight where i can breath!"Sanji yelled at square face as he was coming up as well.
Sanji finished off square face by kicking him through the building "Now it's done he won't be back"he said "In the end their all just seafood, fish can't fight a cook i don't know what he was thinking, this game is ours"Sanji said putting his shoes back on "You bastards, you've killed my brothers one after the other i'm afraid i let you get too carried away"Arlong growled.
I helped Zoro get up as he tied the bandanna around his head "Alright explain what do you mean Luffy's half okay?"he asked "It means he's alive for the time being but if we want him fully back on dry land i've got to go back in the water but something tells me ugly over there won't let me"Sanji said referring to Arlong.
Zoro, Sanji and Nicole were all down for the count "I must have been dreaming for a moment there i thought we had a chance"one of the villagers said "What did that fish guy do?"Yosaku asked "I dunno it looked like he was just throwing water around but then they started to bleed"Johnny said as Sanji was getting up
"I don't even have to touch you, you humans are so fragile i can just kill by playing around with a little water, that's the difference between you and me"Arlong said "Shut up!"Sanji said going to kick him but Arlong dodged and attacked him again, Sanji went down again "You should just die, your lives aren't worth that much there's no one who will miss you when you're gone"Arlong said.
"You're wrong"Nicole said getting up coughing a bit of blood "My father would hunt you down to the ends of the earth if i die here at your hands, but he won't have to cause i'll kill you right here right now, i bet people would celebrate too once you're gone"she said attacking him again but Arlong knocked her down again with a bit of water, although Nicole just pretended to go down, of course she dodged it, pretty hard not to especially when something like that is in her muscle memory.
"Arlong!"Nami called having arrived at the park, Arlong looked over "Hey Nami, i was just teaching one final lesson to these pathetic pirates what are you doing here?"Arlong asked a big smirk on his face "I'm here to kill you"Nami said "Me? You want to kill me?"Arlong asked before bursting into laughter.
"Haven't you learned your lesson yet? How many times have you tried to kill me in these last eight years? You've tried assassination, poison, sneak attacks, you must be aware you mere humans can't kill me, now listen i won't put you in the ground Nami but you can't leave, you'll remain here with us, as our surveyor forever but as you know i'm quite good natured if possible i'd like you to our surveyor of your own free will"Arlong chuckled a bit seeing the shock on Nami's face.
"I'm giving you a choice, i will not take pause in having my fishmen kill every living creature on this island except for you but that's only if you refuse to come back to the Arlong pirates and draw sea charts as one of our own and if you decide to come back with us i'll be kind and spare the villagers their lives but i can't let these ingrates live"Arlong said kicking Sanji over "They must be made an example of so there's only one question will you come with me and save the people of Cocoyashi village or refuse by siding with them? It's your choice, with them you'll be hopeless, with them you will die, Nami, will you come and stand by my side? Or not? The decision is yours"Arlong said.
Nami was trapped no matter which she chose she would never be free and she was sure Arlong would kill her friends either way as well, she thought about it and ultimately chose to fight with the others and believe in Luffy, the villagers cheered gaining moral "Well then it looks like they've made up their minds"Arlong muttered.
Luffy decided to wake up just at that moment spitting out a fountain of water "Alright, now just remove his leg weight"Sanji muttered getting up again "I see that's what you meant"Zoro said also getting up "You could have just said his head is out of the water"Nicole said getting up too at least trying to "Thirty second, that's all i got"Zoro said "That'll be enough!"Sanji said jumping into the water.
"There isn't a fountain over there could it be that rubber man?"Arlong wondered going to check it out but Zoro stopped him after having quickly borrowed Nicole's swords so he had all three "Just stay back you're not getting anywhere near him"he said panting feeling the effects of his reopened wound "Ah, Zoro, now prepare to die"Arlong said licking the blood from the cut that Zoro made.
I couldn't get up! Why! Damn it just as i needed to, Zoro is too weak to fight! I continued trying to get up "In the sea one with devil fruit powers is supposed to lose even the energy to struggle not to mention his powers, he will die and if he's still alive well that wouldn't be fair"Arlong said, "Wouldn't be fair? This game hasn't been fair from the moment we started playing it"Zoro said "Well anyway if there's a hindrance i should be aware of it correct?"Arlong asked.
Then an egg came flying at him but he stopped it with a finger, i looked over to where the shot had come from "I've got your back Zoro! Go on give it to him!"Usopp yelled from the hole Sanji had made when flying through "Hey Nami i beat one of their leaders can you believe it?! I wiped the smug off his stupid face! chu chu! HAHA fishmen are so easy!"he laughed.
"No you beat Chew?"Arlong asked both angry and surprised all his commanders were beaten "That's right! And now that i'm back it's time we finish this once and for all! This is the end Arlong!"Usopp said "You seem to insist on getting in my way i take it you wish to die first then i can take care of that" Arlong said to Zoro completely ignoring Usopp.
Zoro tried to chop off a piece of Arlong's nose for whatever reason, i sweatdropped at that "You fool it's a proud nose because it's unbreakable if you were at full strength you may have been able to give it a little scratch"Arlong said before pushing Zoro back with his nose , then i noticed the octopus was back up and got up myself, i could take this fool on with my bare hands.
"We're not done you girl! You may have put me down but it wasn't for good cause i'm still alive and now i'm gonna finish off your friend!"octopus said diving in before i could stop him "No need to be concerned seeing as you'll all be dead anyway"Arlong said before stabbing Zoro with his nose "Zoro!"i called out concerned as he screamed from the pain.
Arlong grabbed Zoro "Let him go!"i yelled attacking but he just slapped me away "So that's it huh? Way too easy, hmm what's with all these bandages?"Arlong wondered before ripping them off revealing that Zoro's wound indeed had reopened "Hand's off!"i yelled attacking again but this time Arlong grabbed me.
Zoro chuckled a bit "If a person stays put their wounds won't open up, Nicole tried to keep me from fighting, she told me again and again to just take a nap, but i'm a stubborn idiot"Zoro said "Is that right?"Arlong asked glancing at me "I'm not talking about just me, i'm talking about the octo man"Zoro said "What?"Arlong asked "I thought i told you we'll win this game!"Zoro said, Luffy came flying through the sky just at that moment, finally they got him free "You're a bit late" Zoro muttered.
"Zoro! Nicole!"Luffy said grabbing us both "Hey hold on what are you?!"Zoro asked, i got a bad feeling about this and yelped as Luffy flung Zoro and me out of there "Let's switch"i heard Luffy through the air and Zoro's and my own screaming, during our flight, Zoro grabbed me and protected me as we started falling down.

Book One: Treasure of the Heart (Zoro X OC)
FanficNicole Mihawk is the daughter of the greatest swords man in the world, one year after leaving home she runs into Roronoa Zoro and learns of his vow to be the best and joins him on his journey and eventually joining the Strawhat Pirates. DISCLAIMER...