I finally caught up to the fishmen who were covered in egg, Usopp you clever bastard, i smirked, the perfect target to take my frustration on and thus i drew my swords and easily dealt with the fishmen but now i had lost track of Usopp, i hummed a bit "Suppose i'll head back"i muttered to myself and headed back to Cocoyashi village.
"What do you mean he was captured?!"i asked the man i had been questioning about Usopp, when i heard that familiar voice call my name "Zoro!"i looked over, my heart soared as Nicole ran over to me, she stopped right in front of me, i kind of wanted her to hug me but i could understand why she was hesitant cause i was injured.
I had wanted to jump into Zoro's arm and give him a hug but he was injured and the though now made me blush in embarrassment "I overheard, Usopp was captured?"i asked "Yeah, you were lucky to escape young lady but your friend is probably dead by now"one of the villagers said "This is bad, they won't be happy, not after my little visit"Zoro muttered more to himself "Come on Nicole we better hurry"he said turning to me "Right"i nodded and ran after him to Arlong Park.
We hadn't been running long when there was a rumbling through the forest, i could sense something approaching and then i saw it a ship heading straight at us and at helm our fearless captain Luffy "Hey Zoro, Nicole"he greeted before the ship slammed into us before crashing into a cliff face "What the hell were you doing?"Zoro asked climbing out of the rumble, i climbed out too, thankfully i wasn't too hurt, though pieces of wood were stuck to my hair "What do you mean? We're here to pick up Nami, duh"Luffy said.
"My sweet beauty!"the cook from Baratie yelled leaping at me, guess he joined our crew, i kicked him in the face as he got too close though "Too close, stay away creep, what's your name anyway?"i asked keeping the creep away from me "I'm Sanji, from the sea restaurant you must remember me!"he said hearts in his eyes "Yeah whatever Sanji, look i'll be absolutely clear, i don't like clingy types like you so back off and stay away or i castrate you, understood?!"i asked "Yes whatever you say my love!"he said probably not actually listening to a word i said, i sighed.
"Anyway why haven't you found Nami yet? What about Usopp and Johnny?"Luffy asked "Usopp! Come on we gotta hurry"Zoro said running out of the rubble "Why what's wrong?"Luffy asked "He was captured by Arlong's men, we gotta hurry before they kill him"i said "He's already dead"Johnny said walking over "We're too late, big bro Usopp is dead, Nami murdered him"he cried.
I went over and the others followed "Tell us the whole story Johnny, what happened?"i asked, Johnny explained what happened "You can't be serious"Yosaku said "Yeah, she's been running Arlong's favor so she can take the buried treasure in Cocoyashi all to herself, that woman is just a cold blooded killer and she played us all for chumps"Johnny said "Quite!"Luffy said grabbing Johnny's shirt.
"Say another word and you'll regret it!"Luffy said "Easy Luffy this has nothing to do with Johnny"Zoro said "Go on believe whatever you want but i know what i saw, Nami killed big bro Usopp!"Johnny yelled "Shut your mouth! Never in a million years would Nami kill Usopp, she wouldn't do that to her friend!"Luffy yelled "But i saw it!"Johnny argued.
Just then though Nami appeared "What was that about friends Luffy?"she asked "Nami"Luffy said turning to her "What are you doing here?"Nami asked "What are we doing here? You're our friend, we came to get you"Luffy said picking his hat up from the ground which had fallen there when he grabbed Johnny "What a pest"Nami said "Nami?"Luffy asked "Friends huh? Don't make me laugh you're just pathetic enough to deserve each other "Nami said with a totally blank face.
However i could tell she was acting, playing the part of the friend turned betrayer quite well might i add, i just knew cause i'm a bit of an actress myself when i want to be "Damn you!" Johnny said getting up and running in front of Luffy "You killed him i watched you do it! And now big bro Usopp is gone!"he cried "Yep that's right so why don't you kill me and get your revenge" Nami said "What?"Johnny asked "Word to the wise fellas, because of your friends stupidity, Arlong is preparing to kill Zoro along with his entire crew and i don't care how monsterly strong you guys think you are, you are no match for the real monsters, i promise you, you stay on this island you will die, so you have a choice to make between life and death"Nami said.
I scoffed a bit looking away but kept my mouth shut other wise "Her heartless face is so hot! Hi Nami it's me Sanji! Let's run away together!"he yelled instantly going to heart eyes, i sweatdropped, not the time or place Sanji, "Can it Romeo this isn't the time or place for that!" Zoro said agreeing with my thoughts "Excuse me, love is a hurricane!"Sanji argued and Zoro promptly ignored him looking away "Hey look at me while i'm talking to you!"Sanji yelled at him.
"Nami where's Usopp?"Zoro asked "With the fishes"Nami said "Damn it cut the crap!"Zoro said going for the attack but Sanji kicked him back though Zoro had managed to dodge "How sad a swordsman striking a lady"Sanji said "Idiot can't you see what's happening here! You're starting to piss me off"Zoro said, Sanji chuckled a bit "If someone had stopped me that easily i'd be mad too"he smirked, i intervened here tugging at their ears "Calm down the both of you, you can settle this after"i told them.
"Nicole's right, now quit your arguing and leave while you still can, you outsiders have no right to bud into this islands affairs, don't you get it yet? The only reason i got close to you idiots was to rob you of everything you had but now that you're broke it looks like the dreams dead so go take your ship, go on find a navigator dumb enough to join you and go to the Grand Line continue on your quest to find the One Piece or whatever just leave here you're an eye sore!" Nami said.
I smirked "You say you only got close to us to rob us, however you could have done that at any time and sailed off on a boat, yet you stayed, you say you killed Usopp but what's with that glove? You're quite the actress but nothing escapes the hawks eye"i told her, Nami grew frustrated for just a moment before going back to her blank face "Goodbye now"she said totally ignoring me, which in my mind only proved my point, Luffy fell back just then.
"Big bro Luffy!"Johnny called "Sleepy"Luffy simply said "Sleep?"Johnny asked "At a time like this in the middle of the road?!"Yosaku asked "Well i'm pretty tired, i'm not gonna bud into their affairs, i'm not interested but i'm not leaving either night"Luffy said falling asleep just like that, i sweatdropped a bit "Whatever just go ahead and die!"Nami yelled before running off.

Book One: Treasure of the Heart (Zoro X OC)
FanfictionNicole Mihawk is the daughter of the greatest swords man in the world, one year after leaving home she runs into Roronoa Zoro and learns of his vow to be the best and joins him on his journey and eventually joining the Strawhat Pirates. DISCLAIMER...