"Luffy Zoro why are you letting them beat you like that go ahead and fight back! You guys can take them no problem! Nicole don't just stand there!"Nami yelled at the three, Luffy and Zoro were all bruised and bloody with cut all over them while Nicole didn't have a scratch on her "You heard Luffy"Nicole simply said.
"It's no use lady they're too smart for that, they've obviously way out of we're way out of their league, refusing to fight a stronger opponent it's disgraceful but it is smart"Sarquiss said, Nicole kept her scoffing to herself 'Please you guys are so far below our league it's not even worth it to fight you' she thought "Clearly the runt lacks any dignity as a captain"one guy said "The marines sure are generous these days to be willing to fork over thirty million for the head of worthless smart mouth child"another said.
"Come on fight back"Nami whispered "Sounds nice huh? The doctorate of none resistance, so you're weak and you have no pride, you refuse to get into a fight and your head is swimming with silly day dreams, they sound like children"Bellamy said and his crew erupted in laughter, Nicole didn't see it as that funny, "My work here is done, when i heard a bounty worth thirty mil was in town i wonder what kind of a badass crook came with it, needless to say i'm more then a little let down i'm bored with these cowards"Bellamy said before spitting some alcohol in Luffy's and Zoro's faces.
Luffy coughed a bit "Quick get them out of my face bye ladies"Bellamy said before Zoro was sent flying with a kick to the face, Nicole squeezed her arm reminding herself these guys weren't worth it as much as she wanted to kill them after that, Luffy was sent crashing through a window "Luffy Zoro"Nami said as she and Nicole went over the two "Hey sweet things, if you're gonna keep hanging out with these loser you're gonna get left behind especially when the new era rolls around what if i bought you? You seem like simple girls, you can't fetch too high of a price" Sarquiss said as Nicole ignored him doing a quick check over on Luffy and Zoro.
"Excuse me? Did you say you wanna bye me?"Nami asked "That's right come on girl, your friend too, join us"Sarquiss said "I hate to say it but i'm too good to be seen with a pirate like you, you're nothing but a small time thug"Nami said, Nicole still ignoring him "I like your attitude"Sarquiss said as the whole pub laughed once more.
"Take your two friends and get out of my sight before i decide otherwise, you got that weakling?"Bellamy asked "Come on Nami"Nicole said grabbing Zoro by his shirt and dragging him out "Hey hold on, i didn't hear your answer"Sarquiss said reaching out to Nicole, in the blink of an eye she drew her sword and sliced it as she turned around, the slice cutting the whole pub and a few more buildings after it.
Nicole had her death glare on which made even Nami flinch "Keep your hands to yourself"Nicole said in a venomous tone and pointed her sword at Sarquiss' lower part "And i might let you keep your junk"she added and smirked "Not that it would make a difference to whatever whore you screw next"she said and put her sword away turning away and continueing to drag Zoro as she and Nami who was dragging Luffy walked out.
Nami was in a huff as she walked while Nicole was keeping her cool "The sky island does exist"a voice said making the two women stop and look over to see the fat man from before "That place really does make a killer cherry pie"the man said as Nami dropped Luffy "Got something you wanna say?"Nami asked "Now what could you possibly be angry about? Your two friends won that fight without even throwing a punch"the fat man said.
"Huh?"Nami asked "I respect the way you treated them back there, you've got nerves of steel ladies"the fat man said and then laughed as Zoro and Luffy stood up "This new era they keep rambling on and on about is a load of crap, the era when pirates dream of treasure will come to an end?! Yeah right!!!"the fat man yelled and laughed.
"THE DREAMS OF MEN WILL NEVER END!!! Am i right?!"the fat man asked, the people around them laughed at him "One upping your peers isn't easy!"the fat man laughed "They can laugh at us all they want because once you aim high you come across fights that just aren't worth fighting right?"the fat man asked before laughing again "Let's go"Zoro said "Right"Nicole said following him.
"Yeah"Nami said but turned as she saw Luffy wasn't following "Luffy?"she called to him "Luffy" she called again "Oh it looks like i interrupted you are you in a hurry kid? One more thing i hope you find your way to sky island"the fat man said before walking off laughing some more as he did, Luffy turned to follow Zoro and Nicole.
"Maybe we should keep talking to him, he may know something about sky island, who was he?"Nami asked following Luffy "I don't know but it's not he"Luffy said "Huh? If it's not he then what is it?"Nami asked "Probably they, come on let's go"Zoro said picking up the pace "No probably about it"Nicole said walking next to him.
Nami was still angry as she, Luffy, Zoro and Nicole made it back to the Going Merry "Okay, first things first you are going to get treated mister Roronoa no arguments"Nicole said grabbing his hand going on ahead "Yeah yeah"Zoro grumbled following her.
"So what happened to you guys? It looks like you were mauled by a pack of rabid wolves"Usopp said as Chopper was treating Luffy, Nicole having finished her treatment on Zoro who was currently leaning on the ships railing, Nicole sitting next to him "It was pirates but we're okay just some scratches"Luffy said.
"Yep"Zoro said "You guys certainly seem to be okay with everything but i'm not"Nami said before going on a rant venting her anger "What happened to all that pacifist talk?"Zoro asked "Shut up Zoro what's past is past we're not talking about ancient history here!"Nami yelled at him "Why is she in such a bad mood? She doesn't have a single scratch on her"Usopp said "She just doesn't get that some fight just aren't worth it"Nicole said.
"Oh you're one to talk with that giant cut in the middle of the pub back there!"Nami yelled at her "Fighting off creeps is always worth it"Nicole said, Nami just growled yelling in frustration "Oh yeah did you guys get info on sky island?"Chopper asked "Sky island?"Nami asked turning her anger to the reindeer "Does it even matter anymore? All i did was say the word sky island and they all laughed at me what the heck was so funny about me saying that?!"she yelled.
"It sounds like i missed out on some excitement here, how is everyone doing?"Robin asked as she came back from shopping "Robin welcome back my love! I can draw a bath and prepare a fruit plate for you if you're interested"Sanji said with heart eyes "Hey there Robin where have you been all day huh?"Luffy asked.
"Well i went shopping for some clothes and found some information on Skypiea"Robin said "That's right you're the one who brought it up i was made to look like an idiot thanks to your big mouth i'll throw you over board with rocks in your pockets!"Nami yelled "The rocks would be kind of pointless though, she'd sink like one regardless cause of her devil fruit"Nicole said "You just shut up!"Nami yelled at her and Robin giggled a bit.
"Robin i'd keep my distance if i were you, at least for the next two hours just don't rock the boat know what i'm saying?"Usopp asked "Here you go captain"Robin said handing a map to Luffy with her powers "Oh thanks Robin"Luffy said taking the map and having a look at it "Looks like a normal map so what's the big deal?"Usopp asked looking at the map too.
"It's this island, on the left side is Mock Town which is where we are now and if you look on the other side you'll see an x on the coast supposedly a man lives there that was banished from the town because he didn't blend in"Robin said "Didn't blend in?"Luffy and Usopp asked "His name is Mont Blanc Cricket, apparently mister Cricket talked about his dreams too much sounds like you have something in common"Robin said going into the cabin.
"We need to pay this guy a visit"Luffy said "Wait a second Luffy it might not be such a good idea to do that at least not now wouldn't you agree Chopper?"Usopp asked turning over to see Chopper and Zoro totally soaked as the swordsman was wringing his shirt out with Nicole right next to him drooling over him, Usopp just sweatdropped.

Book One: Treasure of the Heart (Zoro X OC)
FanfictionNicole Mihawk is the daughter of the greatest swords man in the world, one year after leaving home she runs into Roronoa Zoro and learns of his vow to be the best and joins him on his journey and eventually joining the Strawhat Pirates. DISCLAIMER...