Chapter Fifty Nine ~ Mont Blanc Cricket

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"I can't believe our luck, seriously that orangutan almost sunk us and now it's up to me to fix it and keep this thing a float"Usopp muttered complaining as he was fixing the Going Merry once again "Seems to me this busted up old ship is on her last leg we need a new one"Zoro said helping with the repairs "Yeah, she's carried us faithfully so far but everything and everyone has their limits"Nicole said also helping.

"How dare you even consider replacing this boat?!"Usopp yelled at them making a face "Yeah how dare you?!"Chopper copied "You are aware of the origins of this ship are you? You do know what she's capable of don't you?"Usopp asked them "Yeah don't you?!"Chopper asked, Nicole rolled her eyes at them.

"We all know the story Usopp and try not to be so defensive the Going Merry is an important part of our crew and we all know we have to take care of her, you shouldn't take everything so personally"Luffy said "You're right i'm sorry"Usopp said crying "Oops"Luffy said destroying a part of the ship he was supposed to be fixing.

"What are you doing?! We're trying to save the ship not sink it!"Usopp yelled at him "Sure thing here i'll fix it"Luffy said only to destroy more of the ship "Oops that didn't work"he said "Luffy!" Usopp and Chopper yelled at him.

"We left Mock Town and headed east by circling the shore of the island our destination is here, we're supposed to meet that man there what's his name?"Nami asked as she pointed out the x on the map "His name is Monk Blanc Cricket"Robin said "And you're sure that he'll be able to help us out right?"Nami asked.

"Whoa amazing!"Usopp and Luffy said as they came up on a giant castle "That's where he lives? It's a freaking palace!"Luffy said "I've never seen a house that big before this Cricket guy must be really loaded"Usopp said "Look closer"Zoro said "It's really unattractive, the guy has to have some guts to build a house that ugly"Sanji said "I think it looks rather cozy"Nicole said referring to the actual house behind the facade of the castle.

"Why exactly did Cricket decide to leave his home and come live here?"Nami asked "I don't know all the details but i think it has something to do with his belief that a large amount of gold rest somewhere in the hills of Jaya"Robin said "Gold?"Usopp asked "Do you think he's here to search for some buried treasure?"Nami asked.

"Well i just don't know"Robin said "Gold!"Nami yelled with beri sign eyes and told Chopper to dig basically at random "Must be hard to live alone in such a remote area"Sanji said walking over to some stumps "Some people prefer solitude"Nicole said looking around the area "Hello!"Luffy called opening the door to the house and just barging in.

"Huh? Looks like no bodies home"Luffy said looking around the house "Anybody here?!"he called "I guess he's gone"he said "Get out of there you idiot this guy could be dangerous"Usopp told Luffy "Hey you guys nobodies home"Luffy called walking back out.

"What's this?"Nami questioned noticing a book "A book and it looks pretty old, it's called Noland the liar"she said reading the title "Sounds like it could be good i sure like the title"Usopp said "Noland the liar?"Sanji asked "Yeah have you heard of it? It says here it was originally published in the North Blue"Nami said "It was i was born in the North Blue i'm certain i've told you guys that"Sanji said.

"No that's news to me i always thought you were born in the east"Usopp said "I grew up there" Sanji said "Born in North Blue you say?"Nicole asked humming as she leaned in closer to Sanji, "Ah Nicole your intense stare up so close is making me blush!"Sanji said with heart eyes but ignoring him Nicole lifted the hair covering his other eye "Ah ha! I knew it! Something had been bugging me ever since we first met, now i know for sure"she smirked.

Sanji panicked and covered her mouth before dragging her a bit further from the others "Sorry" he said uncovering her mouth once they were away "Well whatever that was about, as i was saying you're a Vinsmoke right?"Nicole asked "Yes but please please don't tell the others, that name doesn't exactly bring me pleasant memories"Sanji said "Ah i've got ya, not to worry i'll keep my mouth shut"Nicole smiled at him "Thanks Nicole"Sanji smiled at her.

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