Chapter Seven ~ A Shorter One

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Last we left the crew they were in a restaurant because Luffy was forced to work there for a year because he took the blame for a cannonball gone stray that was fired by marines.

"And that obstacle would be me?"Zeff asked walking over "Sanji this is an opportunity you don't want to miss, why not join them and become a pirate?" he asked Sanji, "I have no need to keep you here at my restaurant"he said.


"Hey listen pal i'm the sous chef in this place, what do you mean you don't need me any more?" the cook asked "You fight with customers all the time, you flirt with every woman under 80 who walks through here, you can't even cook a decent meal, you're more worthless to me then the chum after brunch that's what i mean"the old man said, why do i feel like we're in the middle of all this fighting?

"Oh and let's not forget about how the other cooks avoid you like poison, so run off and be a pirate or whatever but get out of this restaurant"the old man said, "That's how it is? You shoot off the mouth and expect i'm just going to take it old man? I can blow off everything you said but i won't let anyone get off from trash talking my cooking, i'm staying here as a sous chef and that's final!"the cook said grabbing the old man by the collar "You hear me?!"the cook yelled.

Then he was throw at our table but thankfully we moved the food out of the way, wouldn't want to waste any, "Enough of your games, i'm not going anywhere old man not until you're dead and gone!"The cook called, "I got a hundred years of kicking your butt still in me"the old man muttered walking away "He always has to have the last word"the cook muttered, Luffy put his hand on the cooks shoulder "see? He said it was okay so now you can be a pirate!"he grinned.

"Shut up!"the cook yelled before getting up and fixing the table "My apologies, i hope i can make it up to you with this delightful fruit Macedonia, my princess"he said going right back into womanizing mode "And for you my haunting raven, a summer sweet roll, with jam from berries such as strawberries, raspberries and blueberries"the blonde said also serving something for me and pouring a drink to go with it "Uhm, thanks?"i said but it came out as more of a question, i wasn't completely comfortable with how comfortable the cook was being with me.

"Hey what about us Mr. Casanova?! We better get some kind of an apology too!"Usopp yelled "This tea should be sufficient enough for you, in fact you should be thanking me"the cook said "What?!You wanna fight?!You're gonna regret this!"Usopp said and turned to Zoro "Take him out Zoro!"he said "You take him out"Zoro muttered sipping his tea, "Please don't fight over me" Nami said taking full advantage of the situation by manipulating the cook to give the food to herself and me for free, the others still had to pay though, anyway after that he went back to work dragging Luffy with him.


"We've been sitting around twiddling our thumbs for four days now, how long do you think we're gonna be here anyway?"Usopp asked frustrated about having to wait around as we were gathered on the Going Merry "Who knows"Zoro shrugged "He said he'll stay a year but i'm already so bored!"i whined "Oh stop whining, this place is great plus the food is free"Nami said smiling "Yeah for you it is"Zoro pointed out.

"Hey Luffy!What are we still doing here?!Come on let's just get out of this place!"Usopp called over to our so called captain as he came walking by "Just sit tight a little longer, i'm gonna try make another deal with the owner!"Luffy called back "Well hurry up!"Usopp called to him, i groaned leaning back, i just know were gonna be stuck here for a whole year, no way around it, we are sunk, but then i sensed something approaching.

Grabbing the spyglass i looked around, it was kinda hard with all this fog around but "Something wrong Nicole?"Zoro asked "I see a pirate ship approaching but i don't recognise the flag"i said "Well let's hope we won't get dragged into any trouble"he said, i nodded in agreement putting the spyglass down, the ship soon reached the restaurant, Usopp was in a total panic saying this was our que to leave and i actually agreed with him, i just had a feeling that something else was also approaching.

I got off the Going Merry over to the other side of the restaurant to get a better look as the fog was blow away, the ship was in shambles and i knew these marks better then anyone, i'm getting a seriously bad feeling, i mean i'd love to see him again but things might get revealed, things i would of preferred to have revealed on my own time, i went back over to the others just as a commotion started inside, people came running out the back and escaping in their own ships.

"Hey see that' it looks bad, what do you think is going on in there?"Usopp asked "Dunno let's go inside and see"Zoro said "What?!Are you serious?!"Usopp asked "Sure am, you sound scared" Zoro smirked "I am not scared!"Usopp protested "I vote we go check it out"i said smirking "It's two to one, come on then Usopp"Zoro said.

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