"Woohoo! This is gonna be so fun!"Luffy yelled excitedly as we had just made land fall at Roguetown "Every pirate headed to the Grand Line stops here to resupply it has everything you could possibly need"Nami said taking the words right out of my mouth "If that's the case then i'm gonna go on a shopping spree, i bet they have all sorts of stuff here"Usopp said "I'll be able to stock up on produce and fresh women"Sanji said.
"You think there'd be a swordsmith around here?"Zoro asked wondering outloud "I thought you were broke are you gonna steal a sword?"Nami asked probably scheming to let Zoro borrow money from her and the jack up the return price indefinitely "Don't even think about it Zoro, you can have some of the money i get from my swords"i said, Zoro visibly relaxed a bit "You're a life saver"he said.
"Well i'm gonna find where they killed people, i gotta see where the King of the Pirates was executed"Luffy said before running off "Hey wait we have to pick a meeting place!"Usopp called after him but Luffy was far gone "Uh that's not good"Usopp muttered "I wouldn't fret too much we'll just meet up back on the ship"i said patting Usopp's shoulder as i walked off with Zoro following me, we walked around for a bit looking for a shop and eventually spotted one "Just wait out here i'll try haggle a good price"i said turning to Zoro before stepping inside.
"Haggling took longer then i thought sorry Zoro"i said walking out the shop putting my hair up and pinning it in place, but as i looked over when i was done Zoro was gone, i sighed, of course he wouldn't listen to me, i walked off to find another sword shop, i knew from the jacked up prices this shop had nothing but cheap knock offs or crappy swords that will brake in one swing, i'll focus on finding Zoro later cause his sense of direction is the worst.
Anyway after a while i found a smaller sword shop and decided to have a look and went in, the shop keep was sleeping at the counter so i left him to it and silently browsed through his collection, pretty quality stuff for swords in barrels, one in particular stuck out to me "Nicole"i heard and jumped a bit looking over "Oh Zoro, where'd you been? Why'd you run off?"i asked walking over to him "Sorry didn't mean to, some things just happened"he said.
I hummed a bit looking at him, something was definitely different about him "Alright you can tell me about it later, oh here's your share of the money"i said handing it to him "Thanks"he said, i nodded at him and went back to the merch but Zoro called me to wait, i looked back at him, he was blushing a bit "You look nice with your hair up"he said, i blushed and looked away as Zoro walked over to the counter.
"I'd like to pick up some swords"he said waking up the shopkeeper "Of course, of course welcome, have a look at anything you'd like, we have extremely large verity to choose from"the shopkeeper said, Zoro put the money i gave him on the counter "I've got one hundred thousand berries for two swords can you do that?"Zoro asked "Two for a hundred thousand?"the shopkeeper asked clearly not pleased that even with the money Zoro was basically broke and that's half of what i got for my swords.
"For fifty thousand a piece i can only give you two dull blades"the shopkeeper said, "Bullshit"i muttered "I can make do with whatever i just don't have the money right now"Zoro said, he definitely could since i can improve them, then i noticed the shopkeeper notice Zoro's sword, oh yes, i knew exactly how valuable that sword actually was "N-now h-hold on a second i just wanna have a look at that sword you got there is that okay with you pal?"the shopkeeper asked.
"You okay there buddy?"Zoro asked "Let me see!"the shopkeeper said "Yeah okay whatever" Zoro said giving the sword to him, i walked over and leaned on the counter "What this guys deal?"Zoro asked me "He's just freaking out over the value of that sword"i said "Oh yeah? How much would it be worth?"Zoro asked "I can give you two hundred thousand berries for it, what do you say?That would leave you with three hundred thousand which would give you some pretty good steel and at a hundred thousand a piece there are bound to be three swords you like in here"the shopkeeper said.

Book One: Treasure of the Heart (Zoro X OC)
FanfictionNicole Mihawk is the daughter of the greatest swords man in the world, one year after leaving home she runs into Roronoa Zoro and learns of his vow to be the best and joins him on his journey and eventually joining the Strawhat Pirates. DISCLAIMER...