Chapter Thirty Three ~ Doctor Hunt

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We were blown straight through the fish and flew for quite a bit before we fell back to the sea "Friends! GO! Good luck!"i could hear the giants wishing us off and noticed i was still holding Zoro's hand, i blushed a bit and let go, he smirked a bit.

"Guys listen up i will go to Elbaf someday to the village of warriors!"Usopp said "Yeah great!" Luffy said and the two stated dancing around "I wouldn't mind going either i'd love to learn how they made their weapons so durable"i said sitting down and watching Zoro as he tossed off his shirt and started training.

"Damn it all if only i could of cut that wax, i wouldn't have left everyone hanging there"Zoro said panting as he paused in his training "Hey don't say that, i couldn't have cut either and i'm miles above your level"i said "Still?"he asked going back to swinging the huge dumbbell "Uh huh"i nodded "I guess that means if i get strong enough to slice through that stuff from any stance i'd be stronger then you?"he asked, i hummed a bit thinking about it "I suppose you could put it that way"i said.


"Hey everyone come quick!"i heard Vivi call and went over to check what was up "What's wrong Vivi? Are you okay?"Luffy asked "Nami has a terrible fever"Vivi said "Let me see"i said running over "Sure"Vivi nodded, i put my hand on Nami's forehead "We should put her in bed, Sanji help me carry her"i said "Sure thing my love!"Sanji said coming over and helped me carry her, even though i could do it on my own, i think we should keep her stable.

After laying Nami on the bed i had a closer look at her "I don't think it was the climate, some sailor's immune systems go into shock from rapid fire colds and fevers and die so it's more immediate, i don't know what to do here, i'm stumped"i said with a shrug as Vivi put a cold towel on Nami's forehead.

"Well when you're sick eating lots of meat always helps, right Sanji?"Luffy asked "Meat is protean and that does give the body energy to operate properly, i could cook some food to boost her energy but there's no guarantee's i'm not a doctor, besides if my cooking made that big difference she'd never get sick i put a hundred times more care into her meals then i do for you losers, i serve the girls fresh meat and vegetables to ensure a balanced diet anything that's rotten or moldy goes to you"Sanji said pointing to the guys.

"Jerk!"Usopp yelled at him "Oh well still taste good to me"Luffy laughed, Sanji sighed "My point is that as long i'm this ships cook nobody's gonna feed Nami better in terms of nutrition, i can do anything in the kitchen but still i do know there are specific foods for different kinds of illnesses but i can't make that call she need to be diagnosed by a doctor who'll tell us how to help her" he said.

"Just feed her everything we got"Luffy said "Don't you get it? That could just make her worse, and not to mention she doesn't have the energy to eat anything, haven't you ever been sick?"i asked "Not that i can remember"Luffy said "Well hurrah for you"i muttered and looked at the thermometer "104 this is worse then i thought"i said "There's bound to be nurses and doctors in Alabasta that can help right? How much longer until we get there Vivi?"Usopp asked.

"I don't know, at least a week and that's too long"Vivi said "Okay so she's sick maybe we're over reacting"Luffy said "I don't i've never been this sick"Usopp and Sanji said "Morons! Have you all lost your minds?! This is serious!"Vivi yelled at them "Yeah, she shouldn't have such a high fever, unless her body is fighting off a virus, a particularly nasty one i'd guess, her white blood cells are working overtime, this could be life threatening"i said.

The others freaked out "You mean Nami's gonna die?!"Luffy asked "Your screams aren't helping!"Vivi yelled at them "We have to find a doctor to help Nami before she dies!"Luffy yelled "WOULD YOU ALL JUST SHUT UP?!"i yelled at them, they immediately piped down "Listen"Nami said "I'm fine"she said getting up "Yay! She's cured!"Luffy yelled "Shut up!"Usopp yelled hitting him on the head "Go to my desk open the second drawer there's a newspaper in the bottom" Nami said "Just lay back down Nami you're clearly not fine"i told her.

"No"Nami said pausing to pant, i sighed "Stubborn fools the lot of you, of course no one listens to the only person with common sense around here"i grumbled leaning back on my seat "Ungrateful jerks, why'd i even join? My talents are wasted here, i could be halfway through the Grand Line on my own but no, that storm just had to wash me off course, and it had to crash me in the middle of freaking no where in who the hell cares East Blue"i grumbled crossing my arms while Vivi read the newspaper over.

"No that's not possible"Vivi said "Huh? What's up? Something wrong?"Luffy asked her "Is it about Alabasta? Tell us"Sanji said, i was interested to hear too having vented out some of my gripes "According to this article three hundred thousand royal solders have defected to the resistance, until now we've been embroiled in a cold war with six hundred thousand royal solders against four hundred thousand rebels with this the balance has shifted"Vivi said.

"The uprising in Alabasta will seriously escalate now, things will get ugly that paper you're looking at is three days old"Nami said still sitting up because of course she is and of course she like everyone else on this ship doesn't listen to me "I'm sorry i didn't say something earlier we can't change our speed so i didn't wanna worry you, there's nothing anyone can do right now, you understand Luffy?"Nami asked.

"Things are bad and they're beyond our control?"Luffy said but it came out more like a question, "That sunk in better then i had hoped"Nami said "Nami look you need to see a doctor right away"Usopp said "I'm fine, the thermometers broken, i mean nobody gets a temperature of 104, it's probably just a mild case of sunstroke, there's nothing a doctor can do for me that time won't, besides we don't have the time to hunt for one we need to head straight for Alabasta right? I appreciate the concern thank you and Nicole, we do listen to you"Nami said before walking up stair.

I growled a bit following her "If you really listened to me you'd stay in bed!"i yelled at her following her upstairs and outside "Zoro what the hell have you been watching  all this time?"i heard Nami ask as i got there "What are you talking about we've been going straight ahead as you ordered"Zoro said "Oh yeah straight at a right angle, look at the Eternal Pose it doesn't lie" Nami said "I don't need to look at it i've been using that big cloud over there as my guide"Zoro said pointing to a random cloud "You moron! Clouds move and change shapes constantly!"Nami yelled at him before yelping a bit "Geez my heads killing me"she said holding her head.

"Just leave the navigation to me and go to bed"Zoro said "I wish i could but i'm here because i don't trust you with this"Nami said "Then leave it to me and get back inside"i said grabbing her along "Come on"I said heading back inside "Wait Nicole! The air's changed"Nami said "What do you mean the air's been nice like this the whole time"Zoro said "Never mind just get the others" Nami said, i sighed a bit, i give up, she's not gonna listen to me on this matter "Hey get your butts out here right now!"Zoro called.

The others stepped out and we set to work moving the ship per Nami's instructions, Vivi walked out once we were done "I need to ask you all a favor, as a passenger on your ship it's not my place to ask this but i have no choice, my homeland is in jeopardy of being destroyed so i'd really appreciate it if we could move even faster, every minute i'm out here puts more of my people in danger of losing their lives we need to head for Alabasta at full speed"Vivi said.

"Of course we will just like we promised"Nami said "Then it's settled, let's find an island with doctors on it right away, first things first, we need to get Nami healthy again then we head for Alabasta, after all we need her at the helm to move at top speed"Vivi said "Right no one makes this ship move like Nami"Luffy said "Hold on princess, won't finding a doctor take time the citizens of Alabasta just don't have?"Usopp asked "That's right so the sooner we can get a doctor for Nami the sooner we can get to Alabasta"Vivi said.

"Those are wise words Vivi, you're beautiful and brilliant"Sanji said "The girls got guts"Zoro said, i just huffed with a smirk on my face, the a cyclone appeared in the distance, that was the direction we had been heading in, if Nami hadn't been a stubborn ass and listened to me we'd all be dead by now "Alright what're we waiting here for let's find Nami a doctor!"Luffy said "Yeah!"we all said, we sailed past the cyclone and Nami was back in bed.

It had started to get cold and soon enough it was snowing, i had put on some jeans and a winter coat i got way back in Roguetown, the jeans were just that, just jeans but the coat was more like a trench coat, i liked long coats like this, it was totally black and super cozy, i also had a scarf on, which i also got in Roguetown, it had stripes of many different colors and no particular pattern, i just fell in love with it, anyway Zoro and i were in the Crow's Nest keeping an eye out for islands but what we spotted first was some weirdo clown standing on the water.

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