The Strawhats had split from there on to find the agents, Nicole ran into one of the many rooms and sweatdropped, the room was filled with pictures of that pigeon guy and the bed was filled with plushies of leopards and sitting on that bed a blonde woman was holding a leopard plushie "Ah well hello she wolf, personally i was hoping Strawhat would end up here, i can't have him lay a hand on my Lucci"the woman said.
Nicole sweatdropped "Yeah whatever, look i'm here for the key so if you could just had it over i'll be on my way and i'll leave you with that"she said pointing to the plushies "Oh no i can't do that, Lucci would definitely get mad if i just let you take it, then again he might punish me if i let you take it oh! I'd love that but not having a fight is boring"the woman said.
"Ah it's such agony! To fight or to let you have the key and get punished by Lucci?"the woman wondered more to herself, Nicole narrowed her eyes drawing her swords "I'll just start looking if you're done talking to yourself"she said and went to slice into the plushies only to be stopped by the woman's leg.
"I certainly can't let you do that, if you're gonna do that i'm gonna have to fight you either way, besides i have the key on me" the woman said, Nicole smirked "Thanks for telling me, I might just take you on that, i'd love to test my strength on you"she said drawing one of her swords away and aiming for a plushie only to be stopped again and getting into a fight with the other woman.
Nicole and the woman had moved their fight into another room, the two women were out of breath and covered with cuts and bruises, the blonde turned human from her hybrid form for she had eaten the Zodiac class zoan devil fruit model rabbit, Nicole sighed a bit "First i'm forced to use Haki, now i can't believe i'm forced to use that again" she said "What are you babbling about?" the woman asked, Nicole put one sword away and crouched down taking a runners stance and holding her sword close.
"Tell me your name so i may engrave it onto your gravestone"Nicole said glaring at the woman "Oh i'm so scared but i'll oblige, you should know the name of your killer, Imke Limian"she said "Very nice to meet you, now to answer your earlier question i was babbling about having to use my swords style"Nicole said.
"You, you haven't used a fighting technique so far?"Imke asked "I have, just not my own"Nicole smirked as the room temperature seemed to rise, sweat rolled down Imke's back as the air became almost suffocating this was different from the usual cold chill Nicole's glare gave off and that made it scarier "Amaterasu style first form"Nicole spoke and disappeared in a flash.
Imke looked around keeping her guard up, this was shave, she knew how to counter it, however Nicole appeared below the woman her sword seemingly on fire, Imke couldn't dodge and screamed as Nicole sliced upwards, the resulting cut on Imke was deep and left a burning scar as the blonde passed out from the pain "Rising Sun!"Nicole finished as Imke fell down.
Nicole took a deep breath and looked at her sword as if expecting it to brake, thankfully it didn't but it did have some chip damage, she sighed putting it away before turning to Imke and searching for the key, she found it hidden in a boot "Now then to find Zoro"she said running off.
~skip~ (The Zodiac class zoan devil fruits, there are twelve of them in known existence, though some say a thirteenth exists, the twelve known ones are Dragon (which is different from the mythical one) Rat, Monkey, Boar, Snake, Rabbit, Horse, Rooster, Sheep, Cat, Tiger and Ox, they say when awakened the user gains a new ability, rumors say once awakened the thirteenth grants all these abilities)
"Nicole!"Nami called spotting her as she came running out of a room "Nami! What the hell's going on with Chopper?!"Nicole asked running "Don't worry about it Franky and i have a plan, did you get a key? Which number is it?"Nami asked "It's 2, why'd you ask?"Nicole asked "Zoro and Usopp got their wrist cuffed together"Nami said.
Nicole snickered a bit "Okay as hilarious as that is, there's other things to worry about, Chopper is heading towards the boys"she said "Right, lead the way"Nami said, Nicole nodded and lead the way as she, Nami and Franky reached the giant hole monster Chopper had made into the room Zoro and Sogeking were currently in.
Franky blew Chopper through the room and into the sea and went after him, Nicole used her key to unlock the cuffs on Zoro and Sogeking "You better stop laughing and start running, you blew your only chance to kill me and you're not getting another, it's my turn and i'm taking you all down, the entire world government"Zoro said as him, Nicole, Sogeking and Nami faced the giraffe and wolf.
"Well i never knew you were into cuffing Zoro"Nicole smirked "Shut up!"Zoro yelled at her with a blush, the giraffe went to attack but Zoro took him on, Nami and Sogeking went to hide while Nicole fought the wolf, she wasn't at her best though, clearly still hurt and exhausted from her previous fight with Imke but even so she was still holding her ground.
Thankfully for Nicole she didn't have to fight long as Sanji came in kicking the wolf and sending him flying "I'll take it from here Nicole"he said lighting his cigarette "He's all yours"Nicole said putting her swords back "Who the hell are you?"the wolf asked, Sanji took a drag from his cigarette "I'm the hunter" he said.
"It's Sanji, how did you get your body back to normal? You're okay right?"Nami asked a hint of concern in her voice "Some big bath tub fell from the sky and smashed to pieces water went everywhere"Sanji said before turning to Nami giving her a reassuring smile "I'm fine though thanks for your concern Nami~swan"he said making her blush and Nicole smirk but she'll keep her teasing to later.
"Anyway take a look outside"Sanji said and they saw the gates of justice were opening "If those gates open up and Robin goes through them, we won't have any way to follow her, she'll cross waters infested with sea kings and beyond that are Impel Down and Marine Headquarters, everywhere beyond those gates is outside of our reach we'll lose her forever"Sanji said.
"But i thought Luffy would have caught up to her by now"Nami said "That Lucci guy is holding him off, they're fighting pretty seriously and i bet those buster call ships are already on their way here"Nicole said "This is the worst situation i can imagine but in every situation even one as bad as this there's always a chance, leave this guys key to me"Sanji said.
Nicole glanced over to Zoro getting a glance back in return "Come on you two"she said running off "Right"Nami said grabbing Usopp and dragging him with her "Wait i got an idea! As long as i'm here we can save her, come on let's go!"Usopp said getting up and leading the charge "Hey wait up!"Nami yelled chasing after him "Hold up what's your plan?!" Nicole asked following too.
"You pirates were sorely mistaken if you thought you could take on the world government and survive, in the name of justice a mistake that severe can only be punished by death, the same goes for Nico Robin, her knowledge isn't the only threat the government sees in your group however, your little girlfriend Mihawk Nicole has proven to be quite formidable according to admiral Aokiji's report, her death"Kaku was cut off as a demonic aura flared around Zoro.
~skip~(the rest of the scene goes as it should)
Sogeking shot down the marines as Robin made a run for it "Bam eat that our sniper is number one!"Sanji yelled "Nice shot Soppking!"Nicole called "I could do without the singing i think"Zoro said "Let him have it"Nicole waved it off.
Franky got the cuffs off of Robin with the number six key, the one Nami got from Kalifa, Robin used her powers to repeatedly slap Spandam and the Strawhats started to make their way over to the bridge to fight with Robin just as the Buster Call ships became close enough to start firing.

Book One: Treasure of the Heart (Zoro X OC)
FanfictionNicole Mihawk is the daughter of the greatest swords man in the world, one year after leaving home she runs into Roronoa Zoro and learns of his vow to be the best and joins him on his journey and eventually joining the Strawhat Pirates. DISCLAIMER...