As the Strawhats grew closer to the mansion it started raining "Man that sure came out of nowhere"Zoro said "It's really coming down too, should we run to the mansion?"Franky asked "Hang on a sec, i see something really big behind the mansion, it looks like some kind of mark" Luffy said "The fog was hiding it earlier, it's a sail and that's Moria's mark"Nicole said.
"Yes you're right"the old man said "Hey why are you still following us?!"Franky, Sanji and Zoro asked "Right about what?"Luffy asked "Like she said what you see is a sail of gigantic proportions, it's so large seeing the whole thing at once is quite difficult, you see Thriller Bark is not the island it appears to be believe it or not it's actually the worlds largest pirate ship"the old man said.
"Oh yeah Nicole said something about that too right?"Luffy asked turning to her "Yep"Nicole nodded "Behind the mansion is the main mast, it's also the home of Gecko Moria"the old man said, Luffy opened the gates an the crew stepped in heading to the mansion.
The crew had reached the mansion "Hello! If nobody's there i'm going in"Luffy said and smashed the lock off, the crew went inside "Gecko Moria i'm here to kick your ass!"Luffy called through the mansion "Pretty creepy looking entryway"Franky said "Doesn't seem like anyone's here"Zoro said "Oh there are plenty of people here, or their souls at least"Nicole said.
"Hey! Any monsters in here?! Gecko Moria!"Luffy called "Shouldn't there be a servant around here? They gotta have tons of them in a mansion this size"Zoro said "It's so weird i know i'm hearing people's souls all around us but i'm not seeing anyone"Nicole said "What's with the mess? They have a fight in here or what? They better not have hurt Nami"Sanji said.
Then a chuckle "You're quite audacious aren't you? Those who know our master usually know to be here"a pig ornament said "Oh! I get it now, Moria's stuffed shadows inside bodies to make zombies, no wonder your voice is so sad, it wants to go back to its body"Nicole said, the pig gasped "She knows too much!"it said.
All the surprise zombies started muttering among themselves "Attack!"the pig said and the surprise zombies attacked, of course they were no match as the crew fought back "Well that takes care of that"Luffy said "Hold on not yet, there's still this little piggy up there"Franky said.
The crew took the piggy down and interrogated him "Oh those three friends of yours? We fed the, bath them and gave them a warm bed to sleep in good news right we're all friends right?" piggy asked "Like we're gonna fall for that"Franky said "No i swear i'm not lying to you! Why don't you go see for yourselves? Right up those stairs, go ahead"piggy said.
"Hold on something wrong here"Franky said "Yeah, Sanji's missing"Nicole said "Huh? He was just here a second ago, can you tell where he went Nicole?"Luffy asked "He's being carried somewhere, my guess is to Moria so they can steal his shadow and stick it into a body"Nicole said "That makes things easy, hey piggy do you know where Moria is?"Luffy asked.
The other zombies laughed "Yes guide them"one of them said "Go ahead if you wanna die so badly then challenge our master it's your funeral"another said "Those missing friends of yours are probably dead or even worse, consider yourselves lucky you've lost so few, i'd save my own skin if i were you, if you face our master none of you will survive, you'd do well to leave before you encourage his wrath"another said.
"Sorry but i don't take advise form paintings, you wanna help? Give a message to that stupid master of yours, tell him if he lays a single finger on any of my friends i'll kick his ass so hard this whole island will split in half"Luffy said, Franky picked up piggy before the crew continued their way.
"I bet that old guy was right that Moria's been watching us this whole time we gotta keep our eyes peeled for traps or we'll end up like our cook, we're already missing half our damn crew wouldn't surprise me if Moria was trying to split us up"Franky said.
"Probably just Sanji's fault, he is pretty dumb, still can't believe we found one of the warlords out here"Zoro said "My question is what are we gonna do if one of our shadow's get stolen" Franky said "We get it back, though i'm not sure how"Nicole said.
"I know i promised that old guy i'd beat up Moria but maybe that should be second on the list, gotta look out for my crew first"Luffy said "I can't tell you where your friends are but wherever it is they're in for a world of pain but i wouldn't worry about them you're not much better off yourself, you'll see"piggy laughed but Luffy punched him.
"Okay whatever, you're gonna stop oinking and start guiding got it?"Luffy asked "Yes sir"piggy said, Zoro came to a stop sensing something or so he thought there was nothing, though Nicole could definitely tell there was something following them.
"Zoro?"Nicole called suddenly feeling empty air where she was previously feeling Zoro's warm presence, the others continueing on ahead, she immediately grew worried, had he strayed? No she would have been able to tell that, then he was captured just like Sanji had been, alright no trouble, she just needed to catch up to the others and follow the pigs directions,
However as Nicole turned to catch up with the others she felt something grabbing her before everything went dark.
Nicole blinked as she woke up to familiar voice "Hey what are you doing let go of me!"it was Zoro, she stopped herself from calling out to him assessing the situation, she was tied up, her pin was still in place, that's good, she was in a coffin it seemed.
Nicole didn't know that other 'voice' though but could only assume it was Gecko Moria, she had to get out of there, she rattled the coffin as she tried getting out of whatever was trying her up, when there was a strange laugh as the lid to the coffin was opened.
"So you're awake as well, Nicole Mihawk"the person said picking her out of the coffin, she glared at them "Gecko Moria"she said "Kishishi so he's told you about me, what a doting father"Moria said bringing her up to have a closer look, she just glared at him.
Moria laughed again "I can certainly see the family resemblance, in that case i think i'll be taking these away from you"he said reaching to her side and grabbing her swords "Don't you dare!"she yelled at him but couldn't really do anything as he took away her swords "Kishishi! Not to worry, if you want them back you'll just have to fight to get them back"Moria said laying the swords on the corpse of what looked like a female samurai.
Moria strung Nicole up "What are you doing now?"she asked "I won't kill you, that would be a waste, being his daughter i can only imagine how strong your shadow is"Moria said turning on a light, Nicole blinked a bit from the strong light and could only watch feeling paralized as Moria tore her shadow off of the floor, then cut and darkness.
Moria laughed as he threw Nicole's unconscious body among those of her friends, he stepped over to the female samurai corpse and turned to the shadow struggling in his hand "You're going to do whatever i tell you from now on, you're going to abounded your memories understand?" he asked and the shadow nodded.
Moria grinned stuffing the shadow inside the corpse, it only took a few seconds as the body rose up, reanimated by the shadow, she glanced at the swords on her lap, these were not her's aside from that she could of sworn she had died "Welcome back to the world of the living legendary samurai Ayame! I must apologize but we could not find your swords, i hope the ones on your lap will suffice"Moria said.
Ayame looked up to her master though the sockets that used to house eyes were now empty, she looked back at the swords, she noticed something on one of them, she had a closer look, her pin! But she gave it to her daughter to be passed down in the family "Master, might i ask whom these swords belong to?"Ayame asked standing up from the table and placing the swords at her right hip "Huh? I don't see how that is relevant but they were hers"Moria said pointing over to Nicole.
Ayame masked her mild shock, she looked just like her before she was reanimated, she could imagine she looked nothing like it right now though, her once bright purple eyes now liquefied away and her once black hair stark white "Thank you master, what is my task now?"she asked turning to Moria "I know, how about you join Ryuma in the mansion, i bet you're dying to reunite with your husband"Moria laughed "Thank you master"Ayame bowed before heading that way.

Book One: Treasure of the Heart (Zoro X OC)
FanfictionNicole Mihawk is the daughter of the greatest swords man in the world, one year after leaving home she runs into Roronoa Zoro and learns of his vow to be the best and joins him on his journey and eventually joining the Strawhat Pirates. DISCLAIMER...