"I'm telling you again my injuries are a whole lot more severe then yours are"Zoro said as he was carrying Nami, Nicole was running next to him gritting her teeth as each step was torture on her sprained ankle "Oh quit whining and act like a man my leg is hurt so i can't stand"Nami said "You're the one who's whining you spoiled little brat!"Nicole yelled at her.
"It's Luffy he's alive!"Chopper yelled "Tony's here too"Vivi said "Luffy!"Usopp called waddling over covered in bandage's "Vivi is here too"Chopper said "See? See? He's still alive what did i tell you i knew it all along!"Usopp said "Really?"Chopper asked "For someone who knew it all along you sure look surprised"Sanji said.
"Usopp Sanji you're all right"Vivi said " Ah Vivi what happened? You look like you're hurt? Are you alright?"Sanji asked with heart eyes, Nami bonked Usopp on the head with her new weapon the clima tact "Nami and Nicole too and Mr.Bushido, everyone is alive"Vivi said "Usopp who asked you to create some useless prop for parties?"Nami asked him as Zoro was panting behind her with Nicole leaning on him to rest her injured leg.
"Oh come on you're standing up just fine!"Zoro yelled at Nami "Spoiled brat, oh no i got a scratch, oh dear my finger broke, i think i'll faint"Nicole said doing an impression of Nami as she fake fainted earning a growl and glaring from Nami as Zoro chuckled catching Nicole before she corrected herself still staying off her injured leg as she crossed her arms glaring right back at Nami as sparks flew between them.
"Vivi, what's going on what's with all this dust flying everywhere?"Nami asked turning to the princess, Nicole huffed knowing she won this round "Explain yourself idiot how could you let Nami and Nicole get so injured?! What happened?"Sanji asked Zoro "It's fine just let it go"Zoro said still trying to catch his breath.
"Listen Chopper do me a favor bury my body in the wastelands once i'm dead and gone"Usopp muttered pretending to die "Usopp don't die!"Chopper yelled "I'm sorry you guys, i know i lost to him once already, this time, this time i'm gonna win the rest is up to you"Luffy said "So get going already"Zoro said "If you can't beat this guy then i don't know anybody who can"Usopp said "I'm gonna put an end to this for good"Luffy said "Yeah!"Nami, Usopp and Chopper cheered.
"Thank you, after all that's happened all of you are still with me"Vivi said "Crocodile!"Luffy yelled stretching himself over to the warlord as round two of their fight began.
Back with the crew Vivi told them that Crocodile had planted a bomb somewhere that would blow up the plaza center taking both armies with it "Are you serious? In ten minutes this place is really gonna blow up?"Usopp asked "Yes four thirty is when it goes"Vivi said "That soon?"Nami asked "According to what Crocodile said if the cannon is shot no one within five kilometers will survive"Vivi said "Five kilometers? That means"Nami trailed off "Both the royal and rebel armies will be completely wiped out"Chopper said.
"That damn Crocodile"Sanji said "What the hell are we supposed to do?"Usopp asked "We find the cannon"Zoro said "We stop the cannoneer from shooting"he said "Okay but how do we find him?"Usopp asked "And in ten minutes?"Nami asked "Well not by standing around here"Zoro said "But if everything in this area will blow up then the cannon guy has to be far away or he'd just blow up with the rest of it"Usopp said.
"No way, no, he's close, the cannoneer is almost certainly near the palace square"Vivi said "What are you serious Vivi? But that would mean he gets caught in the explosion too"Usopp said "I don't think Crocodile would care if the cannoneer died"Nicole said "What he's just gonna let his own man die?!"Chopper asked shocked "He's just plain evil"Sanji said "Come on let's go"Zoro said.

Book One: Treasure of the Heart (Zoro X OC)
FanfictionNicole Mihawk is the daughter of the greatest swords man in the world, one year after leaving home she runs into Roronoa Zoro and learns of his vow to be the best and joins him on his journey and eventually joining the Strawhat Pirates. DISCLAIMER...