The crew was back on their ship, the sun was setting in the background, Chopper ran out of the cabin "Hey Usopp's finally awake you guys!"he announced "Alright good to hear"Luffy said, Nami sighed in relief "That's one less thing to worry about"she said, the rest of the crew went inside the cabin to check on their nakama.
"You know i oughta punch you for scaring us like that"Nami said "Yeah no kidding, though it looks like you've already taken enough punches if you ask me, what were you thinking taking those guys on alone?"Sanji asked "You can't just run off and fight whoever you want"Zoro said "Oh that's a good one coming from you"Sanji said and Luffy laughed as Nicole snickered a bit.
"This wouldn't happen if i was strong like you guys, i'm sorry, it's all my fault i'm so ashamed of myself"Usopp cried clinging onto Zoro "Hey hey stop! I get it, i know you're sorry but you don't have to get all touchy feely on me okay"Zoro said uncomfortable with anyone else except Nicole even just touching him.
"All our saving all the trouble we went through what about the Merry?"Usopp cried "Take it easy, you shouldn't be out of bed yet"Chopper told him "Calm down stop your whining and listen to the doctor"Nami told him "So is there a chance we might get our money back after all?"Usopp asked after calming down.
"We'll maybe we won't know for sure until that Franky guy shows up"Luffy said grinning "I see, i'm sorry"Usopp whispered "Hey even if we can't get the rest back we still have a hundred million berries left over, don't worry"Luffy laughed "Yeah but he lost twice that much!"Nami yelled "Oh come on did you have to rub salt in the wounds Nami?"Nicole asked giving her a look.
"Uh sorry Usopp"Nami said "No it's fine, more importantly is Merry gonna be okay? I mean can we get her repaired with the money that we have left? We're lucky we have all these awesome shipwrights to work on her but i know things are gonna get rough out there so i want her to be stronger then ever before, we gotta do a lot more then just a little touch up, so do you think those guys will still do a good job if we only have one hundred million to pay with? You talked to them about it right?"Usopp asked.
"Uh yeah but we aren't having them repair it, we decided to get a new ship instead, i know that we probably should have asked you first but we didn't have much choice, either way i've made up my mind, the Going Merry has taken good care of us but it looks like our journey with her has to end here"Luffy said.
There was a beat of silence "Anyway Ice pops gave us this awesome ship catalogue to flip through, there's all kinds of different ships we could pick from in here and if we decided to shop for a used model we could go bigger then the Merry and still keep our budget under a hundred million"Luffy said.
"Wait, just stop, i get it Luffy but the jokes go on long enough okay? See? Chopper doesn't know you're kidding, look how upset this is making him, geez captain you should know better then to treat your crew like that, come on Nami back me up here"Usopp said but Luffy was completely serious.
"Hold up does that mean we don't have enough for the repairs it's cause i lost the two hundred million isn't it? And now we can't afford to work on the Merry is that what this is about? After all a first class ship yard is gonna cost a lot right?!"Usopp asked "Would you stop and listen to me" Luffy said "What is it? Tell me! Don't try to sugar coat it!"Usopp yelled.
"I'm not okay? I don't even care you lost all the money that's over now!"Luffy yelled back "If that's how you feel the what's all this crap about buying a new ship?!"Usopp asked "Both of you stop it! Fighting isn't gonna help, just calm down for a sec"Zoro said "I don't see what i'm doing wrong he's the one saying all this dumb stuff"Usopp said.
"I know how you feel but you shouldn't get so worked up right now"Nami said "Listen to Nami Usopp if you don't get any rest you're not gonna get any better"Chopper said "Who cares about me? How can you sit here while he's making jokes about getting a new ship?"Usopp asked "I'm not joking about anything this was a hard decision for me too!"Luffy yelled.

Book One: Treasure of the Heart (Zoro X OC)
FanfictionNicole Mihawk is the daughter of the greatest swords man in the world, one year after leaving home she runs into Roronoa Zoro and learns of his vow to be the best and joins him on his journey and eventually joining the Strawhat Pirates. DISCLAIMER...