I continued to watch as Zoro went at dad determined that he wasn't that far from the world's greatest swordsman, unfortunately for Zoro, he wasn't anywhere near the level of my father, heck he wasn't even near my level, still though i bit my lip worried for Zoro in addition to learning that Mihawk is my father i'm pretty sure he's about to learn he still has a long way to go to even be near his level, i just wonder how does he feel about all of this.
After a while, really not even that long of a while Zoro was already getting tired "What is it then? What weight do you carry upon your shoulders? Speak up weakling!"dad told him, i knew, but i bit my lip as to not say anything, "No i won't lose, i refuse to be defeated"Zoro said going for another move but before he could do it, dad stabbed him with the small blade, i had to pinch myself from crying out "You are defeated yet you won't step back, why not?"dad asked Zoro.
"I don't know but i will not run, even if i retreat a single step i would be shattering the promises i've made, i can't run, i would lose my honor you see without that there would be nothing left for me here"Zoro said "That's what defeat is"dad pointed out "Then i won't accept it"Zoro said huffing a bit "Then you'll die"dad said "I rather die than give up!"Zoro said, i could see it in his eyes, dad was starting to respect Zoro, even just a little bit.
"Sir state your name"dad said "I am Roronoa Zoro"he said "I'll remember it, no one as strong as you has come around in quite some time"dad said drawing the sword on his back, this was all the proof i needed, dad was showing respect to Zoro "So as a swordsman's cutesy i'll use the worlds strongest black sword to finish you"dad said "Thank you i appreciate it"Zoro said.
I bit my lip, this was it, i just hope dad won't kill Zoro, i-i didn't want him to die, i flinched a bit as dad and Zoro went at each other but didn't close my eyes, that would be a dishonor on this duel, Zoro's swords broke and a wound appeared on him, i bit the inside of my cheek to stop myself from calling out, i wasn't even completely sure why i was so worried about him.
I watched as Zoro turned to my dad again completely dropping his defences "But why?"dad asked clearly a bit shocked "Scares on the back are a swordsman's shame"Zoro said with a smirk "Fine"Dad smirked and sliced Zoro, blood went flying everywhere, i could help it this time as i called out "Zoro!"and ran over to him diving in after him as he fell into the sea.
I watched my daughter go after the boy i had just cut down, how very interesting, Zoro didn't say he was fighting for her but there was clearly something there at least on my daughters part.
I gasped reaching the surface and dragged Zoro over to Yosaku's and Johnny's boat, i immediately started treating the cut on his chest "It's still too early for you to die, my name is Dracule Mihawk! You are strong but there is much for you to learn, no matter how long it takes i will hold this title as the strongest and wait for you, until that day you must hone your skills then, seek me out Roronoa Zoro!"dad called over.
I smiled a bit taking a brake from giving Zoro CPR "Hear that? He's actually acknowledging you, i knew you had the potential to impress him"i said to Zoro before going back at the CPR, Zoro started coughing up some water i turned his head to the side so he wouldn't choke on it again, Zoro lifted his sword "Luffy can you hear me?!"he called but a bit strained.
"Yeah!"Luffy called back "I'm sorry for disappointing you, i know you need nothing less then the greatest swordsman in the world, i've let you down, please forgive me!"Zoro said before coughing up some blood "Take it easy Zoro"i told him "I solemnly swear for this moment forward that i will never lose again!"Zoro said crying his eyes out "Until the day comes when i defeat him and take his title, i will never, never be defeated, is that okay?! King of the pirates?!" he yelled out.
I could hear Luffy laugh a bit and saw the grin on his face "Yup!"he said, i smiled a bit and set back to work on Zoro.
"You're a good team, i feel i can trust you with my daughter, i hope to see you again some day" Mihawk said and started walking off when Don Krieg showed up "Hey Hawkeye, i was under the impression that you were here to kill me, weren't you here to kill Don Krieg ruler of the East Blue?"he asked "The thought had crossed my mind but i've had my fun and returned what Nicole forgot to her so i'm going home to get some rest"Mihawk said.
"I don't care if you've had enough i haven't even gotten started"Don Krieg said, his crew argued against it but he made a futile attack none the less and Mihawk left in the ensuing chaos, "Usopp!"Luffy called "Go on ahead i'll leave Nami to you!"he said "Roger that! Don't you worry, Zoro, Nicole and i are gonna get her right back and make sure we get that cook in our crew and then on the Going Merry the six of us will head for the Grand Line!"Usopp said throwing Luffy's strawhat back to him.
With that we set off following Nami, Zoro would definitely need stitches for his cut but i at least treated it to the point where he wouldn't be constantly bleeding and after throwing his shirt off wrapped it up, "So" Zoro said as we were sailing, Usopp, Johnny and Yosaku had left us to talk but they were probably eavesdropping regardless.
"So?"i asked sitting across from him "Mihawk is your father?"he asked, i sighed "I never intended to keep quiet about it, honestly i thought you at least had a clue i'm a girl yes but the resemblance is uncanny, especially the eyes"i said.
"True, when were you planning to tell me then?"Zoro asked, i shrugged "Probably when we reached the Grand Line"i said "I imagine he trained you?"he asked, i just nodded "So until now you've been holding back?"he asked, again i nodded "Train me"he suddenly said, i was taken a back "Excuse me?"i asked "Train me"he repeated "You, you're not mad at me or anything?"i asked "Well like you said the eyes especially are so similar between you two, it's actually why i challenged you back then so it's not like i was completely unaware of it"he said.
"But i still chose to say nothing about it"i said "And i chose not to ask about it, so no i'm not mad, i can't quite put it a word on how i feel about it, i mean it's not like you had a choice on him being your dad"he said "To be honest even if i did i wouldn't trade him for the world, he's actually a wonderful father"i said, Zoro chuckled a bit smiling "Oh really? Do tell more"he said, i smiled, i was glad to tell him more about myself, just like he had shared everything with me, i can now share everything with him.
(A/N: I know some of you are gonna point out that Nicole's last name should also be Dracule because that's how Oda decided to name his characters, their last names first, which is traditional in Japan from what i understand, anyway this is just head canon cause i'm too lazy to look up any facts but anyway, given that Mihawk's appearance has more European influences including his name Dracule, maybe his first name is Dracule, my point being Mihawk fits my character better as a last name)

Book One: Treasure of the Heart (Zoro X OC)
FanfictionNicole Mihawk is the daughter of the greatest swords man in the world, one year after leaving home she runs into Roronoa Zoro and learns of his vow to be the best and joins him on his journey and eventually joining the Strawhat Pirates. DISCLAIMER...