Oars checked he how many he had defeated and how many he had left to destroy, he didn't recognize Brook or Usopp though "So let's see here, there's that Strawhat guy, orange hair lady and awesome super hero, that's six down and three to go wonder where they're hiding"Oars said before walking off.
Oars was still looking around "Crap this guy's gonna be a real pain in the ass"Franky said "He's not just strong he's fast as hell for his size"Zoro said "He's got really impressive agility and flexibility too, this is gonna be a tough one"Nicole said "What was his name again?"Sanji asked "Oh uh"Chopper trailed off "Think it was roast right?"Zoro asked.
"No not even close i think it had an s at the end didn't it?"Usopp asked "Hughes?"Chopper asked "I think you're getting colder actually"Usopp said "Boars?"Sanji asked "Close, it's Oars" Robin said as Nicole was pinning her hair up and Zoro put his bandanna on "That's it!"the others said.
"Oh i'm sorry but my injuries are quite terrible"Brook said "It's fine we understand, you can still move around though right?"Franky asked "Yes"Brook said "Then move yourself out of the way" Franky said "Of course"Brook said getting out of their way as the Strawhats approached Oars.
"Hey Oars!"Sanji called "Huh?"Oars asked looking over "If that's really Luffy's shadow you got inside you, then i probably shouldn't have to tell you this but you should never underestimate the strength of your own crew"he said, the Strawhats were back up and ready for round two.
Oars laughed "You tiny pirates are tougher then i thought you'd be"he said before jumping high up and coming back down "I'm tired of being thrown around so much what do you say we turn the tables and throw him around for a change?"Zoro asked, Nicole smirked "Sounds fun to me" she said.
"I can get behind that, we let him have his fun for long enough"Sanji said "Whoa hey wait a minute how are we supposed to throw him? In case you haven't noticed he's a giant"Usopp said "We noticed, and don't forget he's got Luffy's speed and fighting skills as well"Zoro said "You know i think he would make a terrible pirate king"Robin said.
"So how do we wanna approach this then? I've got a ton of plans one of them's gotta work" Franky said "He has to have some kind of a weak point"Chopper said "When you're frying a fish this big you scale and de bone it before you put it in the pan"Sanji said "Maybe it's not completely hopeless but i'm scared"Usopp said.
Oars laughed again "Smashing time"he said and jumped up before butt stomping down, they dodged though and ran back, Oars attacked going directly at Franky but the cyborg dodged it "Okay punk you've left us with only one option here, you wanna fight? Then feel the power of all of us combined!"Franky said running over to the others.
"Heads up you guys! I know the plan, we're taking him down with tactic 15!"Franky said "We're what?"Usopp asked "But it's still untested"Chopper said, the three ran over to Zoro and Sanji "Zoro, Eyebrows stand by!"Franky told them "Stand by for what?"Sanji asked "Trust me just grab onto my legs!"Franky said "This feels like it's about to get weird"Sanji said.
And oh boy it got so, so very weird, so very very weird as they did a 'docking' or whatever maneuver "Hey wait Franky!"Chopper said "What something wrong Chopper?"the cyborg asked "We're not complete the left arm still isn't docked yet!"Chopper said "What the hell are you doing? Robin? Nicole? Either one of you ladies hurry up and dock onto my left arm!"Franky said.
"Come on we need you!"Chopper said "Come on it's fine just do what i'm doing"Usopp said however their mood suddenly dropped as did the temperature around them, never had they thought they would face that glare from Nicole, Franky, Usopp and Chopper shivered.

Book One: Treasure of the Heart (Zoro X OC)
FanfictionNicole Mihawk is the daughter of the greatest swords man in the world, one year after leaving home she runs into Roronoa Zoro and learns of his vow to be the best and joins him on his journey and eventually joining the Strawhat Pirates. DISCLAIMER...