The Going Merry and her crew the Strawhat pirates was sailing along in the peaceful seas "Hey guys i think i see an island!"Usopp called from the crows nest "Hmm looks uninhabited to me" Nami said, Nicole was on edge even from this distance she could sense there was something or someone with incredible power on that island.
"Ready the anchor let's go check it out!"Luffy said, the ship sailed to the island and the Strawhats docked her near the shore "Find me some ingredients and i'll start cooking lunch" Sanji said "Listen nothing slimy or gross okay?"Nami said "Why's it matter? Once it's in your stomach it's all the same get over yourself"Zoro said, the crew went off into the forest to gather food while Sanji got a fire going.
"Hey Sanji! We got fish fruit and everything it was easy!"Luffy said as the group made their way back "Nice work"Sanji said and got started cooking the food, after that the Strawhats called cheers and got to eating "Yummy"Luffy said.
"It'd taste a lot better if you didn't scarf it down"Sanji said "I figured you wouldn't have any room left for dinner since you finished off all our snacks on the ship"Usopp said "Then i'm just getting warmed up"Luffy said "That's not good since we decimated half our supplies already" Sanji said "Robin you better eat fast before all the food is gone"Chopper told the archaeologist as she was reading "Just let me get to a stopping point first"Robin said.
"Okay but i heard that if you read too much you turn into a yucky bug, they call them bookworms"Chopper said "A bookworm is just an expression for someone who reads too much, you don't actually turn into a bug"Nicole said "Oh i see"Chopper said and walked off to get more food as Robin giggled a bit.
After finishing their barbecue the Strawhats went back into the woods to find food to store on the Going Merry, Nicole grew more nervous as they went further in, they were getting closer to that someone "Hey, you okay?"Zoro asked noticing that she was on edge "I'm sensing something or someone with a lot of power"she said.
"Is it a monster?!"Usopp freaked "Could be"Nicole said "And there's this little grove along the trail here"Chopper said freaking out "Oh you're right looks like a bicycle came through here, a bicycle monster!"Usopp yelled freaking out "A bicycle monster!"Chopper yelled freaking out as well clinging onto Nicole "Don't be ridiculous guys there's no such thing why would a monster need a bicycle?"Nami said trying to convince herself more then the others.
"Hey check it out we're almost through the jungle"Luffy said and the group made it through "Well that's a let down just looks like a whole lot of nothing out here"he said "There is something, they're behind that rock"Nicole said pointing over to it, indeed a head was popping up from the other side of it.
"The bicycle monster!"Usopp, Chopper and Nami screamed freaking out "I wanna see!"Luffy grinned running over only to get knocked back "Whoa guys come check it!"he yelled and the others ran over "What's going on?"Zoro asked looking over, Nicole flinched back a bit seeing the person this immense power belonged to, she knew who this person was from descriptions her father had given her, however she quickly switched to a stance ready to fight if necessary, this was her chance to test her power.
"I don't know someone's here"Sanji said "Do you mind i was sleeping?"the person asked as Luffy stood up "Oh uh well i'm very sorry to have disturbed your nap"he said giving a quick bow "Oh man that guy's huge"Usopp said as he ran over "I thought we were alone on this island" Nami said as she ran over, Robin gasped falling down to her butt as she saw the person "You know him?"Luffy asked.
"Hey is this guy an enemy?"Sanji asked "Who is he?"Nami asked "If Robin's freaking out then so am i"Usopp said "Something's wrong"Chopper said "Hold on look i know you're surprised to see me but don't get so worked up, it's not like i came here on official orders or anything it's a nice day so i decided to go for a ride"the person said.

Book One: Treasure of the Heart (Zoro X OC)
FanfictionNicole Mihawk is the daughter of the greatest swords man in the world, one year after leaving home she runs into Roronoa Zoro and learns of his vow to be the best and joins him on his journey and eventually joining the Strawhat Pirates. DISCLAIMER...