"That's great, we barely said hello and they already hate us"Sanji said "Get out of here!"one of the men yelled firing a warning shot at Sanji's feet, Sanji of course got mad, Vivi tried to stop him and got shot "Vivi!"Luffy called to her before turning to the men "Why you!"he yelled, the men aimed at us i grabbed one of my swords getting ready to fight if necessary, Luffy went to lead the charge but Vivi stopped him "Luffy stop it! Fighting is not going to help anything! I'm fine Luffy it only graced my arm"Vivi said.
Vivi then turned to the men bowing her head so low it touched the ships deck "It's alright we won't land but can you please call us a doctor? Our friend is dying from a serious illness i'm begging you please help us!"she said "Vivi"Luffy said "You're not fit to be the captain of this ship Luffy, not everything can be fixed by rushing in to start a fight, we can't get into a fight here, think about Nami what would happen to her"Vivi said.
"Yeah right i'm sorry about that,please help us call a doctor our friend needs you"Luffy said bowing down as well, his hat flying off, i dropped my guard as a beat of silence passed by "I'll show you to our village follow me"the leader guy said, i sighed a bit in relief as the men started to leave too, only Zoro, Karoo and i stayed behind on the ship as the rest went to the village.
"Alright i think i can take off your bandages Zoro"i said once everyone had left "Oh, thanks"he said kicking off his shoes, i took off the bandages around his legs and had a final look at them "Yeah, looks good to me"i said nodding to myself "Yeah that's much better"Zoro grinned tapping his feet together, i giggled a bit at him "Now i can get to do some real training, i was getting sick of that modified training i had to do due to my stupid injury"he said.
"Which i may remind you happened because of your stupid plan"i told him "Yeah yeah"Zoro said taking off his coat and shirt leaving him in nothing but his pants "Okay i appreciate the view but what are you doing?"i asked "I'm gonna do some ice water swimming, to clear my head"he said "You're crazy! You're gonna catch hypothermia!"i yelled at him "I'll be fine, it's endurance training"he said "Endurance my ass! You're gonna kill yourself!"i yelled at him.
"Just train like you usually do! You don't have to go jumping into freezing rivers!"I yelled at Zoro "I know i don't have to but i still wanna try to, you're welcome to join"Zoro said, i sighed "No thank you"i said "Suit yourself"Zoro shrugged and got off the ship, he was already shivering just standing in the water, i watched him extremely worried "Zoro!"I called as he dived into the river and got of the ship, i could hear another splash behind me just as Zoro came back up "Get out of there already Zoro!"i yelled at him "No way! I'm getting used to the cold temperature!"he yelled back swimming further down the river "Ugh you are impossible!"i yelled following him along the river bank.
Zoro and i were currently walking through the snow "Come on Zoro, i know you're freezing, it's fine if you take my coat, i'll be fine"i said "I-i'm fine!"Zoro said his teeth chattering "It is because my coat is for women? You know i won't tell anyone you borrowed it"i said when i noticed a woman in a sled infront of us, i gasped "A reindeer?!"i squealed a bit and hugged it around the neck "Aww it's so cute! So fluffy!"i said a big grin on my face nuzzling into the reindeer's fur.
The woman cackled "You must be quite the animal lover most people are scared of Chopper"she said "Why would i ever be scared of such a little cutie?"i asked looking at her, she just laughed again "Your boyfriend over there isn't looking so good, i could check him if you'd like, i am a doctor, although i have a fee"the woman said "Nah he's fine, he hasn't gotten hypothermia yet which is something considering he was swimming in the river a while back, also we're not dating"i said.
"Oh really now? Well that's a shame, well if you don't need me i should be on my way, let's go Chopper"the woman said and left as the reindeer pulled her sled "Now back to where we were, just take my coat already"i said turning to Zoro "No thanks, i'll just warm up with some strength training"Zoro said walking off again, i sighed following him.
As Zoro was training though i heard a rumble in the distance and turned to see what it was "Avalanche!"i yelled Zoro ran over grabbing me and tugging me into his body and curling up as the Avalanche covered us.
Zoro popped out of the snow first "That was way too close for comfort"he said, i followed him up "You saved me"i said amazed by his actions "Of course, you know i care"i cut him off, with a kiss.
I instantly felt warmer as her lips locked with mine, of course i was shocked too but as her arms wrapped around my neck i relaxed and wrapped my arms around her waist returning the kiss, she pulled back after a while i looked at her "What was that for?"i asked "I'm done playing chicken, also as thanks, everyone says we're a couple anyways, might as well make it official"she smiled, i chuckled a bit and kissed her again "Yeah let's make it official"i smiled back at her.
"Nicole, Zoro! I thought it was you"Vivi said as she ran over while we dug ourselves out of the snow "Vivi and uhm"i paused looking at the very swollen face and a long nose "Usopp!"i said recognizing the long nose "What are you guys doing all the way out here in the snow?"Zoro asked "That's exactly what we were gonna ask you!"Vivi and Usopp yelled at us "Well this idiot here thought it would be a great idea to train in freezing weather half naked, i couldn't just let him freeze to death so i followed"i said.
Anyway after that we kinda randomly wondered off, while walking Zoro asked Usopp for his coat "Not a chance" Usopp said "Oh so you'll take his coat but mine is no good?"i asked "Yours wouldn't have anyway"Zoro said, i huffed looking away "How about your shoes?"Zoro asked Usopp "Nope"he said "Just one then"Zoro said "I said no, you did this to yourself"Usopp said.
"Look at that guys there's some people over there"Vivi said as we came up on a village "Hey look at those buildings they seem familiar don't they?"Usopp asked, not to me, never seen them before "You're right Usopp, this place is Big Horn, we just came back it looks a lot different buried in snow though"Vivi said, we walked getting closer to the village.
"Hey what's going on here?"Zoro asked one of the villagers as we got closer "What's going on here?"the villager asked turning to Zoro and me "Wait what's going on with you? Why are you dressed like that?"the villager asked "He thought it would be smart to train half naked in snowy weather"i said "Just how stupid are you?"the villager asked Zoro.
"Dalton is buried in the snow that came down with the avalanche"one of the villagers said "What?"Usopp asked "Dalton is under that?"Vivi asked "That's right and we can't get over there cause those guys are blocking us"the villager said "For the last time stay back! But if you wanna dig your friend up i guess you can try fighting us all!"one of the solders laughed.
"Hey Usopp i think i remember that clothing, those are the same guys that attacked us while we were out in the ocean right?"Zoro asked "Yeah that's right"Usopp said "And they're the enemy, bad guys, not our friends follow me?"Zoro asked "Yeah but wait a second i know that look" Usopp said "Well there's not that many of them so i'm gonna let you have all the fun, besides these clowns don't seem that strong anyway"i said "Yeah, just what i needed to hear Nicole" Zoro said and nodded before going forward.
I watched as Zoro stole the clothes off of one of the solders and fought of the rest of them in a matter of second "Well that was disappointing wasn't it?"Zoro asked as i walked over to him "So now that you're warm i hope you've learned something from this"i said to him "Yeah, i should keep my clothes on in winter"he said, i nodded in agreement as the villagers started to look for this Dalton guy.
"So what's going on why are they so worked up?"Zoro asked as Usopp came running over "I'll explain it all to you later for now let's just give them a hand"Usopp said before running off, Zoro looked at me, i just shrugged and grabbed a shovel and started digging, Zoro did the same.

Book One: Treasure of the Heart (Zoro X OC)
FanfictionNicole Mihawk is the daughter of the greatest swords man in the world, one year after leaving home she runs into Roronoa Zoro and learns of his vow to be the best and joins him on his journey and eventually joining the Strawhat Pirates. DISCLAIMER...