"Well look what we have here you must be the blue sea people who have illegally entered the sovereign land of Skypiea"the leader said "Huh?"Luffy asked "Prepare to have the weight of heavens judgment brought down upon you!" the leader said Conis gasped "You're calling them criminals?"Pagaya asked.
"Illegal entry? What's that?"Luffy asked "Let's just say it's not good"Pagaya said "Don't waste your time making excuses, Amazon who stands at the gate captured these very images using her vision dial"the leader said pulling out pictures from his pocket "No wait that can't be, i think this all a big misunderstanding captain McKinley they're not the criminals you're making them out to be"Pagaya said.
"What do you mean by illegal entry?"Sanji asked "Does this have to do with that ridiculous one billion extol entrance fee? Because we didn't pay her a thing"Robin said "Didn't that old lady say we didn't have to pay it? It's not like she tried to stop us"Usopp said "I guess it's illegal to enter without paying"Nicole said.
"Enough there's no sense in trying to deny it, now fess up, don't worry you need not become panicked just yet according to heaven's judgment illegal entry is only an eleventh degree crime, once you accept your punishment which will be minimal you'll become legal tourist on the spot and may go about your business"McKinley said.
"Well he should have told us that sooner but before we accept what exactly you have planned as far as punishment?"Sanji asked "A mere slap on the wrist all you have to do is pay ten times the entry fee of course if you pay immediately we'll pretend this little episode never happened so ten billion per person times eight people makes your total eighty billion extols cash only" McKinley said.
"Wait seventy billion extols? That sounds like an awful lot of money how much is that in berry?" Usopp asked "That's the currency used in the blue sea right? Today's exchange range is ten thousand extols per beri"McKinley said Usopp started doing the math but was totally wrong "Eighty billion extols is eight million berries genius"Robin corrected him.
"Get real do you realize how expensive that is? After risking our lives coming to this place why should we have to pay a stupid fee just to enter your precious city? We can't agree to that"Sanji said "You brought this on yourselves if you just had paid the eight hundred thousand berries in the first place we wouldn't be having this talk"McKinley said "That's still a lot!"Usopp yelled at him.
"Hey forget it just ignore them, let's go get Nami she might be lost somewhere and crying right now"Sanji said turning to the others "I will give you a warning, we are the White Beret direct servants of the high priest, if you continue to deny your criminal status will worsen! Also this waver it looks broken! If you broke it then it's a class 10 crime, the one about citizens of blue sea braking properties in sky island"McKinley said.
"No no no excuse me this was theirs to begin with"Pagaya said "Yup it's mine"Luffy cut it "Theirs? There shouldn't be wavers in the blue seas if this was stolen from sky island it's a class nine crime"McKinley said "So noisy stop or i will really send you flying with a punch"Luffy said starting to get annoyed.
"Please wait!!!"Nami called as she approached from the distance "Nami~swan!"Sanji called to her with heart eyes "Luffy! Promise you won't start any trouble okay?!"Nami called over as she rode closer with a waver "Don't know if i can keep that promise"Luffy said "Hey! Nami we need you to fork over eight million berries from your stash to pay for all the fines we got!"Usopp yelled over.
"Oh good so we pay the fine and we're clear, did he say eight million?"Nami asked before speeding up the waver and crashing into McKinley and sending him flying "You're ripping us off!"she yelled and came to a stop before pulling the waver over to Pagaya "Hey thanks for letting me use your waver i love the way it handles"Nami said.

Book One: Treasure of the Heart (Zoro X OC)
FanfictionNicole Mihawk is the daughter of the greatest swords man in the world, one year after leaving home she runs into Roronoa Zoro and learns of his vow to be the best and joins him on his journey and eventually joining the Strawhat Pirates. DISCLAIMER...