Chapter One Hundred Eight ~ One Thousand Shadows

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"Gum Gum Bell!"Oars said stretching his head out as he attacked the Strawhats, again they dodged but barely, Oars attacked again and the crew got blown back from the wind "What the hell's going on here? He just got exponentially more powerful"Sanji said "It's not like he ate a devil fruit so how is he able to stretch like that?"Zoro asked.

"I told you before it's Moria, he's manipulating the shadow to stretch and the body moves to match it"Nicole said, Moria explained in detail how it worked but Nicole wasn't really paying attention, she knew how his power worked through her father "Moria's even stronger then we thought, even if Oars doesn't have a devil fruit he can still stretch if Moria controls the shadow he can rewrite the rules"Chopper said.

"It's a bit of cold comfort to know Oars isn't actually a rubber man if he has all the same powers it doesn't do us much good wasn't he though enough already i mean give us a brake already" Sanji said "Right? It was hard before but now it's almost impossible"Zoro said.

"Kishishi you know, he has even more tricks then Strawhat for example if i force his shadow into a ball"Moria trailed off just as he did what he said he would and Oars turned into a ball which started rolling at them but they ran away before coming to a stop as Oars ball didn't follow.

"Come on master what's the big idea huh? This is my fight i should get to drive"Oars said "I'm sorry i didn't mean to interfere i'll just focus on assisting from here on and now crush each one of them as you see fit"Moria said "Okay i know i'm a little late to the party but let me get this straight, are you saying we gotta defeat Luffy zombie and Moria if we wanna get everyone's shadows back? Is that the jist of it?"Nami asked.

"Yeah that's about it"Usopp said "You're kidding?! The sun is almost up!"Nami yelled "The enemy's forcing our hand it's not like we have much of a choice!"Usopp yelled back "Excuse me, i beg of you please allow me to help, i have an idea that just might work"Brook said and explained his plan to Usopp, Nami and Robin.

They shot Brook at Oars and electrified him with a spin from Robin's powers, Brook went straight through Oars' arm and the others followed up with Zoro running in with his swords, Oars turned to Brook and attacked and Brook went down, Usopp fired at him but it had no effect Oars went to attack but this time he didn't stretch because Robin was holding down Moria with her powers.

Moria had his shadow attack Robin but Nicole stepped in the way cutting the brick bats, Moria's shadow reformed behind them and switched places with it, Nicole was quick though and attacked having anticipated this "Whoa there!"Moria said managing to dodge before he grabbed both their shadows.

"Nicole!"Zoro called rushing over as Robin's and Nicole's shadow was cut from them, Robin and Nicole fell down but Zoro caught her and tried waking her up as Moria laughed "Too bad i don't have a corpse to put you in but i'll hold onto you for save keeping"he said speaking to the shadows.

Sanji came in to defend the ladies with his literally flaming foot but Moria switched places with his shadow again "Stupid master i told you once already this is my fight quit butting in"Oars said "I do apologize Oars i couldn't help myself from getting in on the fun"Moria said, Oars attacked stretching himself again aiming for the girls but Sanji blocked the hit.

Zoro tisked seeing that Nicole wasn't waking up no matter what and took her to safety before joining back into the fight as Usopp took Robin away.


Nightmare Luffy showed up and beat down Moria and Oars however just as the day seemed saved Oars stood up once again, the pirates that had helped Luffy were ready to head back to the shadows of the forest but Zoro stood in their way.

"I'm not sure how it was for Luffy but Oars took one hell of a beating"Zoro said "Whoa hold on you need to take it easy you don't wanna die do ya?"one of the pirates asked "Of course not" Nicole said now awake and walking over to Zoro "However we can't lay down while there's still work to be done"she said coming to a stop and standing at Zoro's side.

Luffy got back up too "I'd love to give him just one more punch, i can't move damn it my body's too worn to get up right now, hey Robin"Luffy called "Yes i'm right here"Robin responded awake and up again as well "I wanna get up there"Luffy said "I understand, i'll provide some footholds for you"Robin said.

"I too am still willing and able to help"Brook said "Good to hear i've already got a plan"Luffy said "Just as i thought, everybody's back up and ready for the next round"Nami said hiding in the distance "Hey it's about to get real ugly here so get out of the way"Zoro told the bystanders that promptly ran away after that warning.

Robin used her powers to give literal footholds as Brook carries Luffy up them, Nami used her climatact to create rain around Oars totally soaking him, the others finished what they were doing and froze Oars from the waist down, up above Sanji kicked the chain wrapping it around Oars, from the top of the mast Brook tossed Luffy down as he 'activated' Third Gear getting ready to attack.

Zoro and Nicole attacked Oars' stomach cutting into him, Sanji activated the wheel snapping Oars' spine straight, Luffy came flying down and attacked Oars right in the face and snapping his spine and a few other bones, Oars went down for good this time.

However once again just as the day seemed saved the sun started to come up threatening everyone without a shadow and what's more Moria was awake "Fine that just saves us the trouble of waking you up ourselves now unless you want another serious beating from Strawhats you'll do what we say give the order return the shadows now!"the captain of the other pirate crew demanded.

"Kishishishi what do you think this is? A playground brawl? A true pirate would never bow to demands like that not even if his life depended on it, so you teamed up with those losers from the forest did you? What a joke, now i see how Strawhat got that ridiculous increase in power how desperate you must be to use my own shadow abilities again me"Moria said.

"You shut your mouth return the shadows at once!"the female captain demanded "Strawhat Luffy you've got some nerve to make a mess of Thriller Bark, you'll pay for what you've done to my glorious ship!"Moria said "You're the one who's gonna pay it's your fault for picking a fight with my crew now give back those shadows before the sun comes up!"Luffy demanded still all tiny from using Third Gear.

"Kishishishi Why when at this point all i have to do is sit around and wait for you to die? I'm afraid you're not cut out for the new world kid, i admit you've got some good underlings but it doesn't matter all will be lost! And do you know why?! Because unlike me you've yet to realize the weakness of your crew"Moria said.

"I trusted my underlings as you do but despite their talents do you know why i ended up losing them? Because they were mortal that's what makes things different this time, had they've been zombies from the beginning i would have had nothing to lose"Moria said moving out tentical like things.

"Zombies are relentless eternal warriors that can be replaced even if they fall now with my army of the undead there's nothing in the world that will stop me from becoming King of the Pirates you and your crew should be grateful for the chance to serve as my slaves"Moria said sucking up shadows from his zombie army, all one thousand.

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