"We're drifting away do something stupid!"Zoro yelled at Sanji "Got any ideas genius?! The steering wheel won't move an inch"Sanji yelled back "And even if we use the paddle those waves are too high"Franky said "Eh no big hurry i'm still having fun the waves will take us to the island sooner or later"Luffy said and Nicole sweatdropped "How carefree"she muttered.
"Yeah what about Nami huh? You forget about her?"Sanji asked, Luffy hummed a bit spotting something in the distance "Is that a spider web?"Zoro asked "Looks like it"Nicole said before the ship was rocked by a huge wave sending her crashing onto him, Zoro caught her and himself though as Luffy flew off from his spot.
The Sunny got trapped in the spider web "Damn it now what? The ship didn't take any damage but it's not like we can sail it anymore and by the way i'd hate to see the spider that spun this thing, it's freaking huge"Franky said, Nicole smirked a bit "Why? Scared?"she asked "Shut up!" Franky yelled at her.
"This is no good thanks to this gigantic spider web we're dead in the water"Franky said "Something not right about this"Zoro said "You're telling me"Nicole said "It's not like we'll be leaving anyway, we have to find Nami and the others too i guess, let's head out"Sanji said "Hey Zoro! Nicole! Get your butts down here already!"Luffy called.
"Even if meeting that skeleton was a flook, the fact the Sunny and the Mini Merry got tangles in this web is pretty fishy"Zoro said "I don't think Brook had anything to do with this, don't forget this is the ship of a warlord"Nicole said "That makes this trap more obvious and that idiot already wants to spring it"Zoro said.
Nicole smiled grabbing Zoro's hand "We'll just escape it then, come on now"she said dragging him along as she jumped off the ship and joined the others, they went down a staircase and into a three headed creature that barked at them "Yum!"Luffy said licking his lips.
"Check it out everyone it's Cerberus we are literally on the path to hell right now"Sanji said "Aww poor thing it looks all mangled"Nicole said "I think it's kinda cute"Robin said "Are they a threat? Cause i'm feeling super"Franky said "Three heads are overkill"Zoro said "Says the guy with three swords"Nicole sweatdropped.
"Wonder what they taste like?"Luffy wondered outloud before barking back at the Cerberus making it all scared but it didn't back up "Weird how they got riles up out of nowhere"Zoro said "Maybe one of the heads remembered they're supposed to be brave?"Sanji asked "It's possible"Robin said.
Luffy grinned "I'm gonna tame this bad boy"he said "You idiot you can't just tame it you do know it's not a regular dog yeah?"Zoro asked "Come on how hard could it be? Who's a good boy shake!"Luffy said but all three heads bit him, he got them off of him and punched them.
The crew walked out of there with Luffy riding the Cerberus "The poor things body looks pretty beat up i'm surprised he can still walk around like that"Robin said "I wonder what wise ass put this thing together cause whoever it was can't tell the difference between a dog head and a fox head"Sanji said.
"Actually the two other head seem more like wolves if you ask me"Nicole said scratching behind the ear of one of the heads trying to cheer it up "If this is the first creature on the island i can't wait to see what other stuff we run into"Luffy said a big grin on his face.
"Can you hear me Nami~swan?! Hello! Where are you my love?!"Sanji called "She's in that mansion we saw earlier, as is Chopper and Usopp"Nicole said "Right let's head that way!"Luffy grinned pointing the way forward "I've got a pretty good sense of direction but i can barely tell my Strong Right from my Coup de Boo around here"Franky said.
"There's so much fog everywhere for all that we know we might be going in circles"Robin said "nah we should be fine as long as Zoro doesn't take the lead"Nicole said with a teasing smirk "Hey! I'm not that terrible with directions!"Zoro yelled in protest blushing, the Luffy spotted a unicorn and a tree having a drink and started chasing them around and catching them with Franky.

Book One: Treasure of the Heart (Zoro X OC)
FanfictionNicole Mihawk is the daughter of the greatest swords man in the world, one year after leaving home she runs into Roronoa Zoro and learns of his vow to be the best and joins him on his journey and eventually joining the Strawhat Pirates. DISCLAIMER...