Chapter Four ~ Setting Sail

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After three or so weeks i was feeling stiff and hungry so i just watched as Zoro and Luffy dealt with the marines, besides those two didn't seem to need any help, then that prick Helmeppo appeared, holding Coby hostage with a gun to the boys head yelling at Luffy, i just sighed a bit and slipped behind the prick pointing one sword at his back and the other at his neck.


"I'm not exactly fond of self entitled pricks like you, it'd be so easy to drive this sword through your heart or this sword through your neck, which one do you think would kill you first?" Nicole asked her eyes narrowed and deadly serious "Nicole"Luffy called, Nicole glanced at him "Let him go"he told her, "As you say captain"Nicole shrugged putting her swords away and walking over to Zoro.


Luffy punched Helmeppo when Morgan showed up aiming a strike at the straw hat boy when Zoro knocked him out cold, the marines were totally in awe and it was all smiles and cheers, whatever, Zoro collapsed hungry, i smiled walking over to him "Hey i'm hungry too but you don't see me whine"I said.

"That's right we have an unfinished fight, just lets eat first okay?"he asked, i giggled a bit and smiled "Sure"i said, i dragged Zoro to the town outside of this marine base and we found the diner we had been in before all this happened, the owner was glad to provide Zoro, Luffy and i all we could eat.

"Whew i'm stuffed, having not eaten in three weeks i was ready to gnaw through my bootstraps" i rolled my eyes at Zoro finishing the drink i had having already finished stuffing myself, Luffy was still eating though "I can't believe you're finished, lightweight"he said "How can you have a bigger appetite then someone who hasn't eaten in weeks?"Zoro asked him.

"Just taste good i guess, right Coby?"Luffy asked, ignoring the glasses guy i leaned over to Zoro "It's probably cause his stomach is made of rubber too"i whispered to him, he nodded in agreement "So how many others have you gathered for your crew besides Nicole and i?"Zoro decided to ask "Just you two"Luffy said.

Zoro was stunned "It's just us"Luffy said "So Nicole, you and i are what amount to an entire pirate crew?"Zoro asked "What's wrong with that? We're a couple of strong guys, Nicole seems pretty though too"Luffy said.

I snorted a bit "I sense you doubt my capabilities and if i'm any good as a part of your crew, you have nothing to worry captain aside for my awesome swordsmanship, i can also offer other skills such as smithing"I told him "What's that?"Luffy asked tilting his head confused, i rolled my eyes a bit "Simply put with the proper equipment and some materials i can make weapons"i said.

"Ooooh that sounds cool!!! Alright you're in"Luffy grinned, i smiled leaning back in my seat, i would of gone with regardless, i wanted to stick close to Zoro and help him achieve his dream simply cause i want to, i don't see it as going against my father, rebelling as one might say, anyway Zoro asked Luffy about his ship and Luffy pointed out this little boat in the docks.

It could be worse considering we're just starting out, Luffy said we're heading straight for the grand line, Coby went on and on about how terrible it is and all that "I've heard stories from people passing by, customers say that no one that has entered the grand line comes out of that place alive"the owner said.

I snorted a bit as Luffy grinned and said "Which is really too bad cause that's where the One Piece is said to be and that's exactly where we're going" i decided to cut in and add "Besides if no one comes out alive from the Grand Line, where have all these stories come from?" Zoro then smirked "Whatever happens, we'll just have to live with it"he said.

"No! You can't agree!"Coby yelled "What do you care? You're not coming with us are you?"Zoro asked "No but is it so wrong to worry about you three? Luffy and i haven't known each other for long but i still consider him a friend wouldn't you say?"Coby asked Luffy, "Of course, we may have to part ways but we'll always be friends"Luffy grinned.

Coby then went on about his life story and his dream of becoming a marine, really i could care less, then the marines showed up, we were forced to leave, Luffy showed Coby wasn't with us by goading him into hitting him which was totally obvious and as were sailed off the marines gave us a salute, marines saluting pirates now that's a first.

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