Cemetery Weather

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"It'll feed off the wounds that bleed."

My eyes felt heavy and sunken when I woke up. But being met with the curious baby blues in Carl's made it a little less painful. I sat up from my place on the ground, running a hand through my hair.

"Hey, bud," I croaked. 


"When did you wake up?" I asked him. 

"A little while ago. Daryl asked me to watch you until you got up." I laughed a little at that. 

"I'm a big girl, Carl, I think I can handle myself and wake up alone." 

He shrugged. "He asked so I did." 

I laughed again, ruffling the young boy's hair causing him to laugh too and swat my hand away.

"Speaking of which, where is Daryl?" 

Carl nodded off to the woods behind us. "Went that way a little while ago. Said he was going hunting." 

I nodded, thanking Carl as I stood up and stuck my gun in the waistband of my pants, heading off to find Daryl. 

"Hey, Belle," someone shouted. I turned, seeing Glenn jogging up to me. "Take this, if you're going out there." I looked down at his hand, seeing a sheathed hunting knife in it. I took it out of its casing, checking the sharpness of the blade, before putting it back in. I smiled at him. 

"Thanks, Glenn." He smiled back before we turned our separate ways.

I had been out for a small while finding no signs of Daryl anywhere. I didn't want to yell for the chances of attracting a walker or scaring off potential game if he was close. At this point, however, it was becoming a huge consideration. Although, the whole time I felt self-conscious like I was being watched. A small crack of a breaking twig behind me caused me to grab my gun quickly, once again pointing at whatever made the noise. To my displeasure, it was Shane. Something was off about the man, I just couldn't quite pick it out yet.

"The hell are you doing out here?" I asked him. 

"I could ask you the same question," he retorted, placing his hands on his hips. I sighed, putting my gun back in the waistband of my jeans. 

"Well, I am looking for my friend. But I'll ask again: the hell are you doing out here?" 

"I was looking for you."

I raised my eyebrows, sitting into my hip and crossing an arm over my stomach while my other hand was laid on my chest. 


"Yeah. You all seemed a bit tense about the group, I just wanted to make amends and assure you we're good people." 

Something about this didn't seem right. 

"And this couldn't have waited until I got back?" 

He shrugged, "Thought now was as good a time as any." 

I chuckled, looking down. "Right, right, so following me in the woods was the best way to approach this?" Shane sighed looking down then back up at me. He started slowly pacing closer to me.

Trespassing (Daryl Dixon x OC)Where stories live. Discover now