Move Together

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"And we'll argue the tiniest things. We didn't get tonight, we don't have tomorrow. So I'm done whispering."

"Where the hell have you been?" Daryl angrily asked, lowering his bow and kicking the door shut.

"Here," I muttered, putting the safety back on my gun and placing it on the coffee table.

Daryl huffed, pacing around slightly. "Yeah, no shit. You know half the shit you put me through? For months?!"

"Oh, you're worried about what I put you through? You know half the shit you put me through for years?!" I shouted back at him.

"When the hell are you gonna let that shit go?"

"When you finally take the fucking blame."

His face grew red. The vein on the side of his neck popped out with every word. "I have. How many times did I tell you I was hurting you? How many times did I tell you I was fucking sorry?"

"Maybe if you acted like you were sorry it would have made a fucking difference!" I began walking off to the kitchen, needing some breathing room because Daryl was suffocating me.

"I found your note," he said a little quieter. I stopped, turning around to look at him. "Right after you left, I found your note in your cell. I ran out to try and find you...but you were just gone." I remained silent, not knowing what to say. I didn't have an argument for what he was saying. "I never told anyone," he continued. "I went out every day looking. Most of them think you're dead. I thought you were dead. Carl's scared shitless. And you just fucking left us behind like we were nothing."

I fumed at this, clenching my jaw and tightening my hands into fists. "I wasn't going to stay there and let myself suffer because of you." Daryl tensed visibly at my accusation. "You gave up on me, Daryl. I waited a week for you to turn around and you didn't. I cleared my life away to give me a solid ground to stand on--for you--and you pushed me away."

"So that's it? You just fucking run away?" he shouted as I finally entered the kitchen.

"Yep," I shouted back, annoyance laced into the word. It was childish and it angered Daryl more.

"You had all of us worried to shit! You're smarter than that, Belle Matthers." 

He never used my full name like that. Only when he was absolutely furious. I turned slowly, seeing him still standing in the living room. 

"Do not talk to me about fucking running away because you, Daryl Dixon, have done it plenty of times before." I didn't think he could tense himself up any more than he has. I was wrong. "And each time, before this and now, you have left me a worried fucking mess. So don't march in here and tell me what I should and shouldn't be doing. Don't tell me I'm smarter than that. Don't tell me how worried you were. Stop pretending like you give a shit!"

"I do give a shit!" he screamed. I always got scared when he got like this. Yes, right now he was intimidating, but I was too high on adrenaline and anger to let it stop me. "Why do you think I'm here right now?"

I remained silent, my chest heaving as the rush of my primal instincts flowed through me. I'd never felt this way before. All I thought about was how angered I was and how Daryl was the cause of it all.

"What the hell is it that you want, Belle?" he asked, still angered but not yelling.

"I want you to love me," I said without thinking. The words just fell off my tongue and through my lips. Daryl remained unfazed. Typical. Fucking typical. 

Trespassing (Daryl Dixon x OC)Where stories live. Discover now