Dusk Till Dawn

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"Baby, I'm right here. I'll hold you when things go wrong. I'll be with you from dusk till dawn."

Hershel and I walked through the prison together in a comfortable silence. It was strange to be walking around the place again. I'd been bed-ridden for so long that the action and hallways felt foreign.

"Everyone's out working right now. I haven't told them anything yet. Take your time to settle back in," Hershel said as we entered C Block. I hugged him tightly.

"Thank you," I mumbled. "You saved my life."

"Me? No, I just injected you. That boy of yours saved your life." Hershel turned on his heel to go and finish treating the others in A Block.

I turned and studied the cell block that had now become my home. It hadn't changed, not that there was much to change. The aura was somber and tense. This virus was taking a toll on everyone, not just the sick. You could feel the despair and worry bouncing off the walls. 

I slowly sauntered through the area, my feet guiding me to my own cell I called home.

Daryl was sitting on my bed, fiddling with the necklace I made him when I first went to the craft store a while back. He looked exhausted and defeated. Under his eyes were dark due to lack of sleep--I knew there was no way he'd sleep knowing I was dying. I could see him struggle to keep his eyes open, his eyelids becoming their own individual weights.

"Cheer up, buttercup," I said, causing his head to snap up, "you look like your girlfriend almost died or somethin'."

Daryl scrambled to his feet, taking long and quick strides over to me. I smiled at his eagerness. Hell, I'd be doing ten times what he was if I wasn't still regaining all my lost energy. He wrapped his arms around my waist tightly, mine instinctively going around his neck. I held the back of his head with one of my hands, gently carding my fingers in his hair. My feet dangled off the ground slightly. Daryl quickly shifted his hands to grip the back of my thighs, hoisting me up effortlessly.

"I'm here, baby," I muttered into his skin. "I'm not going anywhere."

Daryl let out a small puff of air. I couldn't tell if it was a chuckle of relief or a choked-out sob. I held onto him tighter. Even though we were flush against each other, pressed so tightly together, there still seemed to be a world in between us.

"Hey," I said, lifting my head from his shoulder. 

Daryl quickly lifted his head and kissed me. I could feel the desperation but also the relief. His lips worked swiftly against mine. There was a constant push and pull movement between us as we touched. Countless thoughts and emotions were swarming my brain as I got lost in him. I felt a few tears slip down my cheeks. He was here. I was here. We were together. Loving each other. 

Daryl moved us further into my cell, pressing my back against the wall. I reluctantly pulled my lips away from his. Well, I tried to, at least. He was quick to capture them between his again and again. Feeling him this close, this intimately again, I just couldn't say no. 

"Daryl," I said, finally prying my mouth away and gasping for air. Daryl looked down, his chest heaving with heavy breaths. He didn't look at me. He wouldn't look at me. I brought my hands to hold the sides of his face, mumbling sweet nothings to try and get him to look up. I kissed the top of his head, resting the bridge of my nose on it afterward.

"Please," I whispered. When I felt his head move, I lifted mine. Slowly, I met his blue eyes, the whites a slight pink from exhaustion and now-tears. Small lines glistened on his cheeks where they'd fallen. He looked so broken but just newly repaired.

"I thought I lost you," he choked out. I frowned slightly, his words sending a slight tinge of pain through my body. My thumbs carefully stroked under his eyes, wiping away the moisture that had collected. Daryl let his eyelids shut, his wet lashes gently brushing against my skin.

"I'm right here, baby," I reassured him. 

I unwrapped my legs from Daryl's torso allowing me to stand on my own two feet while his hands slid up to my waist. His eyes remained closed, relishing in my touch that he went without for weeks. 

"You need to sleep," I stated. "Don't think I didn't notice." 

At this, Daryl chuckled. It was a small rumble from his chest, nothing significant or overbearing. By the looks of his softening facial expression and the slight upturn of his lips, I could tell he missed those little snarky remarks I make. He opened his eyes, never once losing focus on me. 

"Come on, I'll sleep with you," I offered, attempting to get him to get the rest he ultimately needs. 

"Just...one thing," he said, gently grabbing my hands and bringing them down to our sides. "I gotta ask, how close were you?" 

I gave him a skeptical look. "Daryl, I don't think--"

"Belle." I shut my mouth. He took a deep breath, closing his eyes on the inhale, opening them on the exhale. "Please," he begged, "I just...I need to know."

I sighed. I didn't want him to know this nor did I want him to keep worrying, but by the look on his face, not telling him would have a worse effect than telling him. 

"If you came any later than you did," I spoke slowly, "I wouldn't be here right now." Daryl lowered his head and nodded. I quickly lifted his chin back up. "You are the reason I am here. You, Daryl Dixon, saved my life."

"Nah," he muttered. "It was Hershel."

I shook my head. "He just injected me. You're the one who got that medicine. And knowing you, you probably risked your whole damn life."

"I wasn't gonna let you die."

"And I love you for that. And in the coming days, when I regain more of my energy, I'll give you a token of my gratitude," I said with a wink. Daryl smiled, resting his forehead on mine for a moment. "Come on, you need to sleep."

Daryl and I laid on my bed together for the first time in weeks. This was the warmth and love I desperately missed while I slowly rotted away on Death Row. He laid on his back while I laid flat on top of him. My head rested right on his shoulder, one of my legs bent to wrap around his. He held onto my waist tightly as if I was a teddy bear. My upper half lifted and fell with each one of Daryl's breaths. I'd never felt more at peace. Even when I was dying, reliving my life through a sequence of dreams, this moment was the most peaceful. If only I could see the smile on my father's face knowing that his little girl was the happiest she's ever been. 

I'd never been more content to fall into a quiet, dreamless sleep.

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