Night Changes

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"Does it ever drive you crazy just how fast the night changes?"

It was strange adjusting back to life at the prison. It felt like I never left but it felt like I was gone for years. It was strange having the people from Woodbury, everyone else having grown accustomed to them while I was still skeptical. It was nice having Tyreese and Sasha back, though. I'd always had a good feeling about them since they saved me from that walker in the boiler room. How they managed to get into the prison was beyond me but I'm grateful they were there.

I was enjoying the cool breeze the day was bringing, sitting against the back of the prison. I wasn't necessarily avoiding people, I just wanted some time to myself, time to just breathe in and out and let peace settle in.

"So you two really are together, huh?" Adam asked as he came up beside me. I looked up at him, squinting slightly from the sun.

"Yeah," I said looking back out at the array of trees surrounding the prison. Adam sat beside me.

"I'm happy for you," he said.

"Thanks," I replied. Out of curiosity, I asked, "Did you ever find your girlfriend?"

He nodded slowly. "Half her face was chewed off." 

My eyes widened slightly. I knew what it was like to see someone you loved as the undead. Dad. Sophia. It hits you where it hurts, and even that's an understatement.

"I'm so sorry," I mumbled.

"You're right, though," he said, "I have changed since then. The Governor, he...he was just fucking crazy. I thought he was nice at first but once you guys came to Woodbury...he lost his shit."

I was silent at this. I knew that man was crazy. He raped me. I never understood what his problem was, nor would I probably ever know. I just felt bad that he was what changed Adam.

"Sometimes there just isn't good in people," I said monotonously. I heard Adam shift his head. "Sometimes people get greedy and power hungry and they lead by fear. Sometimes...sometimes they rape people just for answers."

"Holy shit, did he...?" he trailed off. I nodded. " No way. Are you serious?"

"Do I look like I'm fucking around?" I snapped, finally turning my head. "Was my hair this short when we first met?"

Adam just stared at me, purely shocked and not knowing what to say or do. "I'm sorry," he mumbled, looking away. I looked back as well, sighing as I did.

"It's fine," I muttered. "It's not the first time." That last part was under my breath, but Adam still turned to look at me. I just hoped he didn't actually hear what I said. I don't want to get into it. We were awkwardly silent so I stood up and left. Adam made no attempts to stop me or catch up which was fine by me. I wanted to find Carl. That kid always seemed to know how to lift my spirits.

"Carl," I called as I entered the cell block. I poked my head into his cell to find he wasn't there. I knew he wasn't outside working with his father, I would've seen him before coming in. I began wandering the halls of the prison in search of him, trying to think of where he could be.

In one of the halls, I passed by one of the kids from Woodbury. "Hey," I said to him, "you're one of the Woodbury kids right? Patrick?"

He looked up at me. His arms were holding his stomach and he looked a bit pale. "Yeah. You're Belle, right?" he asked in return.

"Yeah," I said, scrunching up my eyebrows. I leaned over and placed a hand on his shoulder. "You okay, honey? You don't look so good."

"Yeah, just feel a little sick. I was gonna go lay down."

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